Goob-Wayn Damnnnnnnnnnnnn

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@Cognitivedissonance I doubt anyone gets seats or power just because their in shabab, it would send a shit-storm through somalia with everyone signing up for shabab. You get something in Somalia based on clan strength and nothing else. The weaker the clan, the less it gets. The stronger the more. The rules aren't more complicated then that and conspiracies and shit that don't make sense about 'oh that clan is in shabab' so he will get more would mean every clan would do the same and it's back to square one again.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sade isn't the only clan in shabab and compared to hawiye is very minimal so why didn't hawiyes get a big boost up? oh come on dude, marehan are a large clan in jubbaland not as big as ogaden but it's second in line. Why didn't Digil and Mirifle get a big boost? their massive in shabab also
Who said mareexan aint the largest clan in gedo? My point is kablalax are the second largest in gedo i am from ceel waaq and i have many family from luuq and baardheere theres many harti from there.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance I doubt anyone gets seats or power just because their in shabab, it would send a shit-storm through somalia with everyone signing up for shabab. You get something in Somalia based on clan strength and nothing else. The weaker the clan, the less it gets. The stronger the more. The rules aren't more complicated then that and conspiracies and shit that don't make sense about 'oh that clan is in shabab' so he will get more would mean every clan would do the same and it's back to square one again.
Al shaabab in jubaland are overwhelmingly sade they are mucaarad boowe stick to puntland and leave jubaland to me.
@Cognitivedissonance you make no sense sometimes, why did marehan get such a big portion of parliamentarians. 21 ogadens. Marehan are pushing 19. Digil And Mirifle is next pushing 10. Harti is the next pushing 7. Followed by Hawiye(sheikhaal, gaaljacel) pushing 6.

Your stats can't be honored anymore if you claiming belet hawo isn't a marehan city, noone else settles there.
MX got 19 but it should be 21. It will reflect the mps in lower house.

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Al shaabab in jubaland are overwhelmingly sade they are mucaarad boowe stick to puntland and leave jubaland to me.

You know I got a real blood relative uncle in Kismayo right? I can call him and ask if I wanted too but we don't talk about clan shit anyways but family matters. U know when the house going to be completed, when you sending money, what's the next few year plans, when you heading over. Rarely political but it does creep in and I might strike on how Kismayo is settled.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You know I got a real blood relative uncle in Kismayo right? I can call him and ask if I wanted too but we don't talk about clan shit anyways but family matters. U know when the house going to be completed, when you sending money, what's the next few year plans, when you heading over. Rarely political but it does creep in and I might strike on how Kismayo is settled.
If you got a problem with me claiming gedo then why havent you got a problem with mareexan claiming jubbada hoose? Are you even majeerteen?


You havent got a problem with mareexan claiming harti land but you have a problem with me claiming beledxaawo what a nacas naga taag nin yaho bila dhiig ba tahay

I got nothing against Marehan except how they bum up to hawiye, that I cannot stand personally. They should just stop playing the for hawiye under the guise of somalinimo. Marehan hate Marehan, you know mor
If you got a problem with me claiming gedo then why havent you got a problem with mareexan claiming jubbada hoose? Are you even majeerteen?

Cause I don't know Jubbaland, I am all ears for it. I know historically they have no role in jubba hoose but what in the world is barre hiraale doing with 500 marehan boys outside kismayo if he aint got boys on the ground? I just following logic. Let's see you pull that shit in belet hawo and I might start believing you.

I am majerten but I aint no nacas that plays the 'i'll claim your town' nonsense but can't put together any boys to fight for it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I got nothing against Marehan except how they bum up to hawiye, that I cannot stand personally. They should just stop playing the for hawiye under the guise of somalinimo. Marehan hate Marehan, you know mor

Cause I don't know Jubbaland, I am all ears for it. I know historically they have no role in jubba hoose but what in the world is barre hiraale doing with 500 marehan boys outside kismayo if he aint got boys on the ground? I just following logic. Let's see you pull that shit in belet hawo and I might start believing you.

I am majerten but I aint no nacas that plays the 'i'll claim your town' nonsense but can't put together any boys to fight for it.
Boowe most of your mareexan folks in jubaland are part of al shabaab.


Boowe most of your mareexan folks in jubaland are part of al shabaab.

Al Shabab isn't a soldier or some army, it's an entity. An entity is a space and empty space and it sure filled it up with 500 marehan boys outside kismaayo. Heck barre hiraale was camped out in goob-wayn last time I remember reading. They have a population on the ground in jubba hoose the question really is HOW MUCH not denying it with marehan don't live in jubba? How in the f*ck are you majerten you have no brains and sound like some hawiye. How do u explain someone rounds up 500 boys on the outskirts of your kismaayo and then you say you don't live here!!! You think barre got them all from Gedo and drove them through all those different clan towns and not be stopped once?


Maybe your a just looooooooool while you write your nonsensical shit looking to stir the pot a bit.
I got nothing against Marehan except how they bum up to hawiye, that I cannot stand personally. They should just stop playing the for hawiye under the guise of somalinimo. Marehan hate Marehan, you know mor
Beenaale beenaale kala jirin. Walaalaha Galgaduud was an excellent idea for us to bring in gurmad from our territory in Galgaduud to Kismayo


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Al Shabab isn't a soldier or some army, it's an entity. An entity is a space and empty space and it sure filled it up with 500 marehan boys outside kismaayo. Heck barre hiraale was camped out in goob-wayn last time I remember reading. They have a population on the ground in jubba hoose the question really is HOW MUCH not denying it with marehan don't live in jubba? How in the f*ck are you majerten you have no brains and sound like some hawiye. How do u explain someone rounds up 500 boys on the outskirts of your kismaayo and then you say you don't live here!!! You think barre got them all from Gedo and drove them through all those different clan towns and not be stopped once?
How do you explain isaac terrorists taking over galgala likewise how do you explain mostly hawiye and digil iyo mirifle al shabaab members taking over garaacad in mudug puntland?

Most al shabaab are mareexan, hawiye and digil iyo mirifle, biyoomal and bantu in jubaland.


Shabab isn't a tribe, it's an idealogy and even maxamud saleban are in there and I remember a suicide bomber from minneapolis who did mogadishu up. The recruits will be more based on which towns or districts shabab has under his hands as more recruits will come from there plus which clans it has working partnership with(Isaaq) to destroy a common enemy 'federalism' which is not in secessionist interest as they don't want to be a federal state nor is shabab interested in federalism as it want's a highly centralized state from mogadishu.

It's basically a pool of centralist-secessionist who are in shabab plus diaspora and any langaab clan who has issues with the system in place and then the idealogically driven I want the world for Allah types who are in every clan.
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