NEWS Farmajo's regime conflict with Kenya escalates

Okay, but did you even try to apply for one?
It does say on the guidelines, but can you apply for one?

View attachment 159457

I don't see Somaliland on there, unless you have another name to go by?

There you go mate and here is the link, :manny:
somaliland should have indpedence, but that's only if the shacab want it right. Why not make a vote on whether to secede or not. In each gobol, and if the majority agree then you can do that.
That would be a good solution to the current impasse, just like Sudan and South Sudan did few years ago and we just need somaliland diplomats and officials to be more proactive in convincing the international community that a referendum is the only solution.

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
That would be a good solution to the current impasse, just like Sudan and South Sudan did few years ago and we just need somaliland diplomats and officials to be more proactive in convincing the international community that a referendum is the only solution.
Referendum are useless, look at the 2017 Iraqi Kurdistan referendum.


somaliland should have indpedence, but that's only if the shacab want it right. Why not make a vote on whether to secede or not. In each gobol, and if the majority agree then you can do that.
i dont think the world powers want another african qashin hole to deal with and more importantly they dont want another muslim country


They don't, but if they are given a chance I want Awdal and SSC to have the right of self-determination.
give up claim to the gulf of aden? hell no and ssc and awdal are staying where they are it would be foolish to relinquish claim over a major chunk of the read sea next to djibouti
give up claim to the gulf of aden? hell no and ssc and awdal are staying where they are it would be foolish to relinquish claim over a major chunk of the read sea next to djibouti
Let's be real sxb, Somaliland is Isaaqland. As long dhulbahante iyo samaroon sheekada kujirin 💯 waxba ma soconayaan.
I love Isaaq out of Somalinimo and understand this is political interest at play, it is however no less treacherous than when they sided with the British colonials, I mean at least they were a european super power, but the Adoome caqli lix saaca is different, I am even more enraged because we have serious territorial dispute with them over parts of our oil rich sea, oil and wealth which does indeed belong to Isaaq and all Somalis.

Ogadens are a curious bunch, something is off about you lot I can't wrap my head around it, must be the Habesha blood after centuries of enslavement.
Dalaalos you were the one crying for representation in the somali kilil which till now you have no degmo but live like gypsies moving around nageyle,Jigjiga and wardheer.True defination of homeless.
Reer diini majority moved from Ethiopia like in the 70s to Ghetto.

Reer Xassan and reer Garaad Mx have become oromified tell me who has more xabashi blood.

Ghetto has been hosting Ethiopian soilders since 1995 .You might be an Ethiopian soilders garac son.

Ogaden have stood their ground and never left their land unlike Marehan who migrated from Ethiopia to Boli qaran to Utaange to Gulwaade and now Xamar.
:mjkkk:As Somalia become more and more unstable and real violence breaks out in Mogadishu like 1991. Somaliland is in a strong position to push the international community to give it full U.N membership. Our time is almost near.


Bantu Liberation Movement
1/3? f*ck me. Sounds like cap. I hope that's cap.
Meanwhile, for Ethiopia, khat is a major earner: Somaliland spends about 524 million dollars a year—about 30 percent of gross domestic product—on Ethiopian khat (many suspect the true figure to be much higher).
However, critics warn that the flipside to this economic uplift is that Somaliland’s fragile economy loses a large percentage of its foreign currency through this trade. The country reportedly spends $524m a year – about 30% of GDP – on khat imported from Ethiopia.
Somaliland spends $524m a year – about 30 percent of its gross domestic product – on khat from Ethiopia, said Weli Daud with the Somaliland Ministry of Finance.



Bantu Liberation Movement
1/3? f*ck me. Sounds like cap. I hope that's cap.
Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya who received the Somaliland leader when he jetted into the country on Sunday flew to Hargeisa in 2016 to discuss the prohibitive duty imposed on miraa.

Munya who was then the Council of Governors chairman, faced criticism for allegedly breaching diplomatic protocol when he visited Somaliland, a region claimed by Somalia.
After that 2016 visit Munya had said: “The objective of my visit was to persuade the Government of Somaliland to remove the obstacles that have hindered the export of miraa," he said.

He said the khat market in Somaliland was worth $400 million (about Sh4 billion), with 99 per cent of the supplies being from Ethiopia.

"Miraa from Kenya, which is highly preferred there, is charged 300 per cent duty while the one from Ethiopia is charged only 100 per cent duty, making it impossible for our people to compete," Munya had said.


You need people like me
the thing the kenyan gov doesn't seem to understand is that when the somali nation unites once again it will be over for kenya. even kenyan economic professors have advised the kenyan gov to stop this madness as kenya will lose in the long term.

somalia is set up to become the economic power house of the continent not just the region.
kenya will suffer huge economical losses when we skip them in the future. they know this hence why they are hell bent to keep the status quo going on the ethiopians are doing the very same thing.

we all know that the young generation of somalia is only brainwashed as they did not expierence the civil war they will bounce back from the propaganda and will unite amongst themselves.
there are always rotten appels who are doomed to keep their poisionous mindset.

within the next 3 decades the roles will be reversed as kenya will be begging us to keep the peace.

their only leverage over us is tribalism nothing else. this type of tribalism is a result of the civil war meaning it can be eradicated from somalia.

we don't even need to free reer nfd as we can prop them up as the next leaders of kenya.
How is Somalia set up to become an economic powerhouse ? No trade market, no import nor export businesses, no tourist market and there isn’t highly qualified human capital.

