Women should withhold sex if the man does not help around the home

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very lowkey
what about if he does not fulfill his fatherhood duties like taking care of his wife, paying the bill etc...is this hadith applicable to such situations ?:cosbyhmm:

Then he is the one commiting a sin..:zhqjlmx: A father/husband is suppose to be a provider. He has Islamic duties to obey. If he doesn’t, then let Allah(swt) find a suitable punishment for him.

Two sins don’t make it right..
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Sex is everywhere nowadays and so many desperate single women. There is many places to get oil change so this method won't work.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
That's a stupid approach that won't solve what you're after

If you're smart you should ask him before hand his views on household duties and sharing them


Allah’s Apostle (Pbuh) said,
« If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning.»(Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 & Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368)
You can't use a hadith to justify forcing women into sex, you sexist neef. Isku xishood, horn dog


very lowkey
Subhan’Allah! What is it that I am being accused of?

bisinka ilaahay z3zrULC

I’m not forcing anyone to have sex. I am against sex outside of marriage or rape (I believe this to be any case of sex without consent). We are talking about within the context of marriage here.

It is your job to please one another, now that Allah(swt) has made this act lawfull for both of you. Am I wrong for saying that? And I’m not sexist. :oops: I don’t see why me stating a hadith hurt you that much. I was just providing the facts, that the suggestion made here is in fact haram. :rolleyes:


I’m not forcing anyone to have sex. I am against sex outside of marriage or rape.
We are talking about within the context of marriage.

It is your job to please one another, now that Allah(swt) has made this act lawfull for both of you. Am I wrong for saying that? And I’m not sexist. :oops: I don’t see why me stating a hadith hurt you that much. I was just providing the facts, that the suggestion made here is in fact haram. :rolleyes:
How did you get that out of it? It literally says you're getting cursed by angels until morning if you refuse to sleep with a man. It's disgusting, that's what. If people need to resort to using hadiths to sleep with their wives then their game is weak, simple as that.
"Allah’s Apostle (Pbuh) said,
« If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning.»(Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 & Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368)"
That's a girl
That's like saying coons don't exist cause they're black, sxb it doesn't work like that.
I’m not forcing anyone to have sex. I am against sex outside of marriage or rape (I believe this to be any case of sex without consent). We are talking about within the context of marriage here.

It is your job to please one another, now that Allah(swt) has made this act lawfull for both of you. Am I wrong for saying that? And I’m not sexist. :oops: I don’t see why me stating a hadith hurt you that much. I was just providing the facts, that the suggestion made here is in fact haram. :rolleyes:
You tell him huuno.
Matter of fact I need some pleasing now


very lowkey
How did you get that out of it? It literally says you're getting cursed by angels until morning if you refuse to sleep with a man. It's disgusting, that's what. If people need to resort to using hadiths to sleep with their wives then their game is weak, simple as that.
"Allah’s Apostle (Pbuh) said,
« If a husband calls his wife to his bed (i.e. to have sexual relations) and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning.»(Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4 Hadith No. 460 & Sahih Muslim Vol. 2 Hadith No. 3368)"

That's like saying coons don't exist cause they're black, sxb it doesn't work like that.

Whaaat? :eek: That hadith is about a wife that refused her husband sex. A lawful right that was given to both parties when getting into a marriage.

If you believe a woman should not have sex with a man, then don’t get married.:O27GWRK:
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I am not a scholar of any sorts. :rolleyes: But I do have my opinions which are influenced much by the deen.

In my humble opinion, I think it is practical to always befriend a guy first! And by doing this, you always have to keep your intentions pure. You also have to make some guidelines. Mine would be: don’t ever be alone with him, always have a third person around in the beginning, make sure the conversations are halal, try to not ask too much but only the necessary questions (to keep the conversation short), avoid eyecontact, keep a good distance when interacting, etc.. As the friendship progresses, try to adjust your guidelines according to the progress.

Why do I think you should befriend him? Well, by marrying a man/woman you don’t know, your chances of divorce will be greater (statistically speaking). And in Islam, a divorce between a muslim husband and a muslim wife is the greatest joy known to shaytaan. So you should do everything in your power to avoid this outcome.

Starting with figuring out if this man is fit to be your husband (by accessing his character). And then getting into the marriage part itself, and trying to sustain it.:rolleyes:
A smart and religious xalimo marry me
Are you a xalimo btw I've been duked many times:farmajoyaab:


Your superior
siil and booty is a fundamental human right and one of your 5 a day, if you dont give da punani to your husband will divorce you faster than an indian abortion


Whaaat? :eek: That hadith is about a wife that refused her husband sex. A lawful right that was given to both parties when getting into a marriage.

If you believe a woman should not have sex with a man, then don’t get married.:O27GWRK:
Coercing and wanting to sleep with someone are two different things, especially when people try to use religion as an excuse.

Marriage isn't all about was was, u get me?

The hadith literally says if a man is angry for being refused sex, the woman gets cursed. People choose when to f*ck or not. It's like saying people being raped should accept doing so if the man feels horny enough.


very lowkey
Coercing and wanting to sleep with someone are two different things, especially when people try to use religion as an excuse.

Marriage isn't all about was was, u get me?

The hadith literally says if a man is angry for being refused sex, the woman gets cursed. People choose when to f*ck or not. It's like saying people being raped should accept doing so if the man feels horny enough.

If the woman refuses the man sex because she is too tired that day or due to health concerns (or any other valid resaons) then a righteous man would understand (and feel compassion towards her).

For a mature and righteous man to get angry at a woman for refusing him sex, the reasons must be that: 1.she does this continuously to him (completely stripped his rights of having sex) or 2.to punish him for his actions.

If it was ill intendend and the husbands gets angry, then this will be a sin.:zhqjlmx: (Same goes the other way around.)

You also have to keep in mind that everything in Islam is based on intentions. Clearly Allah(swt) will know what the intentions of the wife was at the moment she rejected his offer of having sex, and will judge her accordingly.:rolleyes:
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