TRIGGER WARNING NOT AGAIN! Here comes another xaliimo soliciting your sympathy b/c her child has been removed from her after giving birth to the child

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His hooyo is Hawiye and most Cadcads are at least 40% geeljire genetically. Many even more. And their native tongue is Somali. There were even Cadcads in the SYL. Really rubs me the wrong way when some of you on here try to jab at Hiraan over this and diminish his Somaliness then follow it up with basically "Uhhh, you is ethnic minority so shut up."

He claims the tribes the Sayid plundered were colonial collaborators, so, if he can be wrong AND qabiilist, he should be able to take comments about HIS people.

Why can't CadCads be discussed? What makes these Asian Hybrids so special that they are exempt from being scrutinised if they are being rude?


He claims the tribes the Sayid plundered were colonial collaborators, so, if he can be wrong AND qabiilist, he should be able to take comments about HIS people.

Why can't CadCads be discussed? What makes these Asian Hybrids so special that they are exempt from being scrutinised if they are being rude?
puntitequeen calling other people qabiilist. nigga you crazy. :russ:
Our arguments frighten and disorient you because they are based on centuries old facts and accumulated wisdom.

"Woman is ever a fickle and changeable thing."
"Varium et mutabile semper Femina."

β€” Virgil, 70-19 BC, Roman poet
Be quite.

You know damn well your logic doesn't make sense. Once I used your train of thinking when it came to gender roles and child rearing, all of a sudden you couldn't answer my question.

Anyone with sense would know that a child's wellbeing is the responsibility of a mother and father. Your own religion teaches this as well. But you'd much rather take redpill and Kevin Sameuls as your doctrine.
Be quite.

You know damn well your logic doesn't make sense. Once I used your train of thinking when it came to gender roles and child rearing, all of a sudden you couldn't answer my question.

Anyone with sense would know that a child's wellbeing is the responsibility of a mother and father. Your own religion teaches this as well. But you'd much rather take redpill and Kevin Sameuls as your doctrine.

Even when you keep pointing out repeatedly, that women also have responsibilities, these misogynist males still pretend that you are attacking men, because their only goal is to go back and forth with you (or any other woman).
Maybe pay attention to what the majority of men are telling you instead of being so aggressive? There is a serious problem of unmarried women and garoobs in our society because women are not behaving like women anymore. Then you get angry because majority of men who are not simps reject your angry argumentative type of women. I’m speaking from experience as a married person, while youre quoting feminist manifesto. There are a few good obedient Somali girls in the west but majority need to be rehabilitated.

Are you insane? So saying that fathers are also responsible for their children is feminist? When your own religions says this as well?

You don't even believe in male responsibility? You constantly deny Quran and Sunnah, yet you qoute redpill Western ideology.

Good obedient Somali women go for God fearing men who aren't addicts and know their responsibility as a husband and father.

You're a degenerate. You're on par with a useless girl who has nothing to offer but wants the best of the best.

What do you offer to a woman? What is your role as a man?
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
Blame me when I’m at the home. Not when I’m out in the community, working and maybe sometimes socializing.
why did I pay that meher for. Did she pay meher for me ? What’s your problem.
You said the father can socialize but the mother can’t even leave a child for 30 seconds?
Islamically, neither have the a right over the other parent to be β€œsocializing”.
This tiktok applies to you.
Stop using the deen out of context, you paid meher to be married to her and get her HAND in marriage, not her RIGHTS and not for her to be your slave that you command around and abuse.
@Angelina @Pwyneth Galtrow

Let’s leave it there. The Quran says β€œto you your religion and to me mine”. You can have your feminism and I will have my Somali culture and Islam.
Every parent including a father should be fully responsible for the development of the child and their future. In the Hereafter, every father will be held accountable for this. Below here is the following hadith.

β€œEvery one of you is a caretaker, and every one of you will be held accountable for what is the responsibility of his care: A leader is a keeper, he will be held accountable for what is the responsibility of his care. A man is also a keeper in his family, he will be held accountable for what is the responsibility of his care. And a woman is a keeper in her husband’s home, she will be held accountable for what is the responsibility of her care.” (HR Bukhari)

So this is feminism?

Do you deny hadith and scholarly opinions?

Why do you lie about Islam?

Show me one hadith and fatwa that says a father isn't responsible. Show me, you'll probably ignore this as you know you can't.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Listen there exists a clear divide of responsibilities, the woman takes care of the inner household environment and the man takes care of the outside work environment. Easy concept sxb, you're western colonised mind is showing itself here, please stop misleading the young ones on this forum with your feminist agenda.
You know a father is supposed to raise his son to be a man? A woman can’t make a man and a man can’t make a woman. Why are you a father if you aren’t raising them kids? You are acting like a father is a sponsor, he’s supposed to help raise the kids as well. Sure a mother probably spends more time with the kids but that doesn’t mean the father comes home to just sleep. This ain’t an airbnb
Hold don’t tell me some of y’all think the only purpose of a house is to f*ck and sleep? Some questionable behavior 🀨


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I am responsible in a big way. I wire the money to my official kid’s mothers. However, my unofficial kids mothers (mainly madoow) I wire money to them here and there in big chunk. Strangely they haven’t gone after me with the child support people. Is it because I call them to look into the kid’s lives. I speak to them. I warn them about the pitfalls of imitating gangster music. I urge them to look up to Isaac Newton, Nikolai Tesla, Von Braun, George Washington Carver, Christian Bernard and etc. I urge them not to see Lebron James, Kanye, Qaxaabad Minaj and etc as a role model. I ask them about their grades. I ask them about their girlfriends (to make sure they don’t have qoomuLuudh tendencies). I glorify the fruit of the nation of Somalia. I installed in my boys to eventually marrying a xaliimo, the fruits of the nation.
Islamically you and the woman you are having an affair with go to shariah court and you get the whippings you deserve. And you should be discipling your son for having a girlfriend not asking about their relationship. Your opinion stops here.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
His hooyo is Hawiye and most Cadcads are at least 40% geeljire genetically. Many even more. And their native tongue is Somali. There were even Cadcads in the SYL. Really rubs me the wrong way when some of you on here try to jab at Hiraan over this and diminish his Somaliness then follow it up with basically "Uhhh, you is ethnic minority so shut up."
40% somali???!!! I’ve seen somali bantu with that much somali and cadcads with 12% somali. Cadcads have the same label as somali bantu. They are on the same level. They aren’t ethnic somali. But minority. Just like bantu. These asian hybrids are NOT somali, but somali Nationals. End of discussion.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Islamically you and the woman you are having an affair with go to shariah court and you get the whippings you deserve. And you should be discipling your son for having a girlfriend not asking about their relationship. Your opinion stops here.

He is being raised by gaalad female. What do you want my son to turn out to be. I have to install masculinity in him. I want him to hunt for females. I just don’t want him coming to me to say β€œdaddy I’m in love with @AbdiGaalDoon ”.
This I won’t let it happen.
40% somali???!!! I’ve seen somali bantu with that much somali and cadcads with 12% somali. Cadcads have the same label as somali bantu. They are on the same level. They aren’t ethnic somali. But minority. Just like bantu. These asian hybrids are NOT somali, but somali Nationals. End of discussion.

I find it interesting how an CadCad can make qabiilist comments about other groups, but nobody is allowed to respond back to them. What makes them so special? I don't care if you are CadCad, Bantu or a community of only 5 people, if you can talk trash, I will respond in kind.
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