Segsi and Looking for Sharci

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Death Awaits You
Fobs (20+) in my area are mostly uneducated but guys are hard working people. female fobs are more interesting in collecting welfare. They move to other states where section 8 is easier to obtain then give birth every year and have as many as 7 kids and stay on welfare as they pretty much don't give a f*ck the fact they're scamming the government.


"You are your best thing"
@Gambar most Somalis in MN are fobs, they came here after 2000s:mjlol:and they fall under two categories, ones that try to fit in badly, they imitate the black culture(in cringy way) or the ones that refused to fit in and think they still live in Somalia, there is no in between for most fobs lol


Intellectual saqajaan
Kills me every time


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm being honest, fobs and me are not on the same page when it comes to what I want for the future.

Fobs are allergic to vacations, restaurants, being peaceful, smelling good. Kkkkkkk

I can't fault you there. What if it was an ilbax Farax from Yurub? :siilaanyosmile:A boat ride away from being fresh.

I know a few women who married from back home. Their husbands were not the type to sit around chewing khat and collecting money for tahriib. They took advantage of whatever opportunities they could get in their country whether it was work or education. When you bring them to the western world, they start from the bottom but they have ambition. A lot of them in 5-10 years time will be doing better then some of the Farax's who were born and raised here.

In terms of the income disparity, that is a reality regardless. Even in the western world, there has been a lot written about the "dating gap" and the need for highly educated+/older women to consider men who may make less/have less education if they ever want to be married or have children.

The being used for sharci piece is a real risk but some are willing to take it.

I don't think the western Farax's have much to worry about though, the odds are still in their favour.

:farmajoyaab: Sis, the Faraxs in the west that are older and have together are khatar and full of kibir. Once you add decent looks and a gym body the blockbuster line up won't stop. They are indeed a big headed lot. We must humble them. That's why I'm cheerleading for the back home brothers with 'ambition'. The bonus is that they don't have to deal with a bi-cultural dilemma like us born and/or raised in the west. Which means self-esteem is through the roof, combine that with productivity and you're unstoppable.


Death Awaits You
Not true.

The Somalis that are doing better are the more isolated Somalis who haven't grown up in some hood where the nae nae is an every-gas- station type of neighborhood production
This is absolutely true.
Few Somalis live the Bay Area so we don't have a
sizable Somali community here. Those who were born and raised here (majority of them) are very educated to the extent they go on to top universities. I know 2 Somalis from here that went to UC Davis and 1 Somali went to UC Berkeley.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Why on earth so many men pick up hobbies, workout or debase themselves and their values to impress women is baffling. You should train and improve yourself purely for your own happiness. Getting women is just a secondary effect. I would say that even picking up girls after a certain period is a waste of time and resources. Too many people think with their wrong head. :stevej:

:gucciwhat: Whatever you do Morpheus, don't give them the RED PILL.

@ArchBishopofAtheism You mean to say if @Inquisitive_ was a female you'd be all up in his D.................Ms.:stevej:

@lone not all FOBs are created equally. Get yourself one with money. Preferably a Djiboutian Duke. :ohhhdamn:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Inquisitive_ you make a valiant point. Men and women would be better poised to pursue piety. However, when you've been brainwashed by the media for the better part of your youth (meant to decay you from within), you become confused like our good old friend @Cognitivedissonance aka Rick Ross. When your mind holds two opposing ideas, it's tough to reconcile. You'll end up like me; straight-edged, hair showing and listening to the devil's tunes. Energy goes where energy grows. When you're a beautiful plant fed poison you will become that which you are fed. Thing is, adults have some agency and can walk away. Old habits die hard. If I could give you the formula for sustained behavioral change; I'd be a trillionaire by now or locked up underground somewhere by the elite.:manny:
Why do you put me in the same boat as that nigga inquisitive do you want me to get blown up into smithereens?

I haven’t got two opposing views I have a particular view for the west and another for back home.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Why do you put me in the same boat as that nigga inquisitive do you want me to get blown up into smithereens?

I haven’t got two opposing views I have a particular view for the west and another for back home.

:pachah1:You're finally here. Now we can discuss FEMINAZIS running naked through the streets and blowing things up. You and @Inquisitive_ aren't too different. You're both fighting against the same evil - Institutional Misandry.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:pachah1:You're finally here. Now we can discuss FEMINAZIS running naked through the streets and blowing things up. You and @Inquisitive_ aren't too different. You're both fighting against the same evil - Institutional Misandry.
Allah willing when I go back home in sha Allah I will be the biggest feminist we need misandry & gynocentrism in Somalia waa billahi towfiq


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I will support our sisters back home to have more influence and a voice in our society I strongly believe Somali women are the backbone of Somali society they’re the teachers of our leaders I will do my utmost to bring to light injustices Somalis sisters face in our justice system back home and shed light to the blatant biases such as girls being wed off to the man that raped her amongst many other things that Somali women face back home.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Allah willing when I go back home in sha Allah I will be the biggest feminist we need misandry & gynocentrism in Somalia waa billahi towfiq

I'd love to do the same. Sadly, Somali isn't my strong suit. Neither is English, as I speak with a vocal fry. It's extremely annoying and it appears my message is lost. There is no gravitas in oudka. Allow me to demonstrate.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'd love to do the same. Sadly, Somali isn't my strong suit. Neither is English, as I speak with a vocal fry. It's extremely annoying and it appears my message is lost. There is no gravitas in oudka. Allow me to demonstrate.

I got you I will make sure my voice is heard like bilal may Allah be pleased with him.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I got you I will make sure my voice is heard like bilal may Allah be pleased with him.

Why thank you, bro. I got to thinking. Since my voice has no awrah. Perhaps, I can become quite the Public Speaker back home; and do my part to spread the western feminist manifesto. What do you think?:pachah1:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why thank you, bro. I got to thinking. Since my voice has no awrah. Perhaps, I can become quite the Public Speaker back home; and do my part to spread the western feminist manifesto. What do you think?:pachah1:
I would support that wholeheartedly Somali sisters are being oppressed back home maybe it would even out the playing field.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The red pill needs to be spread far and wide. Morning shax with red pill should be compulsory :fittytousand:.

I will be the spokesperson for it in the west as @Cognitivedissonance has encouraged me, after hearing my glass-shattering voice. Question - will I be paid for my speaking engagements or is all pro-bono?:pachah1:*I'm a manist in the west and a feminist in the east.*
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