Somaliland delegation to the United States of America THREAD

Nope, because you won’t be meeting with US officials like the SL delegation will be. You’ll just be posting your fake countries “accomplishments” to Facebook and Twitter like the SSC loons do. No real world accomplishments all just online government. Go ahead and create yours but don’t hate on others real world accomplishments 👍🏾

Both Bureau of African African Affairs in the US State Department and the British Foreign Office meet with Khaatumo officials.

Not the full thing but a part of it.
monophy (1).gif
Somalilands leadership is working with bigots that hate Muslims and compare them to nazi’s and have said worse. I guess recognition at all costs truely is Somalilands motto, even if it may be at the detriment of their fellow Muslim.

@Dharbaaxo Jin @Bowser @Vito Rizutto
Lol, like you a give a f**k that they're anti-muslim. If the most religious of sheikhs gave his support to Somaliland, you'd be calling him a terrorist in no time.

Stop you're calaacal, dude. If they gave "khaatumo state/ssc" even 1 AK47, you and "Roodo" would both be booty clapping outside their HQ 24/7.

Our primary geo-political interest is that which helps Somaliland and its people. We don't take lessons in morality from the deplorable Somalians who will use aid donations and drought relief as weapons against Somaliland.
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The funniest shit I've ever seen :russ:
Dozens of antisomaliland qadaadwayn outnumbering few landers trying to welcome Muuse biixi

Seems even sland diaspora arent interested in this sh!tshow but wonder how much these jabartis got triggered by every single step from sland



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