Somalis are mixed nation

@Luna @gurey it is just a coincidence they look like that. There is no proof admixture. I remember reading @Amun saying those Somalis are among the purest even though they look like they’re from Tamil Nadu.

I wish that was the case, sadly though the evidence is too strong. Dadka spice route bey kaa soo haren I reckon


View attachment 35679 African Nilotic
African Cushitic

Hey Abdullahi, did u know that the N-word was coined by white supremacist, it's a derogatory word for people of African descent including Somalis according to the people who invented it. I hope u now know the meaning behind it :)

Hey sophisticate, first I would like to say thank you for disagreeing with me in a civil manner and no name calling. I understand ur point and do believe that on a sub level we are unique in terms of features, language etc but in the grand scheme of things, we are black Africans and related to our fellow Bantu neighbors more than any arab/cadaan groups. I don't know why it bothers so many Somalis :)
Hey Abdullahi, did u know that the N-word was coined by white supremacist, it's a derogatory word for people of African descent including Somalis according to the people who invented it. I hope u now know the meaning behind it :)

Hey sophisticate, first I would like to say thank you for disagreeing with me in a civil manner and no name calling. I understand ur point and do believe that on a sub level we are unique in terms of features, language etc but in the grand scheme of things, we are black Africans and related to our fellow Bantu neighbors more than any arab/cadaan groups. I don't know why it bothers so many Somalis :)

How exactly are we related to them though ? We don't share language, religion, Dna, features, common ancestry etc.

Our only relations to these people is literally just sharing a continent, and even so whats the point of saying Black african and broadening things to a macro-level.

Indians and Chinese people share a continent and I sure as hell don't see people calling Indians "Yellow asians"..

Arabs share a continent with Chinese people yet we don't see people calling Arabs "Yellow Asians"

Sxb you gotta use your head and stop regurgitating what these twitter halimos write...
He spelt it wrong my Grandmother is from that clan, they normally mix with the Wesengali but my NA Grandfather Married the only one

Loooool how can you say it’s spelt wrong when I’m ogayslabe for going back 6 grandparents minus two that are warsengeli. Which sub tribe of ogayslabe is your gran?
I have heard the Sri Lankan stories but that’s not 100 percent confirmed. What is known is that ogayslabes father was a merchant/businessman that came to lasqoray, settled there for awhile and married the warsengeli chief tribes daughter at that time which I believe is riighaye tribe and not the current chief of reer garad. So ogayslabe mother is warsengeli but his father is not somali and is not of the major 4 clans.


How exactly are we related to them though ? We don't share language, religion, Dna, features, common ancestry etc.

Our only relations to these people is literally just sharing a continent, and even so whats the point of saying Black african and broadening things to a macro-level.

Indians and Chinese people share a continent and I sure as hell don't see people calling Indians "Yellow asians"..

Arabs share a continent with Chinese people yet we don't see people calling Arabs "Yellow Asians"

Sxb you gotta use your head and stop regurgitating what these twitter halimos write...

Hey Coulombs, we have a lot of similarities with our other African brothers and sisters than you think. There are millions of Bantu and West Africans Muslims, so we do share more than religion. :)

All human beings are related at one point or another, however as Somalis we are more related to Bantus than say Arabs, Chinese or Russians for example. I don't know why this bothers so many Somalis. I am even surprised when some of us use the N-word to refer to other black groups. Anyways I don't have a twitter account, but those Xaliimos u mentioned seem like they know what they're talking about :)
Hey Coulombs, we have a lot of similarities with our other African brothers and sisters than you think. There are millions of Bantu and West Africans Muslims, so we do share more than religion. :)

All human beings are related at one point or another, however as Somalis we are more related to Bantus than say Arabs, Chinese or Russians for example. I don't know why this bothers so many Somalis. I am even surprised when some of us use the N-word to refer to other black groups. Anyways I don't have a twitter account, but those Xaliimos u mentioned seem like they know what they're talking about :)

Samaales do not share DNA with West Africans. They do have 40-50% West Asian DNA. There is no genetic connection between the Somali and the Bantu. They descend from separate mutations.

  • "All the Ethiopians, the Eritrean and also the Somali hardly show any “West African” % beyond trace level. This seems to be a robust sign of mutual exclusivity implying that the “East Africa” category seems to be very predictive of specifically Northeast African ancestral origins or affinity because there’s no overlap with the “West African” category.
  • Most of the other East African examples below however do show a significant “West African” component. Again this should not be taken as recent ancestry from that area but rather indicative of their DNA markers in part being similar to the ones for the samples being used to define the “West African” category, i.e. “Niger-Congo-like”. As discussed on the previous page Kenyan Bantu samples were used among others to define the “West African” category so it’s not that surprising that this similarity is showing up.
  • Among Rwandans and Kenyans there are some high outliers, higher even than the Ethiopian ones! The ones for Rwanda approaching the Somali results of over 90%. But there’s also some lower “East African” percentages for especially the Kenyans, suggesting a greater variation according to ethnic background. Tanzanians also show considerable scores, with the Sudan and Ugandan results somewhere in between. I have some results from Mozambique and Zimbabwe as well and they show either zero or very miniscule “East African” %’s of below 1%. For two Madagascar results it’s also very minor but still at detectable level of in between 1-3% (see “Central & South Africa” for their screenshots). Indicative of this ancestral cluster rapidly decreasing when going south."
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Abdullahi Hussein

The G.O.A.T
The Somali ethnicity doesn’t even border Bantus. What are you taking about?
Don't you know anything about the Indian Ocean slave trade why do you think there are somali bantus in our country we took them from Mozambique and sold them to the arabs until italy banned slavery in somalia and ethiopia.

Abdullahi Hussein

The G.O.A.T
NO WE AINT. If anything they come from us, and not the other way around. Horners were the first people!!
Fix up sxb this arab booty licking is disguisting.
Stop denying our ancestry even our language is under the afro asiatic family tree we are culturally and ethnically arab