Why are Somali Boys less likely to succeed as compared to the Girls in the Diaspora?


Active thread i like it so
my father? :noneck: :noneck: deadbeat of the deadbeats!!! acuudu billah!:faysalwtf: my mother only married him for the passport which is why she didn't vet. In her defense, She actually tried to make the marriage work tho. He up and left while she was in postpartum with her 4th child, and had 3 little children running around. Bisinka! wallahi, I don't wish that kind of man on any woman. :noneck: She had to play superwoman, cuz he didn't want to contribute anything to help his kids beside tiny ass child support which he cut immediately:farole: Which is why she teaches us to have my Cinderella dream~~~~~~ :silanyosmile: Luckily, my mother uses her sisters as an example for dealing with men. She brought them to america so they actually had the chance to thoroughly vet their husbands instead of marrying for a passport to flee. All my Aunts' husbands pay all the bills. They focus on the house/ kids and only work 1-2 days a week and pill all their money in to their own accounts. They are all the only wife too. :silanyolaugh::mjlol: My aunts always taught me to drain a man's pockets to he can't get remarried :deadpeter:
Miskeen may allah reward ur mother. I wish my abo left us sooner this nigga used to kick me & my brother in the ribs when we were 6. But kudos to my hooyo she put our safety over her comfort she did have to work two jobs to support us. It wasn’t easy & i can see the stress that it caused my hooyo(she looks alot older than she is) but she said it was worth it at the end. Wallahi we dont deserve somali hooyos.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Nigga tried his luck with qabiil topics, now he has switched to gender war topics :lolbron: What an attention whòre you are
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one of the issues is that somali people have a lot of children; the eldest becomes a second mum, middle children are overlooked, sons are over-coddled. that mixed with the emotional and physical absences of fathers, and the type of environments most somali kids grow up in, is not going to be the most conducive to success
U perfectly summed up the typical dysfunctional somali family dynamic.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Nigga tried his luck with qabiil topics, now he has switched to gender war topics :lolbron: What an attention whòre you are
tf? i'm just trying to make a nice thread.
Why you so mad you can't put your threads at the top trending like I can.
Iska Xishood and fock off.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Your right in a sense why would the outcome be different for the girls who come from dysfunctional homes with no dad? they just have different problems since they the opposite gender and that will be expressed through other detrimental ways.

Your definition of spoiled might be different to theirs? They might mean low expectations on the boys coupled with living in council estate is dangerous, parents only realise that when it’s 2 late.
Your definition might be parents who are academics living in good areas buying their kid w.e they want? those kids how ever are in good hands and their parents follow their development at school and life.
By spoiled, I was referring to pampered boys who get to skip their chores.

There are so many variables involved that it is dizzying. I mean, to what degree and to what extent do parental control, family formation, academic expectations, living in low-income housing, familial gang affiliation or the desire for status, belonging, and money have a role in youth delinquency/gang involvement? Also, what characteristics do Somali youth that grow up in these environments share? What buffers prevent them from low academic attainment, gang recruitment and engagement in youth delinquency?

I get what you are saying. Most kids that fall into a life of crime or selling are usually male, economically or academically disadvantaged, living in low-income housing with a single parent, and often living in unsafe neighbourhoods.

Also, consider this. In Lower Mainland BC, Canada, most South Asian gang members were raised in two-parent middle-class homes hailing from communities more likely to complete high school and obtain a post-secondary or post-graduate education than their Canadian peers. Nevertheless, despite this achievement, they were more likely to report lower incomes than the national average. One would think these folks would be better off and less likely to fit the profile of one that would join a gang. 🤷‍♀️

Easy question, the somali culture is just too soft on somali men. Our community literally sugar-coats somali boys from an early age which leads to most of them being failures or bums, while on the other hand it's incredibly tough on the girls.

In every successful nation you'll see that their culture prepares young men from what's to be expected from them, while ours doesn't even do the bare minimum. The somali culture needs to change if we ever want to see success in our community.


Easy question, the somali culture is just too soft on somali men. Our community literally sugar-coats somali boys from an early age which leads to most of them being failures or bums, while on the other hand it's incredibly tough on the girls.

In every successful nation you'll see that their culture prepares young men from what's to be expected from them, while ours doesn't even do the bare minimum. The somali culture needs to change if we ever want to see success in our community.
all cultures except the madow community. They baby their boys even worse than us :gaasdrink:
What do u define as a bum? someone doin a 9-5 , livin at home and gaming? that for me is an average western guy in 2023. Very few guys succede in life time just flies by for them it’s like girls say i want a 6 figure guy when only 2% of men in UK earn that most will live an average life and die average. Personally a bum for me is someone whose on the street or living of their parents at a big age.
Someone who cannot maintain employment for a prolonged period of time, due to their behaviour or criminal activities. People, especially grown men, who rely on their mothers or sisters for financial support and housing, with no genuine excuse such as a significant disability.

I don’t have an issue with adult children living with their parents as long as they contribute to the household and are not placing undue burden on the rest of the family. In fact I encourage it if it allows children to save for a house deposit sooner, or complete higher education. In this economy it is not feasible for children from low to middle income households to be financially independent at age 18.

Work is a part of your life, but not your identity. I have no issue with someone who works 9-5 just to house and feed themselves and to finance their hobbies.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Youre just perpetrating white supremecy. The reason is the same reason african american women did better then african american men. They are less threatining to the white male owner and boss. A resembelance to how white slave masters would have a 100 female maid hands in the residence before a single male hand. If somalia had a bunch of refugees and all the employers were somali men you can probably bet your bottom dollar that the women refugees would be getting hired before the male ones and especially in office roles. Ali wants ezmerelda to bring him his report not joaquin. Its just the flip. Its nothing new. All immigrant communities go through it but refugees/asylum seekers the worst.
Faraxs now blaming white men? You want to emulate AA men that bad?

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Youre just perpetrating white supremecy. The reason is the same reason african american women did better then african american men. They are less threatining to the white male owner and boss. A resembelance to how white slave masters would have a 100 female maid hands in the residence before a single male hand. If somalia had a bunch of refugees and all the employers were somali men you can probably bet your bottom dollar that the women refugees would be getting hired before the male ones and especially in office roles. Ali wants ezmerelda to bring him his report not joaquin. Its just the flip. Its nothing new. All immigrant communities go through it but refugees/asylum seekers the worst.
So it's the white man's fault now huh. We are not BLM or AA community either you try to prove it instead pointing fingers at the white man. It's the white man's fault Somalis aren't getting jobs/

You sound like a BLM Xalimo foget about that you are BLM Abdi (adoon)

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
I'm going top the table.
From what I hear the ones born after 2000 are filling up uni. Hopefully we get wealthy somali men in the west soon. Cuz i don't want to marry an ajinabi :mjcry::damn: and I'm definitely not marrying a man who makes less than 6 figures :gaasdrink:
InshAllah, but when I went to school saxib. There was dozen of somali guys that were but later dropped out to drive truck or warehouse. Majority of guys drop out when majoring in STEM.
I'm successful and a Somali man. If the sons and daughters are forced to be disciplined strictly in equal measure by parents that are good role models, they will succeed.

The brothers that I see that fail go out at young ages and associate with bad people. It shouldn't be a surprise why. Parenting in the reason. Also self responsibility to avoid people you know are bad for you.

That's about it. Any other explanation is bullshit and nonsense. Somali women succeed more because they're controlled more, so they have higher conscientiousness and expectations that they meet. Of course this can sometimes manifest as too much pressure and can have bad psychological effects.

Every successful Somali home is due to the family having sensible and practical values at home.

