Why couldn't a single muslim country be in top 25 best countries for women?

Should the result of the scientific studies lead to social changes in muslim countries?

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It’s pointless to argue about our beliefs like I said to you before let’s see who was right or wrong on the day of judgment:samwelcome:

That day isn’t coming bro

Islam isn’t the only apocalyptic religion And they all fail

I will my life to the fullest and you live your restricted life
That day isn’t coming bro

Islam isn’t the only apocalyptic religion And they all fail

I will my life to the fullest and you live your restricted life
If it doesn’t come both of us won’t loose anything but if I’m right you’ll regret it


Qolana Janno qolana naar
One is one too many, imagine if that was your sister given to a foreign man as a slave.
Also records point to there being many more than her :bell:

If you can't even get sex slavery right, what else can't you get right? Yaaab :gucciwhat:
The life of Aisha R.A is open book. Did she complain about her marriage to the prophet even long after he died.

Read and understand who Aisha was before you froth from the mouth with what your masters tell you.

Nactullahi calal kafirin.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
That day isn’t coming bro

Islam isn’t the only apocalyptic religion And they all fail

I will my life to the fullest and you live your restricted life
What is to the fullest. Being gay? Waking up with your hand in you A hole.

Dirt will be dirt.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat is this all about, wrong thread perhaps :drakelaugh:
She started of with an obsession with large built nordic men and then switched teams and started harassing the females. Her posts in every thread were so graphic and gross, I had her blocked for months just so I didn't have to see it, and now she supports incest as long as they don't have kids:/

She literally trolled her way to lesbianism :chrisfreshhah:


There is nothing permanent except change.
She started of with an obsession with large built nordic men and then switched teams and started harassing the females. Her posts in every thread were so graphic and gross, I had her blocked for months just so I didn't have to see it, and now she supports incest as long as they don't have kids:/

She literally trolled her way to lesbianism :chrisfreshhah:

:mindblown: oh dear God and now we are debating religion.:russ:

i thought there was some hope until this new info, i think i will have to throw in the towel now.

danm she traumatized the hell out of you to the point you blocked her, on second thought i think i should study her,in hopes finding cure to future infected xalimos.:leon:

ok first of all, instead of just quoting random numbers of chapters and verses, it would be more helpful to us all, if you were to post actual verses directly from the Quran. i have nothing to address except random numbers and an accusation towards the Prophet.

you stated and i quote "Regardless Islam did confer rights to women" now thats a very serious claim and you say that on a whim without any proof.

when i state something i will use scholars, decent sources or actual text, this time i would like to challenge your claim, " islam didnt grant women any rights"

Professor of Islamic Studies sheik Omar explains this issue to a non muslim women by referencing the quran.

where in the world is islamic law practised according to islam, i have explained time and time again i follow prophet Mohammed sunnah, and he lived islam, the issue i have with you and those you draw source from is your inability to differentiate muslims from islam and islam from culture. all muslims do not practise islam the same due to cultural influences and historical realities, arabs are the worst in the word when in comes to human rights and womens rights very easy picking.

The issues at hand:
First and foremost you must defend your ideas on your own and not delegate such to a video.
Secondly I directly reference the Quran as per the previous respond in Surat and verse, and you can go check my claim for yourself.

History and rights:
As per my previous respond I did in effect acknowledge that Islam has conferred rights to women that weren't there pre-islamic, you're whole respond hinges on straw-man by mischaracterizing my argument and then answering this non-existent respond.

Secondly the crucial difference is that Islam and Islamic does not compare to modern rights and opportunities gained since the feminist movement in 20th century and for islamist to admit this requires that islam changes or a more liberal interpretation being applied, but in either cases change is needed as empirical evidence shows that gap is not getting smaller.

Arabs again and ideal islam:

If we use the Quran and the Prophets Sunnah as example of " ideal Islam™ it is just as problematic as the "cultural" Arabs, when....
it includes permission to beat wives jf. Quran 4: 34, permission for female concubines jf. Quran 4: 24, that women are inferior jf. Quran 2: 228, unequal testimony jf. Quran 2: 282 ect.
Hadith (Sunnah):
It includes reference to a woman's defiencey from the Prophet jf. Sahih Bukhari 6:301, Prophet decries female leadership jf. Sahih Bukhari Book 92, Hadith 50, Prophet implicit approval of domestic violence jf. Sahih Bukhari 7:62:132.

Even the most basic reading of Sunnah and Quran shows that it includes inequalities and the inherent inferiority of woman and to a feminist an unacceptable amount of male privilege to add to that.
She started of with an obsession with large built nordic men and then switched teams and started harassing the females. Her posts in every thread were so graphic and gross, I had her blocked for months just so I didn't have to see it, and now she supports incest as long as they don't have kids:/

She literally trolled her way to lesbianism :chrisfreshhah:

I was keeping this site on their toes, they didn't know what they were getting. A male Somali patriot, ranging white supremacist who was born black or a lesbian atheist :siilaanyosmile:

I didn't switch teams, I pretended to play for one until I stopped caring :dabcasar:
At least two of Muhammad's wives were concubines in the form of Rayhana bint Zayd and Maria al-Qibtiyya.

This is not a number games, one woman who made a slave and endure relations including sex relations is one too many, the very concept that a certain sub-set human being can be used for another's sexually gratification is sick, even when they have family elsewhere and are themselves married as reference in the Quran 4: 24. "And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess".

Totally dismissing that Christian enslaved African people for 100 of years justifying it with bible. has nothing better to do than to fucking troll. Naya go back to the shaytan who let you free:mahubowtf:
Its not Islam thats the problem, but the cultures that adopt it. If your pre-Islamic culture was misogynistic like Persia, then these traits will be adopted into Islam when that country accepts it. Thank God I was born a Cushite, our women have always been strong and brave and never allowed wrong to be done to them. That’s why most Somali women in particular have a strong sense of respect towards Islam, because we know it is not a misogynistic religion and have traditionally used it to better our society (unlike the Asians).

Culture is almost like black magic; it stifles logic and reason and is hard to break :bell:
Totally dismissing that Christian enslaved African people for 100 of years justifying it with bible. has nothing better to do than to fucking troll. Naya go back to the shaytan who let you free:mahubowtf:

When all else fails, go to whataboutism :sass1:

That won't work Mr., Islam, the bibel and probably the Torah got slavery wrong, what else would they get wrong then? :trumpsmirk:
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