Xalimos in the west are in for a Rude Shock!

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Bro I go to uni and I have visited many other uni campuses across the country and I can say wallahi the number of somali women out number the men which is way I said it is common knowledge if you attend uni...Also I didn't state everyone who marries back home is a loser and ofc I'm not against anyone marrying back home as from what I learned today that it can be a good thing. :denzelnigga:
I was not contesting the education part sxb but the overall way people in this thread were talking about people who marry from back home.

I will probably go myself next year to my home village and pick out one or two of the finest xalimos. Three if I may afford:wow1:

Isoo duceeya.


I was not contesting the education part sxb but the overall way people in this thread were talking about people who marry from back home.

I will probably go myself next year to my home village and pick out one or two of the finest xalimos. Three if I may afford:wow1:

Isoo duceeya.

If that leads to your happiness then go for it by all means
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Are people on this thread really looking up to pakis? :dead: ffs they're inbred! you know that right? :damn: Go ahead and marry your first cousins if that preserves "dhaqan":holeup: no fobs over here though :win:


Call me ayeeyo
So how many kids are you willing to have for 1 apple?

So rich ppl have a reputation of being stingy.
I lure em in w the cheap mehr, trap em w the kids and pull a Janet Jackson whee the child support payments are 100k monthly.
Except I look nowhere as pretty and his mom curses me for putting seducing magic on her rich son


As i live and breathe
we really couldn't wish for more. Allahs blessings come in many shapes and sending the fugly farah's and ashy abdis home and out of our faces is one of those blessings:lawd:

What's the difference between an ''ugly farax'' and a ''ashy abdi''? I thought those terms were interchangeable :hmm:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Marry back home folks, I did and did not regret. Cultured, religious women who take care of their men

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
I have said it once before and i will say it again. i know a lot of well off and highly educated Faraxs. The marriage challenge is that the Xalimo's are confused about their role. They want to be Western (sharing chores and family duties) or Traditional when it suits them (paying bills- it's a Faraxs job though she earns the same or more than him, wants the dahab set, large meher, expensive aroos). Its a parasitic relationship with no major upside. I'd rather go Ajnabi with Amber who is western but not Asha who has a schizophrenic cultural identity.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I have said it once before and i will say it again. i know a lot of well off and highly educated Faraxs. The marriage challenge is that the Xalimo's are confused about their role. They want to be Western (sharing chores and family duties) or Traditional when it suits them (paying bills- it's a Faraxs job though she earns the same or more than him, wants the dahab set, large meher, expensive aroos). Its a parasitic relationship with no major upside. I'd rather go Ajnabi with Amber who is western but not Asha who has a schizophrenic cultural identity.
Good luck with amber one farax that I know his kid is probably eating a bacon sandwich now and his mother celebrates Christmas so she teaches the child about the fairytale that is Christmas.

I think the qumayo also baptised the child with some holy water so I wouldn't be at all suprised if the child believed in the trinity the father the ghost & the Holy Spirit :ohlord:


cismaan maxamuud
for me i plan to be a proactive father and teach my kids the religion myself.Growing up my father was the one that was in charge of teaching me how to recite the Quran, pray and basically all religious duties.He created a sort of religious atmosphere around the house and it made me love islam and i constantly yearned to learn more about the religion.That being said my mom also helped us and taught us Islamic etiquette ect.I reckon its not too hard to find an educated girl in the diaspora that has her religion intact(minor sins aren't too much of an issue) and is well mannered.Im not naive, i know that these girls are becoming a minority but they still exist.We would be doing them a massive injustice if we all collectively decided to go back home in search of a homely wife.Its up to us to filter the ripe from the rotten

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Good luck with amber one farax that I know his kid is probably eating a bacon sandwich now and his mother celebrates Christmas so she teaches the child about the fairytale that is Christmas.

I think the qumayo also baptised the child with some holy water so I wouldn't be at all suprised if the child believed in the trinity the father the ghost & the Holy Spirit :ohlord:
Yes, when you put it in perspective like that, its not all glitz and glamour. Still a more viable option than an a lost xaalimo with an identity-crisis.

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
for me i plan to be a proactive father and teach my kids the religion myself.Growing up my father was the one that was in charge of teaching me how to recite the Quran, pray and basically all religious duties.He created a sort of religious atmosphere around the house and it made me love islam and i constantly yearned to learn more about the religion.That being said my mom also helped us and taught us Islamic etiquette ect.I reckon its not too hard to find an educated girl in the diaspora that has her religion intact(minor sins aren't too much of an issue) and is well mannered.Im not naive, i know that these girls are becoming a minority but they still exist.We would be doing them a massive injustice if we all collectively decided to go back home in search of a homely wife.Its up to us to filter the ripe from the rotten
Sxb they are not doing themselves any favors by ranting about a miskeen faarax just because aabo slapped her.
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