NEWS Farmajo's regime conflict with Kenya escalates

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
How is Somalia set up to become an economic powerhouse ? No trade market, no import nor export businesses, no tourist market and there isn’t highly qualified human capital.

Bruh strategic location, natural resources, business minded people, largest coastline aka blue economy and much more.

you can research it on google since it is free. No need for spewing bs walaal. We are a blessed people.


#JusticeForShukriAbdi #FreeYSL

"We stand to lose everything in this diplomatic row with Somalia" the former Ladgera MP and National Assembly Deputy Speaker, Farah Moalim said.

The leader said Somalia has been a cash cow for Kenya all these years, providing employment for our young men and women. Kenya is the destination of choice for Somalis. So many of them invest in our country, literally growing our economy.

"But we kept chasing them away and playing with their dignity, territorial integrity and sovereignty. How can you as a country meddle in their internal affairs? Imagine the Somalia President supporting one of the Kenyan governors. Yet we have the audacity and arrogance to call for a break-away in another county?"

He stated that the whole world, the international community, is going to side with Somalia. Somalia has just severed diplomatic ties with Kenya and next, it will announce it is closing its airspace to Kenya.

"Planes to Somalia generate revenue for this country. The miraa sector has suffered. Meru county is at a standstill because its main cash crop (miraa) cannot be exported to Somalia. Somalia is likely to order the Kenya Defence Forces to get out of the country, arguing that soldiers no longer play a productive role," Moalim said.

Moalim underscored that this situation is a godsend to the current President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed saying he will mobilise the nation by presenting himself as the only man courageous enough to stand up for their dignity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The people we have hosted in Nairobi are very unpopular on the ground; people do not want to secede. That is why Ethiopia has changed tack—kneeling down before Somalia and saying 'forgive us for what we have done to you all these years. We are going to respect and never destabilise you further'," he said.

"A destabilisation scheme was hatched many years ago between Ethiopia and Kenya. But dynamics have changed. Former President Daniel Moi was a smart guy. He abandoned that and instead created a good relationship between Kenya and Somalia. Somalia was literally stabilised by Moi."

H said "Now we are in a big problem—look at the performance of our shilling against the dollar."

"Our shilling is losing against the dollar because 200,000 Somali families that were living in Kenya and spending on our economy have moved to Turkey. Our President has been misadvised and I am sure he is regretting it."



I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
This is just a political stunt timed perfectly by FailMaajo. He wants to rally Somali nationalists to his side. But will it generate enough votes for him in the Parliament?! Not sure

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
This is just a political stunt timed perfectly by FailMaajo. He wants to rally Somali nationalists to his side. But will it generate enough votes for him in the Parliament?! Not sure
Farmaajo's government recently delayed the elections for both the upper and lower houses in the parliament.


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
These monkeys actually think they're better than us. I mean if you search up any Kenyan news on YouTube regarding Somalia and you listen to them speak. You would think they were a superpower and we were Mexico :dead:
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These monkeys actually think they're better than us. I mean if you search up any Kenyan news on YouTube regarding Somalia and you listen to them speak. You would think they were a superpower and we were Mexico :dead:
Yes Kikuyus are better than Marehan compare Gedo/C/waaq with their regions in Central province.They also havent committed masscres on other ethnic groups like MX have on the record.

MX have destroyed the reputation of Somalia.
Do you see kenyans in Gedo or other somalis flocking to Gedo? But you will see Mx in Kenya and doing business in Kikuyu land.Imagine the guy you call monkey being more civilised than you.

"We stand to lose everything in this diplomatic row with Somalia" the former Ladgera MP and National Assembly Deputy Speaker, Farah Moalim said.

The leader said Somalia has been a cash cow for Kenya all these years, providing employment for our young men and women. Kenya is the destination of choice for Somalis. So many of them invest in our country, literally growing our economy.

"But we kept chasing them away and playing with their dignity, territorial integrity and sovereignty. How can you as a country meddle in their internal affairs? Imagine the Somalia President supporting one of the Kenyan governors. Yet we have the audacity and arrogance to call for a break-away in another county?"

He stated that the whole world, the international community, is going to side with Somalia. Somalia has just severed diplomatic ties with Kenya and next, it will announce it is closing its airspace to Kenya.

"Planes to Somalia generate revenue for this country. The miraa sector has suffered. Meru county is at a standstill because its main cash crop (miraa) cannot be exported to Somalia. Somalia is likely to order the Kenya Defence Forces to get out of the country, arguing that soldiers no longer play a productive role," Moalim said.

Moalim underscored that this situation is a godsend to the current President of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed saying he will mobilise the nation by presenting himself as the only man courageous enough to stand up for their dignity, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The people we have hosted in Nairobi are very unpopular on the ground; people do not want to secede. That is why Ethiopia has changed tack—kneeling down before Somalia and saying 'forgive us for what we have done to you all these years. We are going to respect and never destabilise you further'," he said.

"A destabilisation scheme was hatched many years ago between Ethiopia and Kenya. But dynamics have changed. Former President Daniel Moi was a smart guy. He abandoned that and instead created a good relationship between Kenya and Somalia. Somalia was literally stabilised by Moi."

H said "Now we are in a big problem—look at the performance of our shilling against the dollar."

"Our shilling is losing against the dollar because 200,000 Somali families that were living in Kenya and spending on our economy have moved to Turkey. Our President has been misadvised and I am sure he is regretting it."

Disregard any news by the Call box. He recently opened a hotel in Nairobi from funds he got from Failmajo he is a failed politician.


Dalaalos you were the one crying for representation in the somali kilil which till now you have no degmo but live like gypsies moving around nageyle,Jigjiga and wardheer.True defination of homeless.
Reer diini majority moved from Ethiopia like in the 70s to Ghetto.

Reer Xassan and reer Garaad Mx have become oromified tell me who has more xabashi blood.

Ghetto has been hosting Ethiopian soilders since 1995 .You might be an Ethiopian soilders garac son.

Ogaden have stood their ground and never left their land unlike ******* who migrated from Ethiopia to Boli qaran to Utaange to Gulwaade and now Xamar.
Doollo is a Darood zone and inshallah I hope it will prosper and move forward not backwards. Cagjar recently visited Doollo and had meeting with the MX Ugaas, you are not even aware of this.

As for MX being ethiopian you live in lala land :chrisfreshhah:


Yes Kikuyus are better than ******* compare Gedo/C/waaq with their regions in Central province.They also havent committed masscres on other ethnic groups like MX have on the record.

MX have destroyed the reputation of Somalia.
Do you see kenyans in Gedo or other somalis flocking to Gedo? But you will see Mx in Kenya and doing business in Kikuyu land.Imagine the guy you call monkey being more civilised than you.
Don’t hate the player sxb hate the game


Saxib what game? MX lust for Kismaayo has led them to use the State resources like aabo..all I smell is Nigeria 2. :mjlol:
I smell saltiness
It’s survival of the fittest you just jealous you ain’t been born into mx so you can’t get what you want :childplease:
I smell saltiness
It’s survival of the fittest you just jealous you ain’t been born into mx so you can’t get what you want :childplease:
Saxib I still have Kismaayo on lock:damedamn:

Secondly the war between Kenya VS Qulle is in Ghetto:damn:

Qulle cutting ties with Kenya will only cause problems to h.utus who you are guests to in Xamar.:lolbron:
Yes Kikuyus are better than ******* compare Gedo/C/waaq with their regions in Central province.They also havent committed masscres on other ethnic groups like MX have on the record.

MX have destroyed the reputation of Somalia.
Do you see kenyans in Gedo or other somalis flocking to Gedo? But you will see Mx in Kenya and doing business in Kikuyu land.Imagine the guy you call monkey being more civilised than you.

So the ogaden civilians killed in garissa are not part of a massacres. Or are ogaden a tribe of kikuyus.

