Goob-Wayn Damnnnnnnnnnnnn

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No you’re mistaken when shiekh darood Ismail al jabarti grandson harti was old a frail dhulbhante and warsengeli left and settled in sool and sanaag while Majeerteen and dhisheshe iyo kaskiqabe Who were very young at the time stayed with their older brother Majeerteen

Then what explains why the warsangeli still settles in bari? The story I was told was there was a civil war that occurred 300 years ago when the warsangeli populated heavily the bari region. The war was called duubya xidh, apparently they were chained at the ankles so they couldn't run and were slaughtered one by one and hence why they became a smaller clan but that wasn't the case back then as they were very numerous. From that slaughter also came refugees fleeing so they don't get chained by ankles and they went to sanaag and arabia. This makes more sense as it explains why they still have a population in bari but it is smaller then majerten, dashishe, as they come in 3rd after. Plus this can also explain the anomosity the warsangeli dubays clan have the osman maxamud who were in charge of the majerten back in those days.


You are forgetting might demographic change There’s many OG now in kismayo but most of the land and houses are still owned by Harti in kismayo and jubadda hoose and many are coming back from the diaspora to fix their homes and rent it out or settling back there.

Lots of Ogaden. So if you had to give a percentage to each clan settles in REAL numbers not historical legitimacy because if historical legitimacy mattered wouldn't the hamar cad cad be mayor of mogadishu? they simply don't have the numbers on the ground to secure such a position. So what are the figures throw it out mr kismaayo!!!

I can tell you garowe percentages quite easy. Issa Mahmud about 50%, Bah Dubeys Osman Mahmud 20%. Then the remaining 30% omar mahmud reer hersi around 10%. the remaining 20% is reer omar, arab salax, dhulbahante, and so forth sharing it for smaller percentages.

I know we secured a garowe seat for bah dubays osman maxamud. Our MP is called Burhaan Aadan Aw-cabdi and he hails from Garowe and our seat was given based on our garowe population so it must be significant and more so then reer hersi as they don't get a seat through garowe so my figures might even be wrong.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Then what explains why the warsangeli still settles in bari? The story I was told was there was a civil war that occurred 300 years ago when the warsangeli populated heavily the bari region. The war was called duubya xidh, apparently they were chained at the ankles so they couldn't run and were slaughtered one by one and hence why they became a smaller clan but that wasn't the case back then as they were very numerous. From that slaughter also came refugees fleeing so they don't get chained by ankles and they went to sanaag and arabia. This makes more sense as it explains why they still have a population in bari but it is smaller then majerten, dashishe, as they come in 3rd after.
Warsengeli have settled in bari recently it was first in habited by cismaan maxamud it was boqortooyoda Who first walked in bosaso, murcanyo, caluula, bargaal, bareeda, isku shuban, xaafuun, hordio, geesaley, dharoor...

“Magaalada Murcanyo waa magaalo xeebeed ka tirsan degaanka Caluula magaalada Bosasona u jirta 79 mayl dhinaca bada waa magaalo qadiim leh

Waxaa la asaasay qiyaastii 1780 -1790 waxaa tiirkii ugu horeeyay ka taagay ergaygii la oran jiray Faatax Faahiye oo ahaa nin Cismaan Maxamuud ah.

Waxa uu ahaa Faatax ergay uu boqor Maxamuud Hawaadane u xilsaaray in uu xaliyo khilaaf ka jiray sida loo kala xadaynayo xijiyada ku yaalay buuraha sare ee Murcanyood

Khilaafkaas oo ahaa khilaaf soo nonq-noqday Faatax waxa uu noqday nin aad ugu guulaystay xad u samaynta xijiyada sida beelaha loogu qaybinayo iyo in uu noqday ninkii ugu fiicnaa ee xaliya hawlaha xijiyada xiligaasu waxa uu ahaa xili dadkii bariga deganaa ay kusoo bilaabatay in maydigu suuq fiican yeesho gaar ahaan suuqii cadmeed

Fatax Faahiye waxa uu ahaa nin ilbax ah oo mudo ku soo noolaa magaalada Harar, waxa uu ka bilaabay deegaanka Tayeega ceelkii u horeeyay oo qodaal ah waana ku guulaystay in uu helo biyo macaan badan oo ah asaaskii iyo saldhigii ugu horeeyay oo ay noqoto degaan
Waxay noqotay magaalo ganacsi waxaa usoo guuray magaaladii Murcanyood boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Xawaadane oo ahaa ninkii ka dhaxlay aabihii boqortooyada

Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Xawaadane kama fogayn magaalada Murcanyo waxa uu deganaa meesha la dhaho sankacad oo Murcanyo u jirta 3km ceel ahaana waxa uu isticmaali jiray ceelka ladhaho haqayn

Markuu boqorku degay Murcanyo waxa ugu horeeyay uu asaasay waxa uu ahaa masaajidka la yiraahdo masjidka degta waxa kale oo uu sameeyay guri uu leeyahay iyo barxad safarku degaan iyo meel uu dadka ku qaabilo

Murcanyo tartiib tartiib ayay usoo waynaatay waxaa bilaamay safaro ka imanaya carabta oo doonyaleey reer Yamaneed ah ayaa bilaabay in ay badeecado keen sadan Murcanyo

Murcanyo markii la soo gaaray 1818 kii geeridii boqor Maxamuud Xawaadane oo uu xukunka boqortooyada gacanta ku dhigay boqor Cisman Maxamuud Xawaadane waxay noqotay caasimadii dhulkii la oran jiray Majeerteenya

Boqorku waxa uu sameeyay maamul magaalada Murcanyo, waxa uu dekada ama xaga bada loo dhiibay wiil uu dhalay asaasihii magaalada faatax fasahiye wiilkiisana waxa la oran jiray cabdi faatax faahiye markay taariikhdu ahayd 1843-1844 kii

Waxaa dhulka Soomaaliya yimi kaaliyihii xaga siyaasada wakiilka uga ahaa Cadan ninkaasu waxa uu yimi Murcanyo

Murcanyo waxa uu ku qeexay xiligaas ama ku macneeyay waxay ahayd meel uu boqor Cismaan Maxamud xawaadane dajiyay caruurtiisa waqtigaas
Murcanyo waxay ka koobnayd 85 guri faraasiladii maydiga ahayd waxay joogtay 1.5$ miisaan udhigma 12kg

Waqti ku dhaw hal sano ayuu joogay Murcanyo iyo Xaafuun ilaa dhulkii la oran jiray Majeerteenya

Murcanyo waxaa xiligaa joogay Nuur boqor Cismaan Maxamud Xawaadane oo xukunka u hayay wiilkii uu dhalay walaalkii aad iyo aad ayuu ugu amaanay qoraalkiisa safirkii Ingiriisku

Nuur Cismaan waxaa markii hore dhexmaray dagaal Nuur waxa uu ku qabsaday sababta uu dhulka kusoo galay baryo badan oo safiirku sameeyay waa ka aqbalay ( xigasho W K durril ) ( a garrison)

Nuur markii lasoo gaaray 1854 waxay boqortooyadu usoo guurtay dhinaca Dharoor iyo Xaafuun labadaa meelood ayay ka dhexaysay

Waxaa magaaladii Murcanyo maamulkeeda la wareegay Shurwac boqor Cismaan waxa uu ka sameeyay xukun ku dhisan shareecada islaamka

Waxuu magaalada usameeyay qaadiyaal waxii layaabka lahayd waxay ahayd Murcanyo waxay yeelatay meel lagu ciyaaro ciyaarta kobraha layiraahdo waqtigii Shurwac Cisman

Waxaa kaloo magaalada Murcanyo yeelatay meelo fardaha caws loogu beero sida beeraha garsa qayb kamida tababarna lagu qaato maxaa yeelay xiliyadaas waxaa bilaamayay colaado sokeeye oo Soomaliya ka jiray

Markii lasoo gaaray dhamaadkii qarnigii 19 aad iyo bilawgii kii 20 aad waxay Murcanyo ahayd dhulkii ugu fiicnaa xaga dhaqaalaha degenaanta iyo magac ahaanba dhulkii majeerteenya la oran jiray

Markii uu bilaamay halgankii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan waxay ahayd meelahii uu ku xusay geeraaradiisa midkood waxuu yiri

Majeerteen markaan maqalay manki baajeclaystayoo milmil reerka oo yaal dib usoo majiirayoo muxubo ugu soo raray murcanyo iyo baargaal

Waxaa xusid mudan ragii uu sayid maxamed dilkooda iyo dagaalkooda ku diganayay sida guray shurwac iyo bile samantar ay ahaayeen rag reer murcanyo ah waxaa kaloo kamid ahaa Axmed Samantar oo usaguna sayid maxamed ku difaacay gabay markii lasoo gaaray 1927 waxa gumaystihii talyaanigu murcanyo ka dhisay guri kastam loo isticmaalo iyo degaan ay kunastaan sahmiyaashii macdan baarayaasha ahaa oo bilaabay 1928 shaqadii u horaysay ee sahminta macdanta isla waqtigaasba waxa gumaystihii talyaanigu u aqoonsaday odaygii magaalada togox shurwac boqor Cismaan oo da wayn ah waqti yar kadibna waxaa geeriyooday togox waxaa loo doortay in uu nabadoon magaalada ka noqdo wiilkiisii nuur togox shurwac magaalada murcanyo markii ay bilaabatay

Dhaq-dhaqaaqii leegada SYL aad bay ugu adkaatay hirgalistii iyo xoogii ay leegadu ku lahayd degaankii Caluula waayo Murcanyo waxaa xoog ku lahaa xisbigii talyaaniga raacsanaa dadaal badan kadib markii xoghayihii leegada ee Murcanyo uu noqday (Calasow Ismaaciil Samantar Boqor Cismaan ) ayay xoogsatay wax yar kadibna Caluula xoogeedii oo dhami waxay noqotay xisbigii SYL

Waxa ay ahayd degaanadii ugu xooga badnaa leegada dhulka Soomaalidu degto 1956 waxay Murcanyo lahayd hal nabadoon oo ahaa Nuur Togox Shurwac

Waxaa isla sanadkaas degaanka Caluula laga sameeyay 3 sandiko oo kala ah Bareeda, Caluula iyo Murcanyo kadib markii uu barmaamijkaas uu keenay DC degmada Caluula Maxamed Shiikh Bin Shiikh laga soo bilaabo 1956 ilaa1970kii Murcanyo waxaa duq magaalo ka ahaa Xaaji Yuusuf Ciise Cali

Markii uu kacaanku xukunka qabtay Murcanyo waxay ka mid noqotay tuulo kamid ah tuulada Caluula”


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lots of Ogaden. So if you had to give a percentage to each clan settles in REAL numbers not historical legitimacy because if historical legitimacy mattered wouldn't the hamar cad cad be mayor of mogadishu? they simply don't have the numbers on the ground to secure such a position. So what are the figures throw it out mr kismaayo!!!

I can tell you garowe percentages quite easy. Issa Mahmud about 50%, Omar Mahmud especially reer hersi would come in next around 20%. Then the remaining 30% my sub-clan around 10%. 20% is reer omar, arab salax, dhulbahante, and so forth.
Xamar cad cad are not indigenous to the land how can you compare harti with cad cads kkk

Harti have always been the owners of kismayo and today most of the land and homes belongs to them that’s why the mayorship always goes to them.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@DR OSMAN during siad barre administration he placed an embargo on bosaso and kismayo so most maxamud saleeban went abroad to escape siad barre persecution but most of them are in Europe or the states and have started to come back soon when bu’aale the capital city of jubaland is freed then the Ogaden and mareexan can go there but for now since the government is based in kismayo that’s why there’s many ogaden and mareexan and many other tribes present but the land and homes overwhelmingly still belong to harti especially Majeerteen that’s why the mayorship always goes to Majeerteen


Xamar cad cad are not indigenous to the land how can you compare harti with cad cads kkk

Harti have always been the owners of kismayo and today most of the land and homes belongs to them that’s why the mayorship always goes to them.

Just give me the percentages not the historical ownership. The native Americans own America but the demographic says otherwise. What's the demographics. Break it down. I'll revise my Garowe stats cause reer hersi omar mahmud must be less as they don't get any seat through Garowe.

Issa Mahmud 50%
Bah Dubays 20%
Reer Hersi 10%
Dhulbahante, Reer Omar, Arab salax sharing the 20% with Dhulbahante and Reer Omar taking the majority 15%

I know this because Reer Omar actually are pissed they ain't getting a seat in puntland parliament and angry Bah Dubays were given it as they feel our numbers are close to each other in terms of population in the city. But you know Somalis they say all sorts of wild shit.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Just give me the percentages not the historical ownership. The native Americans own America but the demographic says otherwise. What's the demographics. Break it down. I'll revise my Garowe stats cause reer hersi omar mahmud must be less as they don't get any seat through Garowe.

Issa Mahmud 50%
Bah Dubays 20%
Reer Hersi 10%
Dhulbahante, Reer Omar, Arab salax sharing the 20% with Dhulbahante and Reer Omar taking the majority 15%
There’s a war in jubaland most of jubaland is controlled by al shabaab how can you compare jubaland to puntland kkk

Few miles outside kismayo is controlled by al shabaab demographics kulaha you can’t be serious boowe kismayo is where the government is based temporarily till the capital city of jubaland Bu’aal is freed from al shabaab so there’s many tribes present today in kismayo
True who-ever gets the mayor is the bulk of the population, that's why abgaal always get mayor in hamar and noone else comes close to the spot, it's cause when you look at 16 districts of mogadishu those boys sit on 60% of those districts and then still have sleeper cells among the others where they get second or third spots.
Ahmed Madoobe made them mayor not their numbers.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ahmed Madoobe made them mayor not their numbers.
Don’t you think ahmed madoobe would love to make the mayor of kismayo ogaden since he’s ogaden? Why do you think he has made the mayor of kismayo consecutively harti since he has been in power?

Most of the land and homes belong to harti in kismayo Especially Majeerteen


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Don’t you think ahmed madoobe would love to make the mayor of kismayo ogaden since he’s ogaden? Why do you think he has made the mayor of kismayo consecutively harti since he has been in power?

Most of the land and homes belong to harti in kismayo
Harti are the original Darood inhabitants of Kismayo and you can’t ever be Prez or VP
Don’t you think ahmed madoobe would love to make the mayor of kismayo ogaden since he’s ogaden? Why do you think he has made the mayor of kismayo consecutively harti since he has been in power?

Most of the land and homes belong to harti in kismayo Especially Majeerteen
He is playing the kablalax game.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Harti are the original Darood inhabitants of Kismayo and you can’t ever be Prez or VP
I won’t claim gedo or jubadda dhexe but I will be damned if I alllow others to claim kismayo Alhamdulillah Majeerteen are not a small tribe that can be pushed around when it comes to darood in somalia Majeerteen are the majority forget about other hartis boowe ciyaarta waa galin dembe


Seeker of knowledge and truth
I won’t claim gedo or jubadda dhexe but I will be damned if I alllow others to claim kismayo Alhamdulillah Majeerteen are not a small tribe that can be pushed around when it comes to darood in somalia Majeerteen are the majority forget about other hartis boowe ciyaarta waa galin dembe
In JL you can be pushed around not in PL


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In JL you can be pushed around not in PL
Isn’t jubaland in somalia or is it in another country? We will send our men and money to protect our people in jubaland and politically we will cripple any tribe that stands in our way.
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