Somali feminist demands men prepare Afur and to stop ABUSING women by having them in kitchen all day

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Then why does you doqon self talk about there being exclusive female/male jobs? You probably had to learn because no one wanted to put up with another lazy luugo basto iyo calool kuusan looking faraax

These girls have every right to complain when their brothers aren't doing a thing to help out around the house, it's better for these boys in the long run

Because male/female jobs do exist. It doesn't mean I can't cook to survive though. :manny: Dhegdheer can't even boil a egg and she thinks she is God's gift to farahs.

Because male/female jobs do exist. It doesn't mean I can't cook to survive though. :manny: Dhegdheer can't even boil a egg and she thinks she is God's gift to farahs.


Sxb I was taught how to cook since the age of eleven
Wallahi it's like talking to a confused chicken sometimes lmao are you lost or do you not realised that traditional male/female chores don't apply anymore when the other gender can do them just as easily like... Name me one exclusively male job or stfu :draketf:


Sxb I was taught how to cook since the age of eleven
Wallahi it's like talking to a confused chicken sometimes lmao are you lost or do you not realised that traditional male/female chores don't apply anymore when the other gender can do them just as easily like... Name me one exclusively male job or stfu :draketf:

Traditional roles might not apply in your house but it does apply in most Somali
households in the west and backhome otherwise we would be lying to ourselves.
So don't get your knickers in a twist. You're trying too hard to live in a parallel universe.

Traditional roles might not apply in your house but it does apply in most Somali
households in the west and backhome otherwise we would be lying to ourselves.
So don't get your knickers in a twist. You're trying too hard to live in a parallel universe.

You are so blatancy dodging my question it's not even funny lmao

Is it really a parallel universe when most second generation somali women born in the west are pursuing higher education and getting jobs? It might be true for backhome but traditional roles is looking more and more like a pipe dream here in the west. I can guarantee you that every single girl I've spoken to will not tolerate a guy that does nothing around the house tbh. Even somali girls in the ME pretty much clocked on to this nonsense walle, despite what @Canuck says.

You are better off going home and marrying a poor fob so she can stroke your ego and leave u to do all the hardworking traditional male jobs :duck: careful you don't marry one with an entrepreneurial spirit tho, I heard the women back home, especially in hargeisa have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug :siilaanyolaugh:
@Gambar very concerning that you would consider poisoning your man.

Lol everyone knows UK Somali guys are slim - average. It is rare to see one of us that is very

Most UK Somalis are skeleton or have a tiny calol at most (normal weight) but there are maybe 10% who are Yokozuna fat. The fattest Somalis in the UK are actually the fattest Somalis in the diaspora. It's the fried chicken and fries and the energy drinks. There's a fried chicken joint minimum within a 500 meter radius of one's home. They don't even need to start the car or get on the bus. It's right there after a 5 minute afternoon walk


@Gambar very concerning that you would consider poisoning your man.

Most UK Somalis are skeleton or have a tiny calol at most (normal weight) but there are maybe 10% who are Yokozuna fat. The fattest Somalis in the UK are actually the fattest Somalis in the diaspora. It's the fried chicken and fries and the energy drinks. There's a fried chicken joint minimum within a 500 meter radius of one's home. They don't even need to start the car or get on the bus. It's right there after a 5 minute afternoon walk
Advice from ayeyo I am yet to ever take. I have been tempted to poison guests.
Everyone has their own role in our family. When I am in the kitchen with my mom, my brothers have to get fresh heavy fruits, get rid of the rubbish bags and make sure they look after our lil siblings who can't sit still (hardest work if you ask me).
Where's the lie though? :kodaksmiley:

This isn't only a problem with Somalis, but with most Muslim cultures. Its not the case in my house, thank goodness, my brother helps out too, but I see it all the time. Women are expected to slave away in the kitchen for hours during Ramadan cleaning and preparing afur while the men lay down, doing absolutely nothing. Y'all can't use the excuse "well we work to provide money" because last I checked, a lot of women work too as you need two incomes to live comfortably. How is it fair that your hooyo, after coming home from work, must spend another few hours in the kitchen cleaning and making food for ungrateful men who don't even lift a finger to help? To all the faraxs reading this: I hope you help out your mothers in the kitchen, you can even just help out with cleaning dishes to lighten the workload for her.
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Gaalkacyo Gangster
SJW Xalimo: Somali men need to stop abusing their wives and mothers and help out around the house!

Well-adjusted Farax: Actually that's a stereotype. Most Somali men who grew up in the west can cook; they also clean and help out with other chores.


Can't win with these chicks. They just wanna complain.:mjlol:
Though I am not a believer of such thing as a male or female job, I think any woman in general who complains about some chores and any Islamic/christian/religious woman in particular is talking too much shit. es should either become lesbians and work shit out with their other women/female counter parts or simply do what they are told.

PS. I am not a misogynist. In fact I have nothing but contempt for them. I love women.


You are so blatancy dodging my question it's not even funny lmao

Is it really a parallel universe when most second generation somali women born in the west are pursuing higher education and getting jobs? It might be true for backhome but traditional roles is looking more and more like a pipe dream here in the west. I can guarantee you that every single girl I've spoken to will not tolerate a guy that does nothing around the house tbh. Even somali girls in the ME pretty much clocked on to this nonsense walle, despite what @Canuck says.

You are better off going home and marrying a poor fob so she can stroke your ego and leave u to do all the hardworking traditional male jobs :duck: careful you don't marry one with an entrepreneurial spirit tho, I heard the women back home, especially in hargeisa have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug :siilaanyolaugh:

I highly doubt any Somali guy will marry a girl that can't cook or refuses to do her
chores out of kibir (hence why a large amount of western halimos are forever single).
No guy wants a woman that argues with him about everything. You can be educated
but also know your role as a female and not think "Just because I got a certificate I
am a man".If you're going to act like a man in the house then what is the point of the
"marriage"? extreme feminist girls that think like that are better off in lesbian relationships
since Somali guys are not gay.

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I highly doubt any Somali guy will marry a girl that can't cook or refuses to do her
chores out of kibir (hence why a large amount of western halimos are forever single).
No guy wants a woman that argues with him about everything. You can be educated
but also know your role as a female and not think "Just because I got a certificate I
am a man".If you're going to act like a man in the house then what is the point of the
"marriage"? extreme feminist girls that think like that are better off in lesbian relationships
since Somali guys are not gay.


"Role of a female"? :camby: If women are expected to go out, get a job and help provide household income, then its not too much to ask for men to help out around the house every now and then. Gone are the days of traditional gender roles, esp in the west where you need two incomes to survive. Good luck keeping a marriage with that mentality.
Though I am not a believer of such thing as a male or female job, I think any woman in general who complains about some chores and any Islamic/christian/religious woman in particular is talking too much shit. es should either become lesbians and work shit out with their other women/female counter parts or simply do what they are told.

PS. I am not a misogynist. In fact I have nothing but contempt for them. I love women.

Why the emphasis on religious woman? Are they not human lmao

And aren't you atheist? :ayaanswag:


"Role of a female"? :camby: If women are expected to go out, get a job and help provide household income, then its not too much to ask for men to help out around the house every now and then. Gone are the days of traditional gender roles, esp in the west where you need two incomes to survive. Good luck keeping a marriage with that mentality.

No man marries a woman for her job. Men don't care about money when it comes to women, they will even marry the poorest girl. What matters is , is she a lady or a wannabe argumentative tomboy? if it is a wannabe tomboy then she is out of the door. Not everything in life is about money.

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