Why do you guys hate Landers so much?

No qabiil would admit to their wrong doings and each one of them behaves to be the most self righteous and may at times make the justification of committing genocide against the other. That’s how it’s been for millennia and continues to this day. Blame our tribal Somali culture. Ask those who pretend to be sheikhs, why they can’t cross the clan line? Theoretically, Somalis are Muslims, but practically, they worship their clans.


Nah it was just uncalled for. Could’ve just hit her with the facts but instead resorted to cussing her out like a true low iq person when they have nothing else to clap back with :pachah1:


Who are the landers ? And why do people hate yall
Also why did this thread receive negative rating
I spoke to this old guy yesterday who was tellin me he hates Donald trump because he acts like dictator but he was also strong supporter of Siad Barre Rule wtf :dwill:

Somaliland is slowly building itself up and creating a good reputation for its state and this upsets non-landers who represent a country that can’t even guaranteed safety from terrorism.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
I hate Jeegan.
Iam pro-Wadani and Caare:russsmug:

I have strange feeling that Draco is pretending to be a woman. Hope he is not queer.:meleshame: if Draco is Sameera then may Allah forgive me for replying to a queer.:tocry:
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I use to be so prosomali & naive about qabiil. I really use to think a person’s qabiil didn’t matter until I realized there’s entire qabiils that love siad barre and his regime. & I’m disgusted by any human being who supports siad barre so unfortunately I guess we’ll never get along. We were the ones who pushed for somali weyn the hardest after colonization and it bit us in the ass. From actually trying to wipe us all off the face of the earth (Somaliland genocide) to hating on us after Allah blessed us for our hardships by providing a land more peaceful and prosperous than our enemies. Why do you guys hate landers so much? This is a post for Somaliland haters to get all the hurt off their chests.
They hate us cuz they ain't us sis.

Imagine living your whole life knowing that the people who rebelled against your beloved "Aabe" are living in peace while your own lands are under occupation by the foreigners your parents taught you to hate so much. Shit I'd be cursing Somaliland day and night too. :icon lol:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Wrong. The tribes in the north that were anti-SNM were indiscriminately targeted by them as they refused to fight alongside that group, they were never abetted by Barre who stocked tensions between both camps. If someone wants no part of a fight but you attack them then I suppose they'll do the same. But that was war. And despite that this group still doesn't dwell on the Dilla Massacre to this day or the SNM supported bombing of Borama by Ethiopia, nor the killings of certain tribes in masjiids in the Somali galbeed by SNM rebels. :manny: Somalis are stupid no doubt regardless of tribe but I think it hypocritical to deny other sides in support of your own story. Nothing is all that clear cut anyway.
@sophisticate coming through with factss :samwelcome:

Long live Samaroon and Awdaal state
They hate us cuz they ain't us sis.

Imagine living your whole life knowing that the people who rebelled against your beloved "Aabe" are living in peace while your own lands are under occupation by the foreigners your parents taught you to hate so much. Shit I'd be cursing Somaliland day and night too. :icon lol:
The thing is we don’t want to be you. As well as your "land" is a dustbin.
Xaargaaysa is not holding up at all.

Berbera the more "prosperous" one. We don’t care about you people leave if you have to we aren’t holding you back you are doing it to yourselves. Since you want attention but not the good one we might have to bring back 1988 and finish the rest.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@sophisticate coming through with factss :samwelcome:

Long live Samaroon and Awdaal state

:nvjpqts: Thanks, bro. I think we need more of a balanced perspective.

Somalis from other regions don't hate Landers. They just find some of them irritating. In University I was once asked where in Somalia I was from and I replied the North. They gave me a look of mild annoyance yet once I clarified I was from Awdal, all was well. In fact, I was treated a lot more hospitably.

The OP has a point, in that there are people who are Anti-Lander. They do exist and they unfairly target those from Somaliland some of which lack the same qabil baggage and are politically naive. Not everyone from Somaliland is looking for succession, they are just trying to do whatever they can in an already fractured system.

We have however met our fair share of chauvinistic (insular) ones that rub others the wrong way but they were raised to be like that. You know, the ones that try to differentiate themselves based on colonial faultlines and minute sub-cultural differences which are minuscule. It's funny because the days of stealing livestock from each other are long and gone but some still hold on to old scores from days passed. The context has changed but their brains have not gotten an upgrade. Once you combine that with firepower then bloodshed was bound to happen at some point.

Thing is we live in the diaspora and none of us have bodies under our belt. I think it becomes problematic when we start to elevate people that have caused others undue harm all because of qabil. I would never exalt a sociopath or psychopath because they are kin but some Somalis would canonize them or brush that under the rug (like that never happened).
The thing is we don’t want to be you. As well as your "land" is a dustbin.
Xaargaaysa is not holding up at all.
View attachment 77429
Berbera the more "prosperous" one. We don’t care about you people leave if you have to we aren’t holding you back you are doing it to yourselves. Since you want attention but not the good one we might have to bring back 1988 and finish the rest.
You want to go back to 1988 that bad eh? Damn 2019 must be a really rough year for you.:umad:


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