Cisse Djibouti are Assimilating/Somalising Afars


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
You do know that they live under Oromo mercy today? In fact, within a couple of generation, the remaining Hararis are bound to assimilate into Oromos. Who are the majority in the city of Harar and the regional state of Harar.

Might as well let switch place with the Oromos. Hararis once upon a time used to be closer to us :ohlord:
Xooged by Menelik & Oromos wllhi it’s over for XAARharis
Xooged by Menelik & Oromos wllhi it’s over for XAARharis

Why are you insulting Hararis?!?! Waa miskiin. You're not supposed to kick someone when they are down. Also it was mainly Haile Selassie who did a number on them. :kodaksmiley:
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Everything unuka leh
Xooged by Menelik & Oromos wllhi it’s over for XAARharis
I don't think you knew it but, actually when menelik invaded harar he only massacred the somalis there, sparing Hararis

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
Oromuuma in action;


Only way to stop it is to wake the sleeping giant that is SOMALINIMO;

AUN all of them, we really had very big population in the region.
The Hawiye sides of Harar are all Hawiye as its the original homeland but majority karanle and gugundhabe, those guys are largely hararised and oromised, many somalis that lived in harar region escaped in the menelik and haile selassie era, so darods and oromos focused on their state capitals like Goday and Addis Ababa. But harar city and some of its immediate vicinity near the older parts of the city gidir magaal has Somalis of all bands living there, its a former capital so there are some who returned or remained there indefinitely.