How Do You Feel About Palestinians?


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Lol i'm muslim couldn't care for another muslim let alone another africa pathetic fool being out the m card so typical lol.
You are Muslim and don’t care about other Muslims?

Sayyiduna Nu’man ibn Bashir (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) reports that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

‘The believers in their mutual mercy, love and compassion are like a body, when one limb is in pain the rest of the body joins in insomnia, fever and restlessness’

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 6011, Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2586)
Lol i'm muslim couldn't care for another muslim let alone another africa pathetic fool being out the m card so typical lol.
What do you [dearly] care about?

What would you say is your familiarity with Islam on a scale of 1 - 10? You do realise the concept of Ummad is a critical pillar in Islam.
I don't give a damn sbout the ummah good night
You are Muslim and don’t care about other Muslims?

Sayyiduna Nu’man ibn Bashir (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) reports that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:

‘The believers in their mutual mercy, love and compassion are like a body, when one limb is in pain the rest of the body joins in insomnia, fever and restlessness’

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 6011, Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2586)

So you claim to be a Muslim but openly declare you do not care about Islam? That is known as kufr, Islam is a belief not a cultural identity.

Interestingly, it is to passionatley argue why you dont care about Palestine/Palestinian Muslims in particular.

Sounds like a zionist larping to me.
I was thinking along the lines of our blending with other ethnicities in the West, and our grandchildren returning back home only to being regarded as being foreigners. I once met a gentleman at an airport, your typical European, who spoke perfect Somali, said his father was one, and was heading back to .So to visit his grandmother. I guarantee you the locals would be telling him he 'did not belong'. I was drawing a likeness to the point you made about the Jews 'not belonging' in Palestine. Migration, egress or otherwise, definitely causes friction.
I personally view the ones who want to live in peace with their neighbors as civil people.

Most of them are racist and view Somalis as sub-human, not my problem.

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I was thinking along the lines of our blending with other ethnicities in the West, and our grandchildren returning back home only to being regarded as being foreigners. I once met a gentleman at an airport, your typical European, who spoke perfect Somali, said his father was one, and was heading back to .So to visit his grandmother. I guarantee you the locals would be telling him he 'did not belong'. I was drawing a likeness to the point you made about the Jews 'not belonging' in Palestine. Migration, egress or otherwise, definitely causes friction.
No I have a problem with how Jews are choosing to go about it. I don't think anyone really had an issue with Jews settling in Palestine. The actual equivalentto what your saying when compared to what the Jews are doing is if everyone just accepted that bantus are actually ethnic somalis and they now have a right to migrate/settle and displace ethnic somalis. They then go on to acting like the victims whilst taking over and ethnically cleansing somalis in there own land.

Ethnic somalis coming back to somalia is a false equivalency no one has a problem with that. A few West African countries have extended a hand to AA to come settle in there countries and be citizens. Trying to take over, wipeout the natives and simultaneously act as the victims in the situation is what I'm against not the fact that they went back.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Palestinians are very nice people from my experience. There women are very pretty as well.


Hot like shaax, cool like jalaato
I think Palestine is a pretty cool guy. Eh throws rocks at zoinists and doesn't afraid of anything.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Redirection my old mate: Jews too are from the region: children of Abraham => Ishaq (Jews) & Isma'il (Arabs).
Arabs and Jews are like Somali and Oromo. Very close, probably even closer.
They lived with each other for thousands of years until the zionists from Europe came over.

These European Zionists are atheists and challenge Jewish doctrine yet still believe God promised them "Isreal". Pathetic people that should be put into an oven. They are even mostly German and russian/slavic.

Many Palestinians have more Jewish blood than these zionists lmfao.
They tend to be most racist of Arabs here in the west which is hilarious

I guess them being victims for so long has given them an inferiority complex to everyone
No I have a problem with how Jews are choosing to go about it. I don't think anyone really had an issue with Jews settling in Palestine.
I think, in principle, we are in agreement, but I was just underscoring a fact, which gets clouded in Muslim conversations, where whilst fighting for the rights of the Palestinians, and doing all we can for their wellbeing, and return of their land, we must remember Jews are also natives to the land (I am not taking about converts).
The actual equivalentto what your saying when compared to what the Jews are doing is if everyone just accepted that bantus are actually ethnic somalis and they now have a right to migrate/settle and displace ethnic somalis.
You mean like how today's ethnic Somalis displaced erstwhile natives to take over the land, and make it their own? After all, the land we call ours today was originally inhabited by Bantus, no?
They then go on to acting like the victims whilst taking over and ethnically cleansing somalis in there own land.
I did not realise you were an ethnocentricst, why not, after all, you are a Northerner (kaftan)?
Ethnic somalis coming back to somalia is a false equivalency no one has a problem with that.
If it is your ancestral land, could you not just return at any time?
A few West African countries have extended a hand to AA to come settle in there countries and be citizens. Trying to take over, wipeout the natives and simultaneously act as the victims in the situation is what I'm against not the fact that they went back.
You mean like Liberia being taken over by former slaves from the US?
I think, in principle, we are in agreement, but I was just underscoring a fact, which gets clouded in Muslim conversations, where whilst fighting for the rights of the Palestinians, and doing all we can for their wellbeing, and return of their land, we must remember Jews are also natives to the land (I am not taking about converts).
The issue is about 60 to 70% are actually converts and this 60 to 70% are the ones who pushed for all of this an control the government there and do everything over there. This 60/70% runs the show and is who is mainly represented and started zionism. The ones pushing for this project of isreal aren't are the converts that have no ethnic ties to the land.
You mean like how today's ethnic Somalis displaced erstwhile natives to take over the land, and make it their own? After all, the land we call ours today was originally inhabited by Bantus, no?
Bantus aren't even native to the East Side of Africa at all they migrated from west Africa into the east and wiped out ethnic groups along the way. The whole them being natives is a retcon and it's the victim narrative I'm talking about. East Africa is native to nilotes, cushites and those San people who are on the verge of extinction. Somalis are a mix of the nilotes that lived in this region and natufians from between North and East Africa in Sudan and Egypt.

The fact that they believe there natives and pushing for reconquest is them feeling entitled and trying to push that only bantus are native to Africa and that we aren't because we don't look like them physically. There whole argument is based off somalis not looking like "real" Africans and many African and non Africans have fallen for it. To bad there fuuleys and can't act on it but that there sentiment.

I did not realise you were an ethnocentricst, why not, after all, you are a Northerner (kaftan)?
No that's an example of what they want to do not what they are doing. They want somalia "back" which would involved ethnically cleansing somalis just like the hutus tried to do with the tutsis. We already have seen there attempt in action aswell as there justifications when there not even natives to rawanda or like I said before anywhere along east Africa.

If it is your ancestral land, could you not just return at any time?
I don't have a problem with returning to ones ancestral land. I have a problem with trying to take over and do underhanded stuff and acting a victim and then going on to cry when you get push back. If you wanna take somewhere by force expect the blowback and Don't go off on stuff that ain't true but then again propaganda is propaganda and technically everything is fair in war.

You mean like Liberia being taken over by former slaves from the US?
Not really I was just giving an example that people have been given opportunity to go back to there ancestral lands like the AAs and that there is nothing wrong with going back to it as someone who's been removed from it for 100s of years.

The second part is about what isreal was doing in comparison because they always had accesses to going back to there ancestral lands but they wanted to take over and completely wipe out its previous inhabitants which is what they are doing to this day.
The issue is about 60 to 70% are actually converts and this 60 to 70% are the ones who pushed for all of this an control the government there and do everything over there. This 60/70% runs the show and is who is mainly represented and started zionism. The ones pushing for this project of isreal aren't are the converts that have no ethnic ties to the land.
I am familiar with Ch Weizmann's grand project of dislocating Palestinians whilst relocating Jews from Europe with the help of the West. I did not realise the number of non-Jewish Israelites was that high.
Bantus aren't even native to the East Side of Africa at all they migrated from west Africa into the east and wiped out ethnic groups along the way. The whole them being natives is a retcon and it's the victim narrative I'm talking about. East Africa is native to nilotes, cushites and those San people who are on the verge of extinction. Somalis are a mix of the nilotes that lived in this region and natufians from between North and East Africa in Sudan and Egypt.

The fact that they believe there natives and pushing for reconquest is them feeling entitled and trying to push that only bantus are native to Africa and that we aren't because we don't look like them physically. There whole argument is based off somalis not looking like "real" Africans and many African and non Africans have fallen for it. To bad there fuuleys and can't act on it but that there sentiment.
Human migration is fascinating subject, and Dr Wells would partially agree with those statements, albeit European anthropologists would wholly disagree, but then again, I take anything they say with a pinch of salt, or do with an alarming caution. They are not to be trusted with anything worthy of redemption.
I don't have a problem with returning to ones ancestral land. I have a problem with trying to take over and do underhanded stuff and acting a victim and then going on to cry when you get push back. If you wanna take somewhere by force expect the blowback and Don't go off on stuff that ain't true but then again propaganda is propaganda and technically everything is fair in war.
Valid point.


Hot like shaax, cool like jalaato
Jews are not native. Canaanites were native. They also no longer have a religious claim to the land. Also, any land under muslim rule should not leave muslim rule.