Somali Women and weight gain after marriage.....

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Sending your wife to a gym

Where she will be surrounded by strong athletic men who look after themselves hehehehe

You would enter with @Wei naaso balaq

And leave with six pack @Gucci mane

@Gucci mane i see you, don’t be put off by my misandry I use a different tone for faraxs like you


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Sending your wife to a gym

Where she will be surrounded by strong athletic men who look after themselves hehehehe

You would enter with @Wei naaso balaq

And leave with six pack @Gucci mane

@Gucci mane i see you, don’t be put off by my misandry I use a different tone for faraxs like you
Uh, just buy P90X at home with a treadmill. DUH!

You don't gotta send her to no motherfucking gym. Save your money in the long run and simply invest in the resources you need.

And she stays home, so it's a win-win. Y'all need to start thinking more strategically.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Sending your wife to a gym

Where she will be surrounded by strong athletic men who look after themselves hehehehe

You would enter with @Wei naaso balaq

And leave with six pack @Gucci mane

@Gucci mane i see you, don’t be put off by my misandry I use a different tone for faraxs like you
I'm not put off by it all. You don't see me ever hating on you baby girl. Keep doing your thang. :shaq:


Uh, just buy P90X at home with a treadmill. DUH!

You don't gotta send her to no gym. Save your money in the long run and simply invest in the resources you need.

And she stays home, so it's a win-win. Y'all need to start thinking more strategically.

Nah b no one wants to work out in a dark basement doing the same excercises over and over again. Eventually your knees would give in. You would know that if you worked out :trumpsmirk:

Don’t worry yourself, just tell her to go to the gym where a mascular upgrade will be waiting. He will be very hands on in helping her lose weight and ensuring she uses all her muscles.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Nah b no one wants to work out in a dark basement doing the same excercises over and over again. Eventually your knees would give in. You would know that if you worked out :trumpsmirk:

Don’t worry yourself, just tell her to go to the gym where a mascular upgrade will be waiting. He will be very hands on in helping her lose and ensuring she uses all her muscles.
You think I haven't thought of that. My next tactic is free steroid for those guys. They'll pop their muscles like balloons and she'll be traumatized by beefy guys. Then I'll show her the movie supersize me and she'll be traumatized by being fat. This is my plan b though, cause I'd rather not have a wife with psychological issues. BUT SACRIFICES HAVE TO BE MADE GODDAMMIT!


You think I haven't thought of that. My next tactic is free steroid for those guys. They'll pop their muscles like balloons and she'll be traumatized by beefy guys. Then I'll show her the movie supersize me and she'll be traumatized by being fat. This is my plan b though, cause I'd rather not have a wife with psychological issues. BUT SACRIFICES HAVE TO BE MADE GODDAMMIT!

Yourbro the sensible thing is offer to go to the doctor with her. In most cases where a woman suddenly balloons up over a quick period there is an underlying issue such as hormone or thyroid problem, also a lot of these women are on birth control where a side effect is retaining weight quickly.

Being manipulative isn’t going to help her or your mariage.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Yourbro the sensible thing is offer to go to the doctor with her. In most cases where a woman suddenly balloons up over a quick period there is an underlying issue such as hormone or thyroid problem, also a lot of these women are on birth control where a side effect is retaining weight quickly.

Being manipulative isn’t going to help her or your mariage.
Well if you're being serious, I'll stop trolling.

Basically, if my wife ends up gaining too much weight, we'll both exercise together and support each other in being fit. It's healthy anyways. Obviously, I wouldn't do that shit to my wife, she'd be my world.
Did he also tell her? If not then he’s a cuck. In a marriage you should be able to tell each other these things. It will take months of consistency and hard work to lose the pregnancy weight. He should support and motivate her.


You heard it boys, don't be cucks and tell her how you feel. Not little passive es.

She might be thinking this guy is into big beautiful women the whole time.
Shut up you fat mr jiggly ass go do niiko

Somali women become fat because they let themselves go . They should continue gyming and don’t have ‘I secured a man I can relax now and lose myself mentality’. The way to keep fit is to remember your husband can replace you any time no matter how good looking you are, and you must keep fit to have his attention. .

This is why I joined Sspot, to trigger pinheads like you.:damn: Keep the tears flowing, you'll fill up an arroyo with all the oohin coming from you today.:damn::mjlol: I love it, this shit is great!:drakelaugh:
Where she will be surrounded by strong athletic
@Wei 100 pounds in 4 months... I don’t believe you, that’s over a stone every month, what is she eating? A house?

If this is true, and I’m going to have to suspend my sense of reality to go along with your question, is she on the pill? This can make your weight fluctuate

Obviously I'm over exaggerating a bit, but I would say she gained somewhere in the ball park between 45-60 pounds, just my eyeball estimate. :yacadiim:

Certainly not out of the realm of possibility with whales like you alive. :siilaanyolaugh:


@Knowles don't marry a ajnabi he'll get you fat i kid you not.

Before marriage to african

After african cuffed her


Sis I’ve already decided I’m marrying a haber yonis farax

They’re something about them...



@Wei do one for the team kkk

By what he has told us he has already ruled himself out.

I only marry the first born, that’s when the family go all out as it’s their first wedding.

He already has a brother who’s recently gotten married so they won’t be able to afford another wedding with a 80k meher so soon.
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