Why are Somali Boys less likely to succeed as compared to the Girls in the Diaspora?

Abdi Mohamud


Following the turmoil created by the 1991 civil war, Somalis left their country in great numbers. Most of them went to the neighbouring countries, namely Kenya and Ethiopia, while others in their thousands made their way to Europe and North America. Canada, the US, and the UK were their preferred destinations. There may be above 100,000 living in each one of these countries. There are also sizable and noticeable Somali populations in many other European countries particularly in Western Europe and Scandinavian countries. It is hard to know the exact number of Somali living in any given country because different sources give starkly different numbers. People usually rely on numbers produced by census agencies which declare the Somali population figures far below the actual numbers of Somalis living in different European and North American countries. It is likely that many Somalis do not participate in their respective countries’ censuses. For instance, in Canada, the 2021 census put Somalis in Toronto at 24,760, but UPG North America using the Access to Information Act found that over 56,700 Somalis lived in Toronto when the 2021 census was taken. That is a huge difference. Similarly, American Community Survey 2020 found that about 140,000 Somalis call the US home. That number may also be inaccurate because other sources estimate that 80,000 Somalis are in Minneapolis alone. In Sweden, 70,000 Somalis live there according to the 2021 census, while in the UK, it is believed that the number is well over 100,000. And it is the same story in many countries in Europe.

It is important to note the Somali populations in different countries to have an idea of the respective communities’ strengths, vibrancy and cohesion. It is equally important to measure or pay attention to their participation and level of engagements in politics, business, education and so on. And no better group will shed brighter light on these matters than the young folks who grew up or were born in the west. These young folks are in their twenties and thirties now. The expectation is that many of them have graduated from universities, started their own businesses or are employed in their respective professions, and have even begun getting married and having families. Expectation in success in these age groups has always been higher because of the opportunities available to them. They have grown up in the most advanced countries in the world where all things to aid their success are available in abundance: good environment to live in, good education systems, job opportunities, healthcare, and so on.
In order to address the success disparity between girls and boys in the diaspora, it is important to challenge cultural attitudes towards gender roles. In somali households for the most part girls get the brunt of the house work and responsibility while the men are allowed to become useless bums.


Dr Osman would set up a functional diaspora community, tell the 'oldies' thanks but no thanks or relegate them to the 'new refugees coming in' and to get them quickly adjusted to life in the west.

The one's who were born here need a whole different approach as their mentality is western only their ethnicity is Somali, if you don't understand that's a huge problem having 'old somalis' involved who will not be able to connect to them.

1. They need to be shown their the 'first generation' and presentations shown of how other communities made it out in the western world in much tougher climate then what they are exposed too.

2. Mentorship this is absolutely critical, the mentors need to be people that are similar 'western born', they need mentorship in showing the way of 'crime' especially in their low socio-economic neighborhood is a dead-end, the quick money u make now, the years u spent in jail in down-time reduces your whole pettiness into mcdonald wages, this will wake up the 'wise' among them wake up, that isn't a wise route.

Then we need former drug dealers/gang bangers to come in and explain how they wasted their life due to poor choices and explain the 'reality' of that petty life approach, they will have much wisdom that can be passed on to them and they can 'relate' not to go down the same path. We must take them on tours of prisoners who can also speak to them. Wisdom isn't only about 'success' stories as most community centers focus on, but 'failure' stories so u can learn from it, in-fact it's the failure stories that most people want to know so their better informed.

The mentor-ship for 'single mom male' kids is mandatory and it has to be a center that is designed with their input, games, basketball court, pool tables, movies, chess, etc. They need to provide the input on what activities do they like and get govt funding for it. These kids need to be 'catched' around 13-14, up untill 12 most kids are normal, it's high school and new environment that changes most.

During holiday periods make sure you take them on 'trips' to keep them busy, make sure you provide them with real life coach advice, kids at that age are mostly lost and just doing what everyone else is doing to 'fit in'.

Identify where their 'strengths' are in school, and get tutors to mentor them, identify weaknesses also so mentors can teach them with common sense. The best way kids learn and I think everyone is thru common sense not complexity. All topics can be broken down to relate to the world around you.

But mentors successful ones but also failure ones, life coaches must be 'permanent staff' of the diaspora community as they work out new strategies weekly and we need 'professional' management team to ensure 'results' are being seen on diaspora community direction, no point setting something up without anyone monitoring it's success.


Every week bring someone in to discuss their success and field whether its somali or not, plus the ones who failed need to be tapped into so they don't repeat their mistakes. In between, keep them busy on activities and trips during holiday, the friends they make there might even be 'life long'. It's up to 30-40 year olds to save the 12-20 year old bracket which is a 'key' phase in someone life. Once u get them past 20 bracket, 90% are set well informed and going to be new generation and they will ensure their kids only 'remember' the first generation as people who 'paved' the way like all immigrant communities.

Our generation were the first who came to the west in the late 80s and early 90s, we didn't have anything when we came, like all first generation, we will fail, but we must not allow the ones after us to fail or we are being idiots as this will repeat itself like african american generations.

But the following is mandatory staff

1. Mentors(successful n failed ppl in different professions)
2. Tutors(in school subjects they need help with)
3. Life coaches(successful ppl n failure ppl) to give talks to them about 'life'
4. Facilities to have fun while each week learning some 'wisdom' and funds for 'holiday' time as this is a time period when their not 'busy' with their time.

If all Somali community centers followed some of structure like that, we can save the 12-20 year olds from heading down the same old beaten path
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@Somali Ugaas what we see is somalis falling to their low socio-economic areas and adopting it's culture, there no reason we can't save the 12-20 year olds and create the right facilities for them where it will be a 'spot' where they can kill time doing things while once a week holding a real damn 'life coach session' with successful ppl and failures, tutors who can assist in making topics easy n fun to understand, once its broken down easy for them, they will have fun with it.

The problem in the schooling system as evident by it's horrendous results in terms of pioneers-innovators-inventors, their to busy trying to 'sound' smart even tho they haven't added shit to their field, and then students get caught up in that 'trap mentality' of being scared to be seen 'dumb', trust me it's the ones who r 'dumb' are the 'curious' kids as they trying to 'explore' their creativity by asking all sorts of questions becuz it must sit well in their 'mind' first or else they will just do wat others do 'fake it to make it' memorize and repeat.

There is something known as deep learning that some students do and thru deep learning you ask questions whether its silly or not. The day u stop asking questions mark my word u will be the 'sheep' that r killing productivity gains of industries and u will work with those ppl
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Every week bring someone in to discuss their success and field whether its somali or not, plus the ones who failed need to be tapped into so they don't repeat their mistakes. In between, keep them busy on activities and trips during holiday, the friends they make there might even be 'life long'. It's up to 30-40 year olds to save the 12-20 year old bracket which is a 'key' phase in someone life. Once u get them past 20 bracket, 90% are set well informed and going to be new generation and they will ensure their kids only 'remember' the first generation as people who 'paved' the way like all immigrant communities.

Our generation were the first who came to the west in the late 80s and early 90s, we didn't have anything when we came, like all first generation, we will fail, but we must not allow the ones after us to fail or we are being idiots as this will repeat itself like african american generations.

But the following is mandatory staff

1. Mentors(successful n failed ppl in different professions)
2. Tutors(in school subjects they need help with)
3. Life coaches(successful ppl n failure ppl) to give talks to them about 'life'
4. Facilities to have fun while each week learning some 'wisdom' and funds for 'holiday' time as this is a time period when their not 'busy' with their time.

If all Somali community centers followed some of structure like that, we can save the 12-20 year olds from heading down the same old beaten path
You need an extended family to raise a boy properly. Fathers can’t do anything on their own. An active father will raise an incel while an absent father will raise a saqajaan. Men need multiple mentors to raise them in diff ways so they become well rounded
So it's the white man's fault now huh. We are not BLM or AA community either you try to prove it instead pointing fingers at the white man. It's the white man's fault Somalis aren't getting jobs/

You sound like a BLM Xalimo foget about that you are BLM Abdi (adoon)
You are a retard full stop. If you think simple factors such as demographics and ownership have nothing to do with ecomomics you are the true adoon. White men are a factor since they own the means of production and politics which they should because its their country. For you to think thats apportioning blame really tells me youre just silly or uneducated. No one gets a job in somalia without the say so of a somali. You think people shouldnt realise that and think employment is somehow apportioned by faries lol. (Even the adoon knows that but somehow not you. So are you even better then the adoon)

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
You are a retard full stop. If you think simple factors such as demographics and ownership have nothing to do with ecomomics you are the true adoon. White men are a factor since they own the means of production and politics which they should because its their country. For you to think thats apportioning blame really tells me youre just silly or uneducated. No one gets a job in somalia without the say so of a somali. You think people shouldnt realise that and think employment is somehow apportioned by faries lol. (Even the adoon knows that but somehow not you. So are you even better then the adoon)
What does this have to do with Somalis? We are talking about the diaspora. Call me a retard all you want but you must be the bums the article speaks of.
Faraxs now blaming white men? You want to emulate AA men that bad?
99% of wealth and means beling to them especially in europe so it does sort of have an influence. How honestly can you people be so retartded to not understand that natives of any country hold the sway. You are delusionaly self important. "I qeelbax said google must listen to me when i say i want a job". It that you think life works that way loool.
What does this have to do with Somalis? We are talking about the diaspora. Call me a retard all you want but you must be the bums the article speaks of.
Yes and according to you the diaspora have some magical skills to make the natives subject to you. Its honestly hilarious. Jp morgan has been around since like 1540 but you turn up yesterday and you think theres some claim or equity that somalis have claim to. Like theres no selection bias created for the 7000 families between you and when it was created. Like some family hasnt banked there for 300 years and their children dont have a preference before you. That youre ass isnt at the back of the line. That if you do get something its nothing to do with being better then your male somali counterpart. That it might even a be a joke for some of these people. Youre all a joke with your analysis about degrees and education. Like my somali ass wouldnt do the same if the roles were reversed. Give 49k to some white chick and see how long it takes for her to start shi%ting on her husband about "Queen bee". What do i care? she only shopping at the mall my uncle owns on the land my great grandaddy left us. Might even get her son to do the stiches on the handbag to complete her "queen" project.
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Head of Somalia freemasonry branch

There is no question that there is a serious repercussion for the diaspora communities when their boys choose to take wrong paths. They abandon and neglect their parents, siblings, and even the children they father. If they escape death and long term imprisonments, they always remain scum and dregs away from the centre. They will be unable to lead normal lives where they can have families or keep steady jobs. In these circumstances, it is unlikely that the communities will prosper, retain their identity and culture, as well as be closely-knit. We are approaching a crisis level because many girls cannot find suitable male partners. An established, educated girl cannot trust, start a family with and have a long term relationship with a drug dealer or a convict. If things remain the way they are now, our communities will disappear within a short time. There will be no trace of us after two or utmost three generations.
Plenty of educated Somali boys in uk
Somali women are raised as women. Somali men are expected to be men without being raised

Yeah, I think in Somalia women are raised at home, but men are raised by society/community. But, obviously, the west is a ruthless individualistic society so ..... they tend to just swallow somali men whole. I think somali kids are not raised to thrive in the west in general though, but that could be my own projection because I am spoiled :mjdontkno:
Yeah, I think in Somalia women are raised at home, but men are raised by society/community. But, obviously, the west is a ruthless individualistic society so ..... they tend to just swallow somali men whole. I think somali kids are not raised to thrive in the west in general though, but that could be my own projection because I am spoiled :mjdontkno:
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A lot of the stuff people here say is true. Women are more disciplined and are pushed more. But how come other ethnicities that are similar to us like Pakistanis, arabs, Iranian etc are not facing the same issues? Those group of men are more successful than their women however they are not as disciplined as their women.


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Honestly, why try to hard in today's world?

Poor people in 1st World countries live better than any king in human history. Life is too easy and comfortable for most people today. They don’t have to work hard to meet their basic needs.

We have clean water for drinking, bathing and clearing waste at any temperature we want (and can control the temperature of are own homes). We have food that is more calorie-dense than anything nature can make. We have more entertainment than we can consume in are lifetime. The list goes on.

Are basic need is not just met. Its beyond met.

Unless they are homeless, it doesn’t seem like anyone can fail in life.

Life is to conformable for your average man. We are too privileged to see and very lucky to be we are in this position to begin with.
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A blessed human
Because were just that strong and amazing, simple
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