
  1. angelplan

    Somalia Solar-Powered Oxygen Concentrator Innovation

  2. angelplan

    SOMALIA Somali Petroleum Authority

  3. angelplan

    Suldaan Said Ahmed, first Somalia-born Finnish MP

  4. Hybrid()

    Descendants of Somali Italians from colonial times

    Some of them have Italian bloods and some look full Somali. I wonder whether they still follow Islam or adopted Christianity
  5. angelplan

    NEWS Somalia's First Female Taekwondo Athlete to Compete in Tokyo

  6. angelplan

    NEWS Syrian Refugees in Somalia Enrich Culture, Contribute to Economy

  7. E

    God Bless Yemen and Palestine

    This Yemeni Youtuber went around trying to get people to burn the Somali flag. But they all declined out of respect for Somalia.
  8. Manafesto

    OPINION Self-Managed home Abortion and children born out of Wedlock on the rise in Somalia in a country where there is no Abortion clinics.

    I notice the more rabidly anti-abortionists are male. Hmmm. I wonder what that means? Does it mean you're seeking control over something you clearly don't have control of? Abortions happen in Somalia and at Somali Western households as well. They will continue to happen. Will they happen in...
  9. angelplan

    UofA-led project saves lives in Somalia, Uganda through solar-powered oxygen system
  10. angelplan

    NEWS Somalia Recovering From Twin Threats of Civil War, Pandemic

  11. angelplan

    Unseen enemy: Somalia's fight against COVID-19

  12. angelplan

    TRENDING NEWS DOCUMENTARY: Together for peace in Somalia

  13. F

    Secrets of economic growth

    What do you think are the key determinants of a country’s economic and social development? Life in modern-day society is complex. It requires numerous complementary ingredients and, if just one of them is missing, it will have huge negative effects. Thus, two equally poor countries may suffer...
  14. angelplan

