These Anti-LGBTQ Threads Are Disgusting


I said that I am here to offer advice, help and prayer. What about that sounds 'unhinged'?
I did not tell you to 'sky dive of a building without a parachute'

Are you okay, sis?
U here to offer advice & help? U were literally calling us perverts dis kind of rhetoric does alot more harm than u think. As for y i called u unhinged one minute we r in need of help the next we r perverted degenerates that prey on children. U r making very dangerous generalizations.
There is an agenda behind it. It is an attempt to normalize/desensitize.
I have noticed that many Muslims who have grown up in the West have become desensitized to homosexuality. They might say, 'I can tolerate gay individuals, but not transgender individuals. These naive sons of Adams are not aware of how Iblees operates.


I have noticed that many Muslims who have grown up in the West have become desensitized to homosexuality. They might say, 'I can tolerate gay individuals, but not transgender individuals. These naive sons of Adams are not aware of how Iblees operates.
What r they supposed to then, light up a khanis when they see them?

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Just bcs u cant control urself & may have a hard time not falling back to sin. Doesn’t mean everyone else does.
Instate what I think is true. Peace and hopefully LGQBT people find the way, the one Allah made halal for us.


Pretend there is a title here
What's hateful about telling the truth? We as Muslims, do not tolerate the LGBT lifestyle.
At most, we can offer help and advice. What I said is reasonable, tolerant and in fact, loving.
If you are gay, I am here to pray for you.

I see you’re coming from a good place but i don’t think people who are gay wants you to pray for them so they can “change” which is practically not possible and also wrong because you are assuming that they are ill.

learn to be nice in other ways.

Garaad diinle

 
You are comparing homosexuality with creationism which is weird

Creationism is not a proved thing and would be classified as dogma when schools teach it
With homosexuality. It’s found in nature and animals and has been a practice in many ancient civilizations

most importantly, it doesn’t harm anyone
As i said who gets to pick and chose what we teach in schools. It really doesn't matter what you think or believe regarding creationism there is a lot of people who believe it and wanna teach it in public schools while the other topic is seen as an indoctrination and corruption of kids. Who get's to decide on what to teach in schools. These thing are now being forced in public schools with no consent of their parents the care takers.
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I’ve heard some complaints about schools teaching sex education,

but then I don’t want to argue right now why being taught reproductive health and sexual health is important lmfao

You are deluded. Liberal societies that have promoted and normalized homosexuality are now fighting against them grooming their children. It is directly related and was always part of the plan, this degeneracy will only accelerate with the normalization of this perversion.

Me when I don’t understand why there is opposition:

Opposition exists cuz of bigoted people who think they have a right to hate on others for their sexuality

and unless that’s over, it will forever exist . Cope

You are the bigot and degenerate here promoting this filth while knowing it is a major sin and crime in Islam punishable by death.

I appreciate that sis but what i want is to be able to live my life without fear I don’t need nor want ur prayer.

Then keep your degeneracy far away from Muslim's and go stay among your liberal homosexuality promoters in the West.
My beliefs are actually fairly moderate and I've explained so many of times. There's more to the political spectrum than just Liberal and Conservative.

There is nothing moderate about liberalism. Your beliefs are extreme and degenerate that is why you come on here to promote the filth of homosexuality and ography on here.
I see you’re coming from a good place but i don’t think people who are gay wants you to pray for them so they can “change” which is practically not possible and also wrong because you are assuming that they are ill.

learn to be nice in other ways.
then stay away from our somali lands ur a disgrace


You are the bigot and degenerate here promoting this filth while knowing it is a major sin and crime in Islam punishable by death.

Then keep your degeneracy far away from Muslim's and go stay among your liberal homosexuality promoters in the West.
Lol i am literally muslim.
Lol no. All i am saying is yall would rather see us sky dive of a building without a parachute than try & tackle this “problem” in civil manner. U sound abit unhinged.
Just bcs u cant control urself & may have a hard time not falling back to sin. Doesn’t mean everyone else does.

The problem is with you, you know the ruling in Islam. You will never be accepted by Muslims, you can either repent and denounce it or go stay among the degenerates who accept. It is simple really.
I have noticed that many Muslims who have grown up in the West have become desensitized to homosexuality. They might say, 'I can tolerate gay individuals, but not transgender individuals. These naive sons of Adams are not aware of how Iblees operates.

Many are brainwashed, but tbh it is not something I have experienced with the many Muslims I know in real life. It seems to be an internet phenonema which is not verifiable if these people are Muslim or not, it might be a loud minority.

Regardless it is incumbent on every Muslim to speak out against it and educate others.


The problem is with you, you know the ruling in Islam. You will never be accepted by Muslims, you can either repent and denounce it or go stay among the degenerates who accept. It is simple really.
Who said to live a fulfilled & content life I need acceptance from muslims? Only Allah knows the struggles i go through with my homosexuality.

