The coronavirus is pathetic if they wanted to ruin China a real bioweapon would've been unleashed and a fat quarantine on all Chinese/yellow looking people trying to get out would've happened. Eating bats and crowding in shithole cities causes this not some CNN conspiracy Ms. Tinfoil. The US controls all the international financial organizations ie the Worldbank and IMF and the world's reserve currency which you noted. The key thing most people forget or don't know is that the oceans need to be secure just like the markets. The Chinese need safe oceans to export all their shit to the rest of us and you know who's navy sits and makes sure the world's sea lanes are free??? Oh wait the US navy does. What would happen if a rogue state just decided to sink Chinese cargo ships and the US didn't give a shit? As well China needs a similar cultural clout and ties with the rest of the world to manage the global economy and the US would have to collapse before it will ever take over. China's superpower status isn't inevitable and its simply a massive leech on the current world order.Undoubtably
There are no allies in politics sweetie. They did hurt their interests though
Look at this neolib CNN shill. You think America was gonna sit by and just let China consolidate their grip on the global economy? They can't have a direct conflict so this is how you do it. The world runs on US funny money printed on toilet paper at the fed. They can weather the storm. China cannot. By the way, only poor subhumans with no insurance coverage will be heavily affected. And don't forget old people (who won't be able to protest their pensions disappearing once they're dead.) That's what I call a win win!