what’s one thing someone has said during the talking stage that put you off?

That guy who just said he stopped speaking to a girl because she isn't in contact with her father is ruthless wallahi
Well if she cut off her father for no reason I would understand but if the dad just bounced on her when she was little then it's unfair treatment.
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Golan Heights belong to Syria
Waryaa, adigu why did you stop talking to that girl who isn't in contact with her Dad?

I don't need that kind of corruption in my life. I don't want my children to hate their father. Her father even had a heart attack and she didn't visit him. Why do I need that evil in my life? Any woman who hates their father should be ignored. Let their maternal line die from there. You cannot reproduce with them.
I don't need that kind of corruption in my life. I don't want my children to hate their father. Her father even had a heart attack and she didn't visit him. Why do I need that evil in my life? Any woman who hates their father should be ignored. Let their maternal line die from there. You cannot reproduce with them.
Cold ass b*tch
I don't need that kind of corruption in my life. I don't want my children to hate their father. Her father even had a heart attack and she didn't visit him. Why do I need that evil in my life? Any woman who hates their father should be ignored. Let their maternal line die from there. You cannot reproduce with them.

SubhanAllah that's saaaaaaad and she's 100% wrong. May Allah SWT soften her heart towards her father
If your father is still living in the
My Dad is alive and around Alhamdulila, he's so sweet and adorable, always making dua for us ❤
My aabos kind of dua :banderas:
This issue is personal for me because my parents got divorced when I was very young. My father was still in our lives but let's say not as frequently as we wanted.

Fast forward to today its more or less the same but I'm over it tbh. We speak on the phone for hours and enjoy each others company. My relationship with him is much better today then it was growing up.

I'd never seize contact with him because he is still my father and I don't want to commit dambi so I am leaving the past behind.

Everyone will be held accountable for their own actions and I'd hate for a potential guy to see my parents divorce as a dealbreaker. At least judge the person on their own character and morals before making such conclusions.