Whats your rating out of 10?

Bro can't believe I have been talking to someone that old I would have thought you were 20
i don’t get the younger vibe from you. I get the feeling you’ve been though a lot and are a former road man/troubled kid who lives in the hood and has experienced more than he should.
It's either go young or go old for me. These girls are either set from the jump or go clueless until there late 20s and then decide that they want to settle down.
I like older women tbh, younger girls in the west are very immature I am not even sure how its possible how girls have become as immature as guys nowadays. I feel like a women 2-3 years older than me or even 5 would be alright but if I get married it will be in my 30s so i think by that time a women my age would be as mature as me, but in your 20s as a guy you need a women who has gone past her child phase and is ready to live a boring life
I like older women tbh, younger girls in the west are very immature I am not even sure how its possible how girls have become as immature as guys nowadays. I feel like a women 2-3 years older than me or even 5 would be alright but if I get married it will be in my 30s so i think by that time a women my age would be as mature as me, but in your 20s as a guy you need a women who has gone past her child phase and is ready to live a boring life
Yeah I don't mind up until around 7 years older
i don’t get the younger vibe from you. I get the feeling you’ve been though a lot and are a former road man/troubled kid who lives in the hood and has experienced more than he should.
My story is long. But, I grew up in a middle class area but went school with kids from the hood, I was also poorest in the middle class area, so while ever kid had everything he wanted I was living in a moudly flat with multiple people sleeping in the same room, slept on the floor up until 16-17. I went school and tried to fit in with the good kids and couldn't tried to fit in with the hood kids and didn't, I ended up just doing my own thing and messing around. I got a life epiphany at 15 and proceeded to do research into Islam and all of that, at 17 I became an avid reader and talked to as many people as possible to gain wisdom on life as I realised I had been lied to my whole life about what life is supposed to be, I built up on my past experiences and after the age of 17 I feel I matured 7 years within 1 or 2 years, was very painful and noone my age did it I felt like an outcast but I mentored other kids my age(they are my age but I see them as my children unironically because I had to teach them life lessons that they never got growing up)

Anyway, I forced myself into maturity due to the deen, you cannot be a good Muslim, and immature, undisciplined, loud mouthed, hot headed, all of those things, you need patience composure discipline humbleness, always willing to learn and thirsty for knowledge, always thinking about other peoples perspectives and building on wisdom, you need strength as it is very difficult and you can never have a days break.
I'm not like this irl so I would understand someone thinking that
I know you aren't you act laid back on this forum, in real life I am sure you wouldn't laugh at the things you laugh at on here or even interact with things the same way. otherwise that would make you seem like an unserious student of knowledge and nooone would respect you. obviously there is anonymity online so you can act abit unhinged here without too much backlash
I know you aren't you act laid back on this forum, in real life I am sure you wouldn't laugh at the things you laugh at on here or even interact with things the same way. otherwise that would make you seem like an unserious student of knowledge and nooone would respect you. obviously there is anonymity online so you can act abit unhinged here without too much backlash
I'm still very much laid back just not this kind of laid back.
i don’t get the younger vibe from you. I get the feeling you’ve been though a lot and are a former road man/troubled kid who lives in the hood and has experienced more than he should.
also I had a 44 year old ask me why I am so wise at my young age, I laughed it off but it also showed me that my efforts to increase in wisdom are succeeding.


You want me to fight a woman? And get offended over a comment on the net?
No no, but you are acting like it's normal and you're happy to be called a kid

Me personally I won't tolerate being called a kid or treated as such by a +50-year-old man let alone a woman who is my "gayaan"

I think you lack some fire
No no, but you are acting like it's normal and you're happy to be called a kid

Me personally I won't tolerate being called a kid or treated as such by a +50-year-old man let alone a woman who is my "gayaan"

I think you lack some fire

خُذِ ٱلْعَفْوَ وَأْمُرْ بِٱلْعُرْفِ وَأَعْرِضْ عَنِ ٱلْجَـٰهِلِينَ
No no, but you are acting like it's normal and you're happy to be called a kid

Me personally I won't tolerate being called a kid or treated as such by a +50-year-old man let alone a woman who is my "gayaan"

I think you lack some fire
Stop coming for him. I think you’re a kid as well.

