My dad left me as a child

Yes I have. Before marrying I was paying her bills and till this day I give her money.

I can never repay her even if I was to become a millionaire and was to buy her a 5 storey mansion.

YOU can never repay your mother. The fact that you think you can tells how stupid you are.
That’s the least I can do for my mother.
Do u even see the irony and hypocrisy in your post? Lol u are good with a girl trashing her father online yet u are triggered by a man(being me) taking control of his household and keeping the women in his life fed, sheltered, protected and held responsible for their actions and words. Wallahi yaa wax arkey. If only guys kept their mothers in check their father would’ve never probably get kicked out.
Your bias is coming out.
That’s the least I can do for my mother.
Do u even see the irony and hypocrisy in your post? Lol u are good with a girl trashing her father online yet u are triggered by a man(being me) taking control of his household and keeping the women in his life fed, sheltered, protected and held responsible for their actions and words. Wallahi yaa wax arkey.
Your bias is coming out.

Her father is an abusive alcoholic, who did not raise her nor care about her.

You're madness and stupidity is coming to light warya.

You can not talk about your mother who raised you and looked after you like that. Did your mother abandon you? Abuse you? Is she a non practising alcoholic?
How am I abusive to women
I have great respect for my mother, grandmothers, aunts etr. This is slander @HalimaJ :gucciwhat:

I wish the best for Somali women and I'm married to one and would never go for ajaanib. Im a religious nationalist btw:hillarybiz:

@Samaalic Era your likes on this thread are saying otherwise.

You seem to approve of the posts that victim blame, despite the OP clearly stating that she saw her father consume alcohol and abuse her mother.

Furthermore, you seem to like Ibrahims statement of keeping his own mother in check and being disrespectful towards her.

You love to drag women for their misconduct. I don't see you dragging them for their evilness. In fact you approve. This is what I meant in the other thread when I was going in on you. Proved me nicely.


@World, @Samaalic Era and @ibrahim are abusive women hating assholes.

I shudder for the women that eventually marry them or are married to them.
99.9% aren’t worth it. I knew all my life I was lucky with my father. There’s no sticker price on that realization when you look around, wallahi. But as it turns out, the vast majority of the son’s of those regrettable fathers are even worse lol.
Her father is an abusive alcoholic, who did not raise her nor care about her.

You're madness and stupidity is coming to light warya.

You can not talk about your mother who raised you and looked after you like that. Did your mother abandon you? Abuse you? Is she a non practising alcoholic?
So... that doesn’t make him any less her father? My mother never abandoned me, nor is she abusive nor is she an alcoholic. My mother is lovely MashAllah, practicing muslimah. Loved by all her children and family. Also, loved by her husband who brags about her to his younger wife. They are now married for 28 years. They have 9 grown children together. However my father’s mother abandoned him straight up after my grandfather died, left him with his old grandfather and went on to marry other guys after him. One time after many years she comes to him yet his grandfather still slapped the shit outta him for refusing to greet her. Yet u are here cheering on bad behavior. Yes her father was abusive, yes he abandoned them, yes he was an alcoholic. Yes he will be asked about why he did all that to his family. But also she will be asked why she never took the high horse when it came to her dad. She violated him in a public forum and worse of all she caused him physical harm.
@Samaalic Era your likes on this thread are saying otherwise.

You seem to approve of the posts that victim blame, despite the OP clearly stating that she saw her father consume alcohol and abuse her mother.

Furthermore, you seem to like Ibrahims statement of keeping his own mother in check and being disrespectful towards her.

You love to drag women for their misconduct. I don't see you dragging them for their evilness. In fact you approve. This is what I meant in the other thread when I was going in on you. Proved me nicely.
@Samaalic Era wallahi this woman is funny. Nayaa wallahi u are a minafiqad. U deliberately emitted what I included in brackets to paint me as a villain. I see what you’re doing trying to rally mandem against me by painting me as this villain.
99.9% aren’t worth it. I knew all my life I was lucky with my father. There’s no sticker price on that realization when you look around, wallahi. But as it turns out, the vast majority of the son’s of those regrettable fathers are even worse lol.

Honestly VixR, i think this site just attracts mentally unstable men with low self esteem. Their self worth stems from dominating women.

I've been raised in a Somali area, raised around Somali men ect and they are nowhere near as poisonous and abusive as the posters here.
So... that doesn’t make him any less her father? My mother never abandoned me, nor is she abusive nor is she an alcoholic. My mother is lovely MashAllah, practicing muslimah. Loved by all her children and family. Also, loved by her husband who brags about her to his younger wife. They are now married for 28 years. They have 9 grown children together. However my father’s mother abandoned him straight up after my grandfather died, left him with his old grandfather and went on to marry other guys after him. One time after many years she comes to him yet his grandfather still slapped the shit outta him for refusing to greet her. Yet u are here cheering on bad behavior. Yes her father was abusive, yes he abandoned them, yes he was an alcoholic. Yes he will be asked about why he did all that to his family. But also she will be asked why she never took the high horse when it came to her dad. She violated him in a public forum and worse of all she caused him physical harm.

I'm a munafiqaad? The man that talks about his lovely practising mother in such a sickening manner??

How is her mentioning his abuse, violating him? Are you sane horta?

So a girl talking about how hurt and let down she feels is comparable to a man that destroyed his family?

Samaalic Era

@Samaalic Era your likes on this thread are saying otherwise.

You seem to approve of the posts that victim blame, despite the OP clearly stating that she saw her father consume alcohol and abuse her mother.

Furthermore, you seem to like Ibrahims statement of keeping his own mother in check and being disrespectful towards her.

You love to drag women for their misconduct. I don't see you dragging them for their evilness. In fact you approve. This is what I meant in the other thread when I was going in on you. Proved me nicely.
You have misunderstood the actual point. There's nothing wrong with advising your parents if there is conflict.

I'm being very reasonable here:drakewtf:


Honestly VixR, i think this site just attracts mentally unstable men with low self esteem. Their self worth stems from dominating women.

I've been raised in a Somali area, raised around Somali men ect and they are nowhere near as poisonous and abusive as the posters here.
I don’t buy it. They’re like that irl, unfortunately. Not surprised at what I’m seeing here. I’ve only seen 1 decent young Somali guy in my life, and he was from out of state. I used to sum up the oldies faults to civil war, but I think that’s just what most of them are.

I think you’re just trying to be nice. The rate of time between seeing the ones who turned out right is summed up in this dead waiting meme, I’m not even exaggerating:
Its stories like this as to why I am big supporter of Anti-natalism. Stupid irresponsible people reproducing in this world and not understanding the consequences of their actions.

Samaalic Era

99.9% aren’t worth it. I knew all my life I was lucky with my father. There’s no sticker price on that realization when you look around, wallahi. But as it turns out, the vast majority of the son’s of those regrettable fathers are even worse lol.
:gucciwhat: Non stop slander today I see
You have misunderstood the actual point. There's nothing wrong with advising your parents if there is conflict.

I'm being very reasonable here:drakewtf:

No, he made it very clear that he feels that because he pays for the house, his mother has to obey him. My house my rules. That is his words, i'm paraphrasing.

Furthermore, his mother tried to advice him to get married. Yet, when she was emotionally distraught about his father, he said it was her 'punishment'. What type of son talks to his mother like that? Also he believes he has the right to keep her in 'check'.

He is dragging a girl for being righfully hurt because of her fathers ill-treatment and admonishes her, yet he brags about to talking to his hooyo anyhow he likes.
It’s the truth. I’m not a victim of the Somali male. Left and right y’ll are one cautionary tale after another. It’s staggering.

I'm not saying there aren't deadbeats and weirdos in real life. But this level of female hatred and the need to dominate is a definitely new to me.

I think some of the guys here probably feel emasculated in real life. Online is where they can carry out their fantasies of being in 'control'.


I'm not saying there aren't deadbeats and weirdos in real life. But this level of female hatred and the need to dominate is a definitely new to me.

I think some of the guys here probably feel emasculated in real life. Online is where they can carry out their fantasies of being in 'control'.
I think we like to minimize the detriment of their behaviors, and the state of them. The well-adjusted ones are a needle in a haystack. They’re either ghetto, or extremist, or misogynistic, or all of the above. They operate on extremes.

I somewhat think they’re victims of the culture as well. They’re not paid attention, but then most Somali kids aren’t it seems.
I don’t buy it. They’re like that irl, unfortunately. Not surprised at what I’m seeing here. I’ve only seen 1 decent young Somali guy in my life, and he was from out of state. I used to sum up the oldies faults to civil war, but I think that’s just what most of them are.

I think you’re just trying to be nice. The rate of time between seeing the ones who turned out right is summed up in this dead waiting meme, I’m not even exaggerating:

Omg can you stop the hate. You take generalization to the most extreme in here. Wallahi sometimes I'm amazed how you don't realise this. We get it you don't like somali guys and it's unlikely a somali guy would marry an openly gaal girl. You are incompatible. But instead of just respecting that you go to extreme lengths to dehumanize somali guys to feel better about yourself.

99.9 percent of somali guys are trash, but somehow your dad and brothers are not and not your ex somali guy. Now mathematically what are the chances that you 1 person happened to come across 4 people of a group that's 99.9 percent trash. The numbers don't add up.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
@OP you’ve done well for yourself and family. You’ve shown resilience like most Somali women. Congrats on your success and may it continue.

There’s a lot of dysfunction in our community but it’s swept under the rug.
I'm a munafiqaad? The man that talks about his lovely practising mother in such a sickening manner??

How is her mentioning his abuse, violating him? Are you sane horta?

So a girl talking about how hurt and let down she feels is comparable to a man that destroyed his family?
A munafiq is a person who lies and doesn’t say the full truth about something they are reporting. Why are u omitting what I put in brackets? Is checking your parents respectfully a bad thing now?? I see, your mother talked and acted however she wanted huh in front of u guys huh?!

