NOT AGAIN! Here comes another xaliimo soliciting your sympathy b/c her child has been removed from her after giving birth to the child

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Wallahi some of these people on sspot are finished. All they want to do is take all the privileges without any accountability. They think they will not be asked about their wife and kids on the DOJ?

Have you ever heard of a CEO not being held responsible for his company and employees? I don't want to compare marriage and children to that of a company, but the reason why a man is the head of the house and needs to be listened to by everyone including the wife and he gets the last say is because he is in charge of their provision and protection. As a man you get the privilege of obedience (within limits of course) but that comes with the responsibility. A good man worth listening to knows this. The wife is also responsible for her husbands home, she's second in command, so obviously everyone has a responsibility.
Yes true, a real man takes responsibility for his family. Having a family is not only about putting bread on the table and demanding the wife to do the rest as some of the guys think.. A family is supposed to be tight-knit and the kids should feel safe and secure and grow up under the wings of both their parents.
For what reason ? :kanyehmm:

For being a children advocate.

for being against dead beat mothers who go to an aroos after putting their kids as if their kids wouldn’t wake up. The mothers using heavy sleeping pills on their kids just to go magaceedis aroos.
Dead beat mothers and fathers shouldn't have kids, in an ideal world they deserve to be castrated.
Nine times out of ten, these women kick out the man because they think they don’t need him.
You are just making assumptions. This woman was at the hospital to give birth and the father who was supposed to watch the kids and he left them alone .
But I partly blame the xalimos for not involving the fathers through the prenatal care visits and child raising years . They act like as if they had the kids own their own.
For what reason ? :kanyehmm:

For being a children advocate.

for being against dead beat mothers who go to an aroos after putting their kids as if their kids wouldn’t wake up. The mothers using heavy sleeping pills on their kids just to go magaceedis aroos.
Hooyo and deadbeat don’t go together. You sound like caasi inkaaran.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
the terrorist Mad Mullah
Stop watching Kevin samuels you div.
idiot GIF

All of these P0rn loving degenerates and Kevin Samuel fans on this forum speak the same way, they regurgitate the same nonsense verbatim, as if they have a book filled with these little gems of theirs. If you have read a comment by one of them, you've read them all.

"Feminismmm is the problem"
"women over 30 are worthless"
" Women should only be in a kitchen or the bedroom"

They really believe men don't have any responsibilities aside from breathing and maintaining a body temperature of 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit.
We need to find a way to teach women how to spot and avoid these oxygen thieves.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
The Sayid and his dervishes were murderous, they did throw people off cliffs and their soldiers harassed, robbed and killed nomads they saw. They were similar to AlShabab in ways. @AbdiGaalDoon is absolutely right in his assertion. The fact that people act as if he's some innocent hero is quite amusing.

Who on Earth was innocent back then?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I do believe this also, but only one of these men is habitually hailed as some sort of saint. The others are described as stubborn, power-hungry, land expansionists and so forth.

Fair enough. I really just see him as a historical figure and kinda like Somalis' equivalent to Tewodros or the Mahdi of Sudan but I don't saintify the man at all and feel Somalis should be real about his failings. Saxiib legit murdered some of my own maternal MJ ancestors. 💀
Fair enough. I really just see him as a historical figure and kinda like Somalis' equivalent to Tewodros or the Mahdi of Sudan but I don't saintify the man at all and feel Somalis should be real about his failings. Saxiib legit murdered some of my own maternal MJ ancestors. 💀

Even women didn't escape them.

His Dervishes also killed and robbed some of my male and female ancestors for no reason, they weren't affiliated with any group, just minding their own business and tending to their livestock. What made them different to a gang? At least gangs admit they are murderous lowlives. SMH
All of these P0rn loving degenerates and Kevin Samuel fans on this forum speak the same way, they regurgitate the same nonsense verbatim, as if they have a book filled with these little gems of theirs. If you have read a comment by one of them, you've read them all.

"Feminismmm is the problem"
"women over 30 are worthless"
" Women should only be in a kitchen or the bedroom"

They really believe Men don't have any responsibilities aside from breathing and maintaining a body temperature of 97 to 99 degrees Fahrenheit.

We need to find a way to teach women how to spot and avoid these oxygen thieves.
Our arguments frighten and disorient you because they are based on centuries old facts and accumulated wisdom.

"Woman is ever a fickle and changeable thing."
"Varium et mutabile semper Femina."

Virgil, 70-19 BC, Roman poet
@Pwyneth Galtrow

you must be over 30. Sorry if you were triggered.

Like I said before, you and your kind, are like a broken record who repeats the same lame comments over and over again.

You are a defective male who cannot control his base urges and you take pleasure in trying to harass women because you know they are physically weaker. If you were a non-Somali male, you would wear a wig and fight women.
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