Why are Somali Boys less likely to succeed as compared to the Girls in the Diaspora?

Here we go
A 20 page thread incoming for an article that doesnt have a single statistic to prove the statement
"yeah bro trust me somali females are more successful than somali males, just look at all the (kaffir) somali females in politics bro!!!!"
This isn't really a somali issue this is just a men in general issue when it comes to the western academic/education system women thrive more from all backgrounds and men with each passing year in the West are falling behind. Some say its the teaching method which is more suited for women and that women are able to simply thrive more in a classroom setting.

However somali guys still need to pull up there socks regardless and if your not gonna pursue something through uni there still are many other things that are legal that you can pursue instead of going into illegal ventures.

Then again most immigrant culture are very restrictive when it comes to future pursuits our parents only want us to go for certain roles which all require university and when someone is forced and they don't have there heart in it and now because they weren't allowed to pursue there dream they end up being aimless and goaless which leads many of them getting involved with the wrong crowd. For these types of people joining the military would do them wonders in terms of disciplining them and redirecting them with a goal but then comes the issue of being a coon if you end up joining the army of those that helped destroy muslim countries around the world including our country. I guess if you live anywhere outside of the US and UK and a few others you should be fine joining the army.

It doesn't help when people have absent fathers aswell even if there present but not supportive of there children or even aware of what they get up to in there lives except when it comes to restrictions. I know many guys who could have for example gotten Into football but they didn't have there parents support and would end up giving up partway and not making it.

Most of many find purpose in the army and at battle we don't have that anymore on the scales it used to be and obviously a lot of men would die in these wars making less purposeless men walking about in society. The army is basically a fraternity that brings men together and disciplines them to be good members of society when it comes to the masses of men. Now adays they end up joining gangs and becoming criminals or online groups and becoming neets.
Military would do well for the roadman types. BBBcels like me would just get shouted at into submission and become even LESS confident and assertive. You need to have some initial potential and competence for it to work
Not really.
I have seen incel types change the most after military. Road man types struggle because at the end of the day its about following orders and learning good habits and remaining disaplined it's easier for someone who's not sure of themselves to grow as a person then one who isn't willing to learn and thinks he's already ontop
I have seen incel types change the most after military. Road man types struggle because at the end of the day its about following orders and learning good habits and remaining disaplined it's easier for someone who's not sure of themselves to grow as a person then one who isn't willing to learn and thinks he's already ontop
Good point.
Low socio-economic status, that simple.
Arabs and Indians have similar freedom Somali guys have in comparison to girls; however while the former have present fathers with high-income salaries capable of setting them up to good jobs most Somalis grow up in dysfunctional environments where they need to fend for themselves.
I have seen incel types change the most after military. Road man types struggle because at the end of the day its about following orders and learning good habits and remaining disaplined it's easier for someone who's not sure of themselves to grow as a person then one who isn't willing to learn and thinks he's already ontop
In what way were these guys ‘incel types’?
In what way were these guys ‘incel types’?
They literally had waa dhamatay mentality out of shape always moaning timid weak minded cowards. Always talking about the next man instead of focusing on themselves and saying no girl likes them etc after military/bootcamp they were in shape looked better had confidence started actually taking care of themselves and were no longer pushover or harping about the next guy and girls and they where no longer aimless and had goals. For the most part incel are aimless and goaless.
They literally had waa dhamatay mentality out of shape always moaning timid weak minded cowards. Always talking about the next man instead of focusing on themselves and saying no girl likes them etc after military/bootcamp they were in shape looked better had confidence started actually taking care of themselves and were no longer pushover or harping about the next guy and girls and they where no longer aimless and had goals. For the most part incel are aimless and goaless.
A specific subset of incels (lost young men) yeah kind of but it’s more complicated. Did they manage to get a girl in the end?

And did they have a base before going to military? Could they do push ups, pull ups, played sports in the past etc?
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A specific subset of incels (lost young men) yeah kind of. Did they manage to get a girl in the end?
Yeah these guys were gaalos that joined the English army and white washed brown incels. I don't know any somali incels most are extremely confident infact some are to over confident and rude whilst not working on themselves at all. That's the only problem I see somali guys suffer from is not working on there appearance wether its gym/skin care/hair etc and being rude for no reason to women although that has changed a lot in the last couple of years with our younger gen. Mentality is what matters the most although that may sound cliche it's still true.
If you see yourself as lowly it's going to translate to those around you through your energy. Simply changing your Mentality does wonders.

A lot of women also tend to overlook looks more so then men because they tend to fall for what they hear as opposed to what they see physically. All you have to do is be confident and a bit charming and get rid of the doomer energy.

Look at somalitok interview vids for example those guys work on confidence and charm alone and it works no matter how they look the energy they give off the women like 💀


In fact my last talking stage shot her shot at me despite the fact I was anonymous (on another social media site I'm not gonna say which) simply because I came across as charming, polite and respectful in a convo with some random other person. If that's not proof enough I don't know what is.

I know your probably a troll larping as an incel but when you take on a persona it end up affecting who you are so be careful.

Plus your intention and what type of girl your trying to pursue also matters. Me I only talk to women in the context of approaching them and getting to know them for the purposes of marriage and i make my intentions clear to them from the start i havent had an issue with that approach and I'm very straightforward about it. It works for me. However if you have other intention I can't really help because the type of women I approach and how I approach them ain't gonna work for every type of girl they all have different things they want.

Just don't be a "nice guy" I guess the energy really comes across and repulses all women and don't neg them or put them on a pedestal or they will treat you like a fan basically bellow them.
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Yeah these guys were gaalos that joined the English army and white washed brown incels. I don't know any somali incels most are extremely confident infact some are to over confident and rude whilst not working on themselves at all. That's the only problem I see somali guys suffer from is not working on there appearance wether its gym/skin care/hair etc and being rude for no reason to women although that has changed a lot in the last couple of years with our younger gen. Mentality is what matters the most although that may sound cliche it's still true.
If you see yourself as lowly it's going to translate to those around you through your energy. Simply changing your Mentality does wonders.

A lot of women also tend to overlook looks more so then men because they tend to fall for what they hear as opposed to what they see physically. All you have to do is be confident and a bit charming and get rid of the doomer energy.

Look at somalitok interview vids for example those guys work on confidence and charm alone and it works no matter how they look the energy they give off the women like 💀

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In fact my last talking stage shot her shot at me despite the fact I was anonymous (on another social media site I'm not gonna say which) simply because I came across as charming, polite and respectful in a convo with some random other person. If that's not proof enough I don't know what is.

I know your probably a troll larping as an incel but when you take on a persona it end up affecting who you are so be careful.

Plus your intention and what type of girl your trying to pursue also matters. Me I only talk to women in the context of approaching them and getting to know them for the purposes of marriage and i make my intentions clear to them from the start i havent had an issue with that approach and I'm very straightforward about it. It works for me. However if you have other intention I can't really help because the type of women I approach and how I approach them ain't gonna work for every type of girl they all have different things they want.

Just don't be a nice guy I guess the energy really comes across and repulses all women.
Looks can’t be underestimated. You’re a lightskin average looking guy who hits the gym. Of course other things come into play but looks matter a lot. Some awkward ugly guy with no girls around him isn’t going to get anything by giving off ‘good energy’ lol
Looks can’t be underestimated. You’re a lightskin average looking guy who hits the gym. Of course other things come into play but looks matter a lot. Some awkward ugly guy with no girls around him isn’t going to get anything by giving off ‘good energy’ lol

How would you know if I looked average or not?
I haven't shown my face on here I could look hideous. it's not like you know what I look like and that would go against your point because if im hideous then you have no excuses as a fellow hideous guy because if i can do it as a potentially hideous guy then so can you.

I'm asumming that your not hideous and at the bare minimum probably average. if your asumming that I'm average then clearly looks isn't much of an issue your point would only work if you assume that I'm above average in terms of looks or at least a lot better looking then you by quite a margin

download (8).jpeg
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Looks can’t be underestimated. You’re a lightskin average looking guy who hits the gym. Of course other things come into play but looks matter a lot. Some awkward ugly guy with no girls around him isn’t going to get anything by giving off ‘good energy’ lol
@Waa dhamatay post a full photo. Let’s see what we’re working with.
grace zabriskie 90s GIF


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
It's a myth Somali women do better than Somali men. They're about the same. Somali men who do well or above average (and there are lots of them) don't associate with the community.
It's a myth Somali women do better than Somali men. They're about the same. Somali men who do well or above average (and there are lots of them) don't associate with the community.
Do you think an equal amount of them attain higher education or is that moreso dependent on the generation


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Do you think an equal amount of them attain higher education or is that moreso dependent on the generation

When I was 18-22, there was about 60-40 split (more women) in university and 60-40 split (more men) in college (which stayed that way even with the 1st and 2nd year drop outs). For university, that roughly aligns with the men/women split in general society (at least when I went to university). I was born in the early 90s so I can only speak of my generation. Not sure what it's like now though. But I am sure the men/women split for Somalis in university today would look similiar to the general population.

The Somalis on forums and online who are in their Somali echo chamber are clueless about the large chunk of Somalis in the west. They are only looking at Somalis in their own orbit.

There's a class divide in the Somali diaspora and the cultured Somalis (lower socioeconomic status) don't see it.
my father? :noneck: :noneck: deadbeat of the deadbeats!!! acuudu billah!:faysalwtf: my mother only married him for the passport which is why she didn't vet. In her defense, She actually tried to make the marriage work tho. He up and left while she was in postpartum with her 4th child, and had 3 little children running around. Bisinka! wallahi, I don't wish that kind of man on any woman. :noneck: She had to play superwoman, cuz he didn't want to contribute anything to help his kids beside tiny ass child support which he cut immediately:farole: Which is why she teaches us to have my Cinderella dream~~~~~~ :silanyosmile: Luckily, my mother uses her sisters as an example for dealing with men. She brought them to america so they actually had the chance to thoroughly vet their husbands instead of marrying for a passport to flee. All my Aunts' husbands pay all the bills. They focus on the house/ kids and only work 1-2 days a week and pill all their money in to their own accounts. They are all the only wife too. :silanyolaugh::mjlol: My aunts always taught me to drain a man's pockets to he can't get remarried :deadpeter:
Mate guarding is what you are referring to (hope someone get's the reference)


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