Dhulbahante almost exclusively live in their dhulbahante regions in SL. So how in the name of heck could we be second class citizens in our own self controlled regions?
Keep crying man, we don’t want you. You’re just jealous dhulbahante cities have been constantly climbing the ranks and have had the nose development, and everyone knows that. So you can talk about us all you want, but if we’re rebuilding this fast, then we must be doing something right.
Now you see? It may be easy for you as an outsider to tell us to gather our men and attack isaaq but you’re not the one who’s about to turn his cities into a battlefield and potentially lose hundreds of thousands of lives.
Naagjeerteens and getting themselves involved in business that doesn’t concern them go hand in hand
Somaliland region troops committing rape in Las Anod, Sool2 universities in laascanood, private hospitals and clinics all over the city. Population doubled in 15 years, New neighbourhoods and streets being built due to growth in population. Peace for 30 years, businesses opened up almost everyday.
“embarrassing to watch”. I’d worry about your piracy problems if anything.
Mines planted by Somaliland region injures 4 children severely in Tukaraq area (graphic)
This was disguised as road construction.
Somaliland: Politicians & Parliamentarians Apologize over Dhakol statement on May 18
A Dhulbahante politician called May 18 an Isaaq holiday. He was arrested even though the arrest of MPs is against Somaliland's constitution and he apologized.
SNM Warcriminal Mahamed Kaahin: "Our Objective is to divide Dhulbahante so they never unite"They have not only apologized the disheartening statement to the public but also to the government. Mr. Said Mohamed Elmi, MP elected from Sool region made the apology in a press conference held yesterday in Hargeisa. The parliamentarian has said that the decision to recapture Somaliland lost independence as a unanimous one reached by all populace residing in Somaliland but was not a decision unilateral reached by one tribe. He said the statement from the arrested MP was not what the people in his constituency also share with him.
There is no Somali clan anywhere in the world in such a pitiful state of humiliation aside from Dhulbahante.
Jeeganland administration has upmost contempt and hatred for Dhulbahante,openly discuss about how they intent to divide Faarax Gaaraad & Mahamoud Garaad and how they should indentify with their subclans instead of indentify as Dhulbahante, how can any self respecting dhulbahante person support such a government