
~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Because in my mind the word rebel in this context is associated with little teenage girls.

As a dude that's red flag, other cayayans rebel from the brutality of the strongman:rejoice:

The term rebel leaves considerable room for interpretation. What matters most is what it means to you. Adolescent angst is a form of temporary rebellion ( in some). A rebel according to the author's definition, is that way under most circumstances. A rebel only does things when they want to do them, not because of an external or internal expectation placed on them. Obligers are actually the most common type. And they too can rebel, particularly when they feel taken advantage of.

That's not the sort of rebellion I'm against.

If we are talking about a peaceful, just, spiritual rebellion for the sake of Allah- I am for it. I think Moses (PBUH) stood up to Pharoah and I am for Moses (PBUH).

In a society where it is discouraged to believe in God, I think it can be seen as a sort of rebellion to believe in God.

Whatever fight we wage, I believe it must always be for Islam and always following the Quran and the Sunnah.

The sort of rebellion I'm against, for example, is like that of Che Guevara. I think Che was very brave and I respect certain qualities of his- however.... how did he ultimately impact Cuba? He went to Africa- did Africans want to fight alongside him? I think he very badly in Africa and I think it was because Africans rightly perceived he was not their interests.

And then what did his friend Fidel do? What role did Fidel play in the Ogaden War?

I think any sort of rebel necessarily has some of sort of ideological underpinning. Simon Bolívar, Ricardo Flores Magón, Che, etc.

All those above three I am sort of disappointed by because none of them were fighting for God...

thus, if we are to fight I think we should fight for God but always following the laws of shariah and not engaging in armed revolution against the ruler as for example in Libya, Syria and Yemen.......

I think anyone can have any of these 4 tendencies irrespective of intellectualism, religiosity, or whether they are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, neurotic, considerate, ambitious, conscientious, judgemental, controlling or thrill-seeking. Sxb, it's simply a matter of how you meet your expectations (those you make for yourself and those of others). For instance, you said you are a questioner. You would not question the Deen. This to me is more of a requirement or mandate. Then an expectation, per se. In matters not pertaining to your faith you don't mind questioning a course of action. And to that I say, there is a spectrum that is large and all-encompassing for questioners, rebels, obligers, and upholders.

Simon Bolívar, Ricardo Flores Magón, Che all seemed to believe that their fight was the most righteous, though we disagree with their ideologies, methods, and approach.

I co-sign with you that most revolutions are in vain and there usually isn't a significant improvement afterward, more often then not there is a regression.
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Sweety you want us to post the most deepest intricacies of our personality that can be used to hurt/motivate us without you doing it yourself

Never trust a chef who won’t eat his own cooking :comeon:

With that being said I scored as a upholder :damedamn:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Sweety you want us to post the most deepest intricacies of our personality that can be used to hurt/motivate us without you doing it yourself

Never trust a chef who won’t eat his own cooking :comeon:

With that being said I scored as a upholder :damedamn:

How did I miss this? Knowles did the test! :icon e surprised: You're softening up like butter. :icon mrgreen: You're a very rare breed, indeed. Aside from @Tyrion Lannister, you're the only other upholder.

While everyone else is a Rebel? :icon lol: *statistically speaking they should be the smallest group*

Questioner, not at all surprised

With you, I'm not surprised.

I got Questioner



Your tagline says it all!


Death Awaits You
They need to change the name of this place to RebelSpot. :siilaanyolaugh:

There are quite a few of you guys here. :farmajoyaab: What were your thoughts on the quiz?

Thank you, ma famille. :samwelcome: You came through for a sister.
It was an interesting quiz. What were your results ? I didn’t read all the comments in this thread


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Im a questioner, no surprise since I believe the Earth is flat.

Thank you both for taking the test.

It was an interesting quiz. What were your results ? I didn’t read all the comments in this thread

I got rebel. I asked my brother to take the test and he got rebel, too. I would have guessed him to be an obliger. While he thought I was an upholder with a slight rebel streak.:faysalwtf:Funny how the way family members perceive us is different from the way we perceive ourselves.