Somali lady attacked with brick by madow thug after rejecting him

She's built like a linebacker and sounds like a chain smoker. No man is going in to defend a woman like that, I'm being honest :kanyeshrug:
Looool thats ur fucked up thought process. Those nigas own mother dress and talk like that. Ur just talking to talk.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
She's built like a linebacker and sounds like a chain smoker. No man is going in to defend a woman like that, I'm being honest :kanyeshrug:

So r u saying she is NOT a woman because she is built like a linebacker?
So r u saying she is NOT a woman because she is built like a linebacker?
I'm saying she looks like a ratchet, testosterone filled monstrosity. No man is going to white knight for that. Many men in their head think of one day intervening and saving someone, but in their fantasies it's a pretty innocent woman. Not whatever that thing in the video was.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm saying she looks like a ratchet, testosterone filled monstrosity. No man is going to white knight for that. Many men in their head think of one day intervening and saving someone, but in their fantasies it's a pretty innocent woman. Not whatever that thing in the video was.

Monstrosity? :russ:

I admit she is ghetto and rarchet but seriously i think u r over judging her. I guess this was a good lesson for her to learn. If u mix with ratchets u become ratchets. Periodt.
I don’t see how you can look at it in a positive way when they’ll even insult a halal married Somali woman with a Muslim husband and shame her. What value is that outside of ownership? Is it humanizing to be called ****. Absurd point I have to say.
Who does this? Who shames pious women? It doesn’t happen.

So a woman is valued as long as Somali men have access to her? Is that what you call value? Or is real value based on accepting someone’s choices and seeing that they are human and thus may go for another option that isn’t them AND still wanting to protect them. Whose value is everlasting and who isn’t?
Who said having access to them is what makes them valuable? What I said is women are valuable due to simply existing and being the provider of life, in other words being the temple of the body that houses children, and when they mess with that temple they suffer the consequences of losing that value they were born with, whether you like it or not, women are born with this value and yes it can be lost overtime but they’re valued more than men from a young age to adulthood because of it.

this is why men in ever place in the world throughout history were sent to the front lines, because they were more expendable than women.

Of course women don’t have this value from birth till death, nobody is valued like this sister. Not men or women. And men’s value can’t be everlasting if most men aren’t even valued until they actually become something, this is why you never cared about gangbaher abdi’s getting stabbed (you said so yourself) but were vehemently defending this ratchet women.
You don’t even realize that you contradicted yourself. You are literally proving that men are born with value. You’re able to change, have a second chance which is what it is to be human. Being human means you’ll make mistakes and people that recognize your humanity will understand that. You are humanized and you’ve just admitted it without realizing! Humanized to such an extent they’re taken back despite being degenerates and are married. They not only get a mother who still cares but a wife to

Not being able to change and have a sencond chance isn’t what it means to be human, being valued for something by other human beings is what makes you human, in other words people don’t care if a dog or cat did horrible things in the past if it has the ability to provide the owner with value after they adopt it, but we wouldn’t say stray cats and dogs have value would we? Having the chance to actually become someone worth caring about isn’t what it means to be humanized, to be humanized is to have value towards the people around you/your community, let’s be honest here most people would save a respectable Xalimo over a respectable Farax, there’s a reason for this.

Yet women’s values plummet not for their own mistakes but also that of men who force themselves on to them. Even a man lying/slandering a woman can make her lose value. How are we valued when even the mistakes of men can ruin us?!

Lol and you call that inherant ‘worth’. Women are of such little value intrinsically that a lies of a woman uttered in seconds can demolish it. It’s that fragile.
How often do men lie about women though? There’s great punishment for men who lie about women and men wouldn’t dare due such a thing but at the same time this doesn’t really mean anything when it comes to gender dynamics cause men can also lose worth when women lie about them and the vile things they can do, so yes this value women hold isn’t “inherent” that’s the wrong word and if I used it before then I was wrong but at the same time women are born with a certain value that makes them more worth than protecting than the average man, that doesn’t mean it isn’t weak to attacks like you pointed out but the worth/value men build for themselves overtime can just be ruined in the same manner, your not really making strong points to counter mine.
I don’t think men have it easy. But it’s whole lot more easy than women. No man truly becomes ‘valueless’ as you can always turn a new leaf. Your humanity and the fact that humans do make mistakes is respected. We live in a man’s world and men’s ideals and what benefits them is law.

And what issues that are completely separate from women do men deal with?

I don’t know if you can come with a separate list. Correct my ignorance.
Whether men have it way more easy than women or somewhat more easy than women, I’m not sure but I still think women tend to have it worse on avarage, however to say men turning over a new leaf = valuable is wrong. Men are only able to turn over a new leaf due to having not as much value as women on avarage.

value means, something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of. This comes with stipulations, if violate them then you lose your worth as to look up to something is to also have expectations of that thing, in other words men’s lack of value is why they’re able to turn over a new leaf. Their mistakes aren’t “respected” they’re ignored as they’re not valued.

Men deal with the crippling anxiety that if they want to become someone worth anything they have to preform/provide or protect in some sense, which means they understand their worth is attached to what they’re able to produce, this leads to men constantly trying to figure out a way to attain goals in order for people to actually consider themselves worthy of being valued, loved respected, women don’t have to deal with this which is why housewife’s/ unmarried women who don’t provide much aren’t looked down upon and instead just simply exist with a certain level of value. Even when men attain that value they can only hold it so long as they continue to preform and keep being useful which is a kind of stress women will never understand.
In the past men would be plagued with full provision: now women work, they’d be plagued with wars and protecting their families: now we live in a police state!

The difficulties that the men of your community went through has now been mostly reduced through the advent of tech and modernity. So what can we say do men suffer from that women don’t also?

Okay. Maybe I’m blind but I haven’t really had a man explain properly what issues men face that women don’t?
Yes things are more equalised in this society but women’s inherent value isn’t from working, cause if they stop working no one will look down on them and and see them as useless, look at all the post about Xalimos on this site who very much care most about how men are able to protect and provide, on the other hand I’ve yet to see men benefit from the advantages of women, that they get to have some level of value where people still love them and care for them, think about how unattractive the idea of a “househusband” is. This is due to men not having that same value women have.

when it comes to war, men still majority deal with the burden of being on the front lines, and it’s literally mostly men who are police and have to deal with unsavoury/criminal behaviour, there are also instances where men have to protect their loved ones and put themselves first, just cause police are more available doesn’t mean they’ll come as soon as something happens, said yourself in a earlier post how women deal with dangerous situations, men are expected to be with women to help protect them in those instances even if they’re far and few in between, the expectations are still there which obviously creates a level of pressure.


U say the most ignorant things. If a man looks at a woman and thinks she can fight a man and win he isnt a man. He is a coward and most of them were that.
She’s a stranger, no reason why any man should risk his life for someone he doesn’t know.

Only your family.
She’s a stranger, no reason why any man should risk his life for someone he doesn’t know.

Only your family.
Its not being a stranger these madow guys are 1 cowards and 2 have a culture where they have never protected their women. A man can slap their own mom and theyll ask their mom what she did to provoke him lmaooo. Idk why she looked at them and asked why they didnt protect. Lol they arent known for that. From yesterday to today madow women are talking about how they go protest for them and they dont get any protection from them lol sad case
Roda Bashe aka DHQ (dance hall queen) Caprice Dagga is a Somali forum legend, I'm surprised more people don't remember her

She used to have a youtube channel with her west african partner, I don't see what this has to do with Somali men at all and why we're getting dragged into this
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Caprice Dagga sounds like a mean Jamaican gangster. One that would pop up in Shottas.
They get married again and again. Some have been married to decades whilst their wives got benefits. Do you honestly think those men would have stayed with their wives if didn’t continue cooking, cleaning and sleeping with them?! Are they not also seeking usefulness as well? Those women are with women for their labour just as much as women like men to be useful for their outside labour.
who are they getting married to? Women from back home, in other words they provide value for those women. While you’re right that women are expected to cook and clean etc, this isn’t their strongest value and men will overlook women who don’t do these things cause women are most valued for their ability to give birth and make men less lonely, housework is a nice +
Also, is being forgotten about the same as being slandered and ostracized? What’s better, being forgotten about so you can go about your ways or being seen as untouchable and in which your life changes for ever? Those forgetten men are still living their lives and go back home and marry again and again. There are no consequences. No consequence.
Here’s the difference most men are ignored while most women are valued if they don’t do certain things, most women aren’t ostracized and slandered whereas most men will be ignored if they don’t fix up, men have to gain, women will lose overtime and it’s obviously harder to gain something than it is to lose it.
Saxib forget Western gangbangers, Moryaan war lords who’ve killed villagers are able to turns new leaf back home and they offer nothing but ruin and destruction. It’s simply because culturally we don’t hold men accountable. That why our nation is a shit- hole.
Don’t believe this at all, warlords who’ve committed atrocities, only get away with it cause they have power, as soon as they lose that power it’s over for them, there’s no turning a new lead as the newest warlord ends the last guys life
Your point doesn’t stand. Women get used for passports all the time. Look at TikTok of Somali women crying as their newly arrived fob husbands leave them. It on the rise. Women too provide value as well and your argument only works if we forget that. You’re also forgetting that most men wouldn’t be with a useless woman who does nothing. Men use women’s labor and in traditional Somali culture women back home are treated like maids. They wake up at the crack of dawn to start with the house chores that are hard and ardous. Some are even married to addict khat heads.
This is just dishonest, how likely are women gonna be interested in poor desperate men from back home, almost zero women from the west. The ones who do marry men from back home grew up there anyway and don’t relate to western abdi’s, they also marry the rich ones or ones who have something going for them back home
He isn’t useful. Most of the time it’s his mother that sends him money. It’s the same for autistic sons and mentally ill sons who get married back home.
They have passports that’s makes them very useful to the women that try to be with them, it gives them a chance of a better life
It’s inherent value as his mother who doesn’t benefit from him will marry him off and even pay for him. He’s broke and doesn’t contribute anything, yet such a thing wouldn’t happen with a daughter.
shouldn’t use the term inherent value, when it comes to people valuing each other. Again passport
Also, men marry old women as well back home with passport. That has nothing to do with gender. But most wouldn’t marry a girl known to be loose as men are forgiven no matter how useless but women aren’t
This has everything to do with gender, women aren’t interested in Faraxs back home for them most part and you know it
It is tied to their worth but that in itself makes them worthless. All it takes is for r-word or even a man slandering her and she’s finished. As a man you can be gang-banger you’d be welcomed back. Why? Because you’re not an objectonly valued for one thing.
We’re just circling the drain at this point, you’re failing to recognise the benefits of being female while ignoring the disadvantages of being male, while I recognise there advantages and disadvantages to both being male and female and that it’s still generally better to be male on average.
Btw, did you know that women are actually left more when they get cancer and other diseases rather than the other way around? So how can you tell me in the same breath that we are more valued for being when husbands leave them when they can no longer do the domestic chores?!

omen initiate divorce more than men so it’s actually women who leave more than men do, your point literally doesn’t make sense.
Most women stay with their husbands when he is ill, more so than men.
Women leave men more than men leave women in divorce, most of the time it’s Irreconcilable differences, which usually translates to personality problem or didn’t provide enough value to me

Your whole argument falls apart once you realize that women that aren’t useful are left more than men that aren’t useful.
This is literally a lie, men that aren’t useful aren’t even considered, let alone be left by someone, and on top of that women leave men than men leave women.
Useless women get left as in the case of a sick one. Women are 6 times more likely to be left. You’re also forgetting that in Somali culture women are rarely ever useless. They’re literally the ones who do everything the house.
I never said women are useless, what I said was they have a certain value men don’t have and there are obviously other values they can provide on top of that
The only reason why you think a woman can be useless is because you value capitalist metrics of work. In which you think only usefulness is based on money.
Women don’t need to provide as much as men not due to capitalism lol. Women are the ones who make men fight for them and provide for them, not capitalism, it’s simple female preference, whereas males prefer women who are chaste, not already taken and preferably attractive.

All these preferences existed way before capitalism and is literally in our scripture. It seems like you’re looking at things from a very narrow lense.
Most men aren’t staying with a woman who can’t give birth, can’t look after them and work around the house. That ‘work’ is just as useful as the job I do I outside of the house. It’s no useless that many men will replace their sick wives for one that can be useful. Women’s labour keeps a lot of men.
Yes, women how can’t give birth and don’t provide any other value aren’t seen as valuable by society, that’s fair but this is a minority of women and you can’t use a minority to explain the majority cause I could just point to disabled men who can’t do anything in the same way but that’s dishonest cause a reasonable amount of men will become valuable enough for at least a decent portion of people to care about them.


omg why
It’s not being a stranger these madow guys are 1 cowards and 2 have a culture where they have never protected their women. A man can slap their own mom and theyll ask their mom what she did to provoke him lmaooo. Idk why she looked at them and asked why they didnt protect. Lol they arent known for that. From yesterday to today madow women are talking about how they go protest for them and they dont get any protection from them lol sad case
No they wouldn’t lol they would shoot any guy that slaps their mother. This is just a random ghetto h0 who ran her mouth off and done something to provoke violence against her.
omg why

No they wouldn’t lol they would shoot any guy that slaps their mother. This is just a random ghetto h0 who ran her mouth off and done something to provoke violence against her.
I don’t know why people are assuming they know the actual situation, there might be a very good reason as to why the men didn’t do anything. Does the perpetrator have a gun? Does the ratchet women have a gun? Did they witness the women physically abuse the guy beforehand? We know she’s already capable of it, through video evidence. Did she start shouting racial slurs toward all the guys there, do these people already have a history between each other? So many questions and not enough answers.

People acting like the men there should just protect her is mad, Just low IQ thinking.


I don’t know why people are assuming they know the actual situation, there might be a very good reason as to why the men didn’t do anything. Does the perpetrator have a gun? Does the ratchet women have a gun? Did they witness the women physically abuse the guy beforehand? We know she’s already capable of it, through video evidence. Did she start shouting racial slurs toward all the guys there, do these people already have a history between each other? So many questions and not enough answers.

People acting like the men there should just protect her is mad, Just low IQ thinking.
There is literally a video posted here of her slapping a random man and then twerking

who knows she might of done the same shit again so why would these men give a f*ck of her being assaulted when it’s her fault?


Amaan Duule
Its not being a stranger these madow guys are 1 cowards and 2 have a culture where they have never protected their women. A man can slap their own mom and theyll ask their mom what she did to provoke him lmaooo. Idk why she looked at them and asked why they didnt protect. Lol they arent known for that. From yesterday to today madow women are talking about how they go protest for them and they dont get any protection from them lol sad case
Your going way too far bro. If you really think that's true, then I dare you to go find a madow man walking with his mother and try slapping his mother. See what happens to you.
Her life style got her in the mercy of thugs and drug addicts, and I feel sorry she got bricked. NO matter what she doesn't deserve what happened to her. Normal Somali men shouldn't get anywhere near her let alone defend her. I know this girl personally and we were in the same state before she moved to Dallas. She's never into Somali men and she started dating Madows at the age of 17.


Ur a lost cause go to hell
She’s really woke woke about trans. Her trans videos and her behavior in public is gonna make most people turn on her.

Already seen both black men and women turning on her. People see her as an attention seeker.


Forza Somalia!
This poor girl, who is almost act like AA, grow up in America and is virtually a black woman almost like any other black woman in Texas, is now being disclaimed by the black community, mentioning her ethnic background to distance themselves from her and the group surrounding her. And to some extend they started waging campaign against her from defamation to disinformation

But what shocked me is how some somali male her saying mac sonkor for stupid reasons, how her being naughty anything to do with you being ok for what happened to her? If this was a somali thug rapper getting attacked by a madhow 90% of "mac sonkor" her would sympathies with him and talked about revenge and what not.

But since this is a dumb female let, most of you started joining the disinformation against by the black community like these consensual videos where she slap men, mostly white men, but these are skits and consensual



Why are you like this? Why you always act like a dick when one of your own got attacked physically and virtually? Why you join them?

