Will he leave me because I’m Somali?


You can find somalis from any qabiil that look straight up Arab she could very well be telling the truth
@Shmurda , this could be true and my world might be very small, but years interacting with different clans of Somalis , especially marginalised clans they're skin texture were between Maariin and light skinned and nowhere to Arabs,

Their skin texture ranged from this

To this

This lady is a light skinned Somali
Honestly some of the ladies and men were light skinned though


These are Arab/ Yemenites
I could have posted different nationalities from MENA some would look like Cypriots,Turks and Persians with pale skin

Yemenis are the most closest of all.

Yemeni and Somali marriages exist .



Now tell me any qabiil asides from Cadcad ,Barwaani and mixed who look like the pictures above

I rest my case here
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These are Arab/ Yemenites
I could have posted different nationalities from MENA some would look like Cypriots,Turks and Persians with pale skin

Yemenis are the most closest of all.

Yemeni and Somali marriages exist .

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Now tell me any qabiil asides from Cadcad ,Barwaani and mixed who look like the pictures above

I'll rest my case here
They have some nice looking women.


King Of NSFW
These are Arab/ Yemenites
I could have posted different nationalities from MENA some would look like Cypriots,Turks and Persians with pale skin

Yemenis are the most closest of all.

Yemeni and Somali marriages exist .

View attachment 134265

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Now tell me any qabiil asides from Cadcad ,Barwaani and mixed who look like the pictures above

I'll rest my case here
Obviously majority of Somalis don't look middle eastern but you can still find somalis that can pass as Arab


I just googled it.. Damn some crazy shit.. I wonder if they're still together :mindblown:
I have no idea...but the crazy part is that she was advertising her relationship as a cute interacial muslim couple who overcame hardship when she knew the truth about him all along. she only took down the pictures when it all spilled out into the open that she was living a lie


Obviously majority of Somalis don't look middle eastern but you can still find somalis that can pass as Arab


Bro the first picture looks like she's Benadiri if I'm not mistaken, correct me if I'm wrong sxb
The second could pass as olive skinned Iberian /Portuguese if she wasn't wearing Garbasaar , I could have thought so

The third looks like a typical light skinned xaliimo
I know many daarood / Hawiye / Dir / Isaaq/ Rahanwein/ Garre that have similar phenotype , facial features and skin texture as the last girl
Outsiders might mistake her for an Arab , but even if she wore other than Somali dress I could tell she was a geeljirette from a mile away

But then again Im used to the Geeljires living here and they are a fraction of Somaliweyn combined ,hence I could be stating from my own perspective and bias, however the somalis I grew up with and accustomed to , mostly range from Mariin to Dark skinned
we do have a sizeable population of light/ Brown and Casaan people among us but I rarely see them , I have a cousin who looks like a Tamil and the amount of times he was mistaken either for a Sri Lankan/Southern Indian is more times than people assumed he's among us.

But then again we Somalis in Africa and back home tend to believe in these preconceived notions that those living overseas , breathed in their air , consumed food and water therefore became light skinned
ofcourse I didn't ever believed in that silly concept and I'm sure there are light skins in Somalia
But it never crossed my mind that they'd resemble an Arab unless they were from these clans I mentioned in my previous comment
I have no idea...but the crazy part is that she was advertising her relationship as a cute interacial muslim couple who overcame hardship when she knew the truth about him all along. she only took down the pictures when it all spilled out into the open that she was living a lie
That's kinda sad walahi.. Imagine sharing a bed with someone who hates you and sees you as inferior :snoop:


King Of NSFW

This is the Somali model Jawaher Ahmed, she's fully Majerteen and married to a D&M guy. Her entire family looks like this but I've seen many Majeerteens who have this look.

Could be some throwback Meheri genes who knows. :kanyeshrug:


MJ women are just straight up beautiful wallahi :banderas:

Ik quite a few girls that look like her might be because they have some carab salaax ancestry in them idk tbh :kanyeshrug:
I’m from the Somali yibir tribe. I don’t look Somali. Me and my dad we look middle eastern. But my mum is a bit dark. Like Indian dark. I met a Russian muslim guy me and him have been good. He even wanted to marry me very soon. Today He seen my mum for the first time now he is saying that he hates black people. I feel like throwing up I’m feeling so sad. He used to say that he loves me and now he is talking like that to me. My heart is broken I feel so humiliated those kind of things never happened to me. I was into him. My mum is a beautiful woman just because she is dark doesn’t mean anything. Now I’m starting to worry. I can not marry a Somali guy because I’m from a bad tribe. And I also can’t marry an Ajnabi guy because my mum is dark.
Count your blessings and leave his ass.
You can marry a somali guy if he runs because of your tribe then you don't need that ignorance in your life anyway. Also is ok to be single the fact thay you're stressing yourself out over a man is worrisome. Take some time.out for your self take it easy baby girl.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

This is the Somali model Jawaher Ahmed, she's fully Majerteen and married to a D&M guy. Her entire family looks like this but I've seen many Majeerteens who have this look.

Could be some throwback Meheri genes who knows. :kanyeshrug:



In case they don't know. This is her father. He's very Somali looking.

You don't need to be mixed to be a certain skin tone.

