Atheists of Somalispot come in! Let's discuss this.

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Are you referring to the Rudy thing on Fox? I never said he didn't want to ban Muslims or anything of that nature. This ban is not a Muslim, simple.

This is about this ORDER. There is no "mental gymnastics".

He said he wanted a Muslim ban during his administration.

He calls Rudy Giuliani to find a loophole to make it constitutional.

How is that hard to understand?


Not your typical Farah
It's a Muslim ban, just because he only banned seven countries for now does not mean it is not a Muslim ban. He gathered the list from the previous Obama administration that were the top terror supporting nations. He listed seven nations out of the entire list but he will keep expanding it, you'll see. The reason he put Sudan and Somalia in the list was because he knew that they are being resettled as refugees in the US and wanted to make sure that doesn't happen. Intuu Minnesota airportka soo istagay buu waxuu yidhi (during his campaign) a bunch of Somali refugees have been dumped on you guys without your approval and look it's a mess with a bunch of ISIS recruits. He will add Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt etc. next. Ted Cruz has been trying since 2015 to have CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) designated as a terrorist/terror supporting organization. This is only the beginning.

You guys arguing what will happen. Until it happens, then we can talk. Like I said to Merka, the other 6 countries are banned only for 90 days until they come up with their "extreme vetting" process.

This not a Muslim ban folks. I highly doubt he will add the other countries you stated. Why couldn't he added now?

Let's stop arguing about nonsense guys, let's wait and see what happens.

If this turns out to be a Muslim ban, I will stand with you @merka @Bahal


You guys arguing what will happen. Until it happens, then we can talk. Like I said to Merka, the other 6 countries are banned only for 90 days until they come up with their "extreme vetting" process.

This not a Muslim ban folks. I highly doubt he will add the other countries you stated. Why couldn't he added now?

Let's stop arguing about nonsense guys, let's wait and see what happens.

If this turns out to be a Muslim ban, I will stand with you @merka @Bahal

He stated himself that these aren't the only countries that he intends on banning and he will expand on it.


Not your typical Farah
He said he wanted a Muslim ban during his administration.

He calls Rudy Giuliani to find a loophole to make it constitutional.

How is that hard to understand?
I'm not the one having comprehension problems here. I'm arguing about the order.

Yes, he did say: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

But, until this happens, then you're argument is not valid. I never said he never wanted to either.

He can't ban people entering the country for religious reasons and he can't make it constitutional.

Again, remember, this guy is a idiot and you guys are falling for it.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm not the one having comprehension problems here. I'm arguing about the order.

Yes, he did say: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

But, until this happens, then you're argument is not valid. I never said he never wanted to either.

He can't ban people entering the country for religious reasons and he can't make it constitutional.

Again, remember, this guy is a idiot and you guys are falling for it.

I take people's vows at face value. The man wanted a Muslim ban, finds out it's unconstitutional, then does the next best thing, with the caveat of non Muslim immigrants excluded which effectively makes it a ban on Muslims from those particular countries.

It's a clear indication of the sort of policies he will pursue over the next 4 years.
I'm not the one having comprehension problems here. I'm arguing about the order.

Yes, he did say: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

But, until this happens, then you're argument is not valid. I never said he never wanted to either.

He can't ban people entering the country for religious reasons and he can't make it constitutional.

Again, remember, this guy is a idiot and you guys are falling for it.
He's an idiot but he's now an idiot with power. If you can't take him seriously now then there's no helping you.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
You guys arguing what will happen. Until it happens, then we can talk. Like I said to Merka, the other 6 countries are banned only for 90 days until they come up with their "extreme vetting" process.

This not a Muslim ban folks. I highly doubt he will add the other countries you stated. Why couldn't he added now?

Let's stop arguing about nonsense guys, let's wait and see what happens.

If this turns out to be a Muslim ban, I will stand with you @merka @Bahal

Walaal if you are saying that it is not a Muslim ban then you are right but you are also wrong. He promised that he will ban Muslims os he decided to ban poor Muslims. He did not ban Turkey, Indonesia, India even though they have more Muslims than Somalia. The seven countries he did ban have not done any t3rr0ist attack for 40+ years. This ban is also unconstitutional.
Inscription on Statue of Liberty
The plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



Not your typical Farah
@merka @Bahal @Gambar

Let me make it clear. I'm well aware he wants to ban Muslims for Islamic terrorism reasons. He's not banning Muslims because he hates them for their religion. He banned the 6 countries for 90 days until he comes up with the "extreme vetting". Yes, he can extend it for "security reasons". He can't ban other Muslim countries that don't have terrorism issues because he has no excuses if he truly hates Muslims. He can't ban people because of their religion as he would violate the first amendment.

He clearly is banning countries with terrorism problems. The question is, does the state support or does the country have terrorists in them. YES, so he has valid argument there.

A Muslim ban would be banning people for their religion (Islam) which he never stated that I'm aware of. If you can provide evidence for this, I will happily admit my wrong here.

I don't agree with the order, but it's invalid to say this is a Muslim ban he's not banning people for their religion, but for security reasons.

Until their is an order where he bans all Muslims or adds countries that have no terrorism, then this argument would be valid.


@merka @Bahal @Gambar

Let me make it clear. I'm well aware he wants to ban Muslims for Islamic terrorism reasons. He's not banning Muslims because he hates them for their religion. He banned the 6 countries for 90 days until he comes up with the "extreme vetting". Yes, he can extend it for "security reasons". He can't ban other Muslim countries that don't have terrorism issues because he has no excuses if he truly hates Muslims. He can't ban people because of their religion as he would violate the first amendment.

He clearly is banning countries with terrorism problems. The question is, does the state support or does the country have terrorists in them. YES, so he has valid argument there.

A Muslim ban would be banning people for their religion (Islam) which he never stated that I'm aware of. If you can provide evidence for this, I will happily admit my wrong here.

I don't agree with the order, but it's invalid to say this is a Muslim ban he's not banning people for their religion, but for security reasons.

Until their is an order where he bans all Muslims or adds countries that have no terrorism, then this argument would be valid.

Actually the president has the authority to ban people since they (immigrants) do not have constitutional rights.
Since most of you all despise Islam and always talked bad about Muslims primarily Somali Muslims. How do you feel about the Muslim ban? Are you stoked about kids who are stuck in Africa while their mother or father are in the U.S and were in the process of coming to America? Are you also happy about Somali U.S citizens who can't bring their elderly parents? How about kids in refugee camps who have nowhere to go?

Do you support Trump's Muslim ban?

I'm against the ban, but do you think when the majority of Somali Americans in Minnesota openly claim that they prefer sharia laws in the United States rather than the secular laws that embraced them as refugees and assisted them to flourish helps their case? The majority of the Americans and most Atheists if they read or view such statements would say, let them have Sharia Laws in Africa and would support the ban regardless of their ages or needs. Wouldn't you?

Minnesota Muslims brutally honest: 'We want Shariah'

Many American Muslims Prefer Sharia Law

It seems that Reiko went AWOL, but what do others think of Somalis yearning for Shariah Laws in the U.S.? Doesn't Trump has a valid argument when he says, here is the proof, those we educated and given them a better opportunity would rather want Shariah Laws to be implemented here in America, or they would rather like to live in Somalia than here because of the Shariah. Why do we have to bring more of them and turn their back on a system that they sought help from and nourished them? Why should we bring more these people to the United States?

Can any Muslim Somali openly say, I don't want Shariah Laws here in this country? No, that is akin to "kufr" and no Somali Muslim wants to be labelled as a "kafir". Blame your religious ideology and not the Atheists, other Americans or Donald Trump.


i want somalis in general to get banned tbh. they need to work on their country instead of running from it. they only choose to come to welfare countries to sit on their ass. we have enough qasaaro here who birthed a generation of qaasro thugs. stay home. can't say the same about syrians since they in general do better then somalis and their country is in turmoil.
So you're saying people starving in Somalia should stay there and build up their country?
Gerrara here :damedamn:
So you're saying people starving in Somalia should stay there and build up their country?
Gerrara here :damedamn:
form my experience most people that come here aren't starving. looking for better opportunities maybe, starving? no. even the ones in kenyan camps sneak out and come to nairobi to work as maids/cooks and sneak back in time for people to think they never left. they can survive they just want the easy way out. I've also noticed they get hella FOMO from somali youth on social media. they try too hard to be like us and when their old enough they tahriib. its sad but their country failed them


form my experience most people that come here aren't starving. looking for better opportunities maybe, starving? no. even the ones in kenyan camps sneak out and come to nairobi to work as maids/cooks and sneak back in time for people to think they never left. they can survive they just want the easy way out. I've also noticed they get hella FOMO from somali youth on social media. they try too hard to be like us and when their old enough they tahriib. its sad but their country failed them
"They can surivive"
Then let me throw you out on a desert with no water to drink or animals to eat and tell you that you can survive out there
"Its your own countrys fault" Headass
"They can surivive"
Then let me throw you out on a desert with no water to drink or animals to eat and tell you that you can survive out there
"Its your own countrys fault" Headass
I've been to somalia sis, you've never even stepped foot there. i can tell by you thinking the entire nation is an empty desert.
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