Atheists of Somalispot come in! Let's discuss this.

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I've been to somalia sis, you've never even stepped foot there. i can tell by you thinking the entire nation is an empty desert.
You've probably only been to Benadir or Somaliland,:childplease: Most of it is a desert or war torn
I am born and raised in Somalia (Galkacyo) and been to many villages and cities and I can assure you that most of Somalia doesn't look like Moqadisho. Especially the western/southern side of Somalia.
You've probably only been to Benadir or Somaliland,:childplease: Most of it is a desert or war torn
I am born and raised in Somalia (Galkacyo) and been to many villages and cities and I can assure you that most of Somalia doesn't look like Moqadisho. Especially the western/southern side of Somalia.
somaliland? :dead1:
who compared it to mogadishu or even hargeisa? obviously puntland would be less developed then those two places and yes a majority of the country is filled with tuulo but they aren't the ones doing tahriib. for the most part (other then drought victims) its regular people who have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on their plate who are the "refugees". I've even met people like that both in boassaso and my short stint in mogadhishu, people who live very comfortably with the money they earn + whatever their family sends them apply as refugees. they are doing a lot better then their fellow country men yet they are the ones running. why? if they left for work, sure, school? okay. but to live off government assistance because other habra thought them how to cheat the system, nah stay home. if your going to come here and be productive then your welcome, but if your going to be another menace to society then stay where you are fam. when i went to kenya i saw people living off 2 dollars a day and they represent majority of that country, i don't feel bad for people who want the easy way out. i assume your mad because you the exact type of "refugee" I'm referring to.


somaliland? :dead1:
who compared it to mogadishu or even hargeisa? obviously puntland would be less developed then those two places and yes a majority of the country is filled with tuulo but they aren't the ones doing tahriib. for the most part (other then drought victims) its regular people who have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food on their plate who are the "refugees". I've even met people like that both in boassaso and my short stint in mogadhishu, people who live very comfortably with the money they earn + whatever their family sends them apply as refugees. they are doing a lot better then their fellow country men yet they are the ones running. why? if they left for work, sure, school? okay. but to live off government assistance because other habra thought them how to cheat the system, nah stay home. if your going to come here and be productive then your welcome, but if your going to be another menace to society then stay where you are fam. when i went to kenya i saw people living off 2 dollars a day and they represent majority of that country, i don't feel bad for people who want the easy way out. i assume your mad because you the exact type of "refugee" I'm referring to.
Bruh this isn't about people having a roof over their head, People are running from Somalia because there were days kids were taken by terrorist groups while going to dugsi, People are moving to other countries because they want their kids to live in a country where they don't have to be worried about their kid being taken as a child soldier while going to the dugsi. The civil war is still going remember? Even in gaalkacyo there was multiple bombings, Just in 2016 the US dropped 13 bombs in various places around in Somalia. As I said This isn't about people having enough supplies or a house to live in, People are literally in Danger, Even I couldn't go a DAY without thinking if I would get shot or if a bomb would fall over me and I was 13. My cousins family moved from Somalia back in 98 and their parents work every single day, You are just generalizing Somalis as Lazy bc your mom and dad never worked a single day and were on welfare huh :hahaidiot:
Bruh this isn't about people having a roof over their head, People are running from Somalia because there were days kids were taken by terrorist groups while going to dugsi, People are moving to other countries because they want their kids to live in a country where they don't have to be worried about their kid being taken as a child soldier while going to the dugsi. The civil war is still going remember? Even in gaalkacyo there was multiple bombings, Just in 2016 the US dropped 13 bombs in various places around in Somalia. As I said This isn't about people having enough supplies or a house to live in, People are literally in Danger, Even I couldn't go a DAY without thinking if I would get shot or if a bomb would fall over me and I was 13. My cousins family moved from Somalia back in 98 and their parents work every single day, You are just generalizing Somalis as Lazy bc your mom and dad never worked a single day and were on welfare huh :hahaidiot:
My late mom and dad both worked very hard and have lived here long before the war happened. I'm judging by majority of the people I've seen come here to canada and be nothing but a menace. living in government housing even though they don't need to, have a million kids just to collect benefits, and drive nice cars bought using OSAP (student loans). And I've met many old somali ladies with children in kenya living regular lives in big houses try to apply as refugees just to reap THOSE benefits. if you really just wanted "safety" why only go to welfare states? and since when was there a cvil war still going on? i reiterate i don't think all refugees are bad because some of them need actual help, but most of the ones I've met only came here for the free cash. somalis are lazy sis, your neither old enough nor have you lived here long enough to notice it. they can all stay home. maybe it would entice them to fight back and actually protest their government and elect someone who actually cares about them and not someone who represents their qabil :kanyeshrug:


My late mom and dad both worked very hard and have lived here long before the war happened. I'm judging by majority of the people I've seen come here to canada and be nothing but a menace. living in government housing even though they don't need to, have a million kids just to collect benefits, and drive nice cars bought using OSAP (student loans). And I've met many old somali ladies with children in kenya living regular lives in big houses try to apply as refugees just to reap THOSE benefits. if you really just wanted "safety" why only go to welfare states? and since when was there a cvil war still going on? i reiterate i don't think all refugees are bad because some of them need actual help, but most of the ones I've met only came here for the free cash. somalis are lazy sis, your neither old enough nor have you lived here long enough to notice it. they can all stay home. maybe it would entice them to fight back and actually protest their government and elect someone who actually cares about them and not someone who represents their qabil :kanyeshrug:
That's what all Somalis say, You are probably born in the US and only been to big cities where there are alot of priviliged Somalis with proper education and actual homes that aren't torn. And the civil war has been going since 1986 abaayo, You are clearly uneducated probably goes in the genes. Anyhow my eedos family has been here since 88 and my other eedo since 98 and they still have to work as maids, They don't drive nice cars or own luxury houses. They have proper education and still get no jobs, Maybe that's why people are on welfare. You've only seen a collective of Somalis that act like that but still have the nerve to generalize your own people as lazy, But if a person dare to say that about any other ethnicity or race you would get mad wouldn't you? Aqash I'm ashamed to be of the same nationality and ethnicity as you. You always preach about that Somalis need to fix up their country but only blame us and call your own people lazy.:ayaanswag:


Accomplished Saaxir
I'm personally not happy with the executive order - it should've included Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

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