So I am 32 years woman old pushing 33 soon.

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member

Vaa! Vaa! vaaaa..
Soph sis, you are indeed a lady of many talents

Ariana Grande Applause GIF by The Voice
Keep it 100 no bullshit.All of this you go sis we support you bullshit needs to stop.
Abti, go travel to all those care homes cause no lie loneliness is a killer. Imagine being 40-50 without a husband, it's tough as hell anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
I think freezing any eggs you have costs like 200-400 quid a month, and it hurts like shit to extract and there's a low possibility of fertilisation, and even if it does get fertilised there's an increase risk Ur baby will come out with needs or whatever.
You wouldn’t pay me enough to do that😂am good
Keep it 100 no bullshit.All of this you go sis we support you bullshit needs to stop.
Abti, go travel to all those care homes cause no lie loneliness is a killer. Imagine being 40-50 without a husband, it's tough as hell anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
The world is too vast to be lonely. There is always something to do if you’re smart.
Might as well be a nun then. Just saying don't let the worms take your virginity in your grave biggest L from a biological standpoint.
I would rather die with my self respect and untouched goodies then to sleep around with the whole city and still feel empty. Sex that’s fill the void you’re trying to fill. Some of us enjoy sex but not at the expense of our core values.
I would rather die with my self respect and untouched goodies then to sleep around with the whole city and still feel empty. Sex that’s fill the void you’re trying to fill. Some of us enjoy sex but not at the expense of our core values.
He's talking about getting married not becoming the of babylon
Yes but u will end up regretting not doing things in life.
I never said I won’t experience it. I will when it’s a right time for me I won’t be bullied into getting married out of fear that men will run out lol that’s all I am far as children Allah said he will give people whatever he wants boys girls or non at all. I will be happy with whatever he blesses me with InshaAllah
Other peoples marriage.
Your marriage does not need to be like that
True however I have to take reality into consideration. I see it happens to almost everyone in my circle it would be arrogant of me to think it won’t happen to me too. I only want to be in a healthy mind set for whatever happens to me.
I never said I won’t experience it. I will when it’s a right time for me I won’t be bullied into getting married out of fear that men will run out lol that’s all I am far as children Allah said he will give people whatever he wants boys girls or non at all. I will be happy with whatever he blesses me with InshaAllah
The thing is Allah will give whatever is written for you but that doesn't mean u don't take the necessary measures to reach that goal, having kids later in your life is much more difficult for several reasons, delaying it isn't going to make it any easier despite what people in the west say, Men won't run out but you may have a hard time finding a husband and it may take even longer than you expected, its your life at the end of the day, I personally don't really care for marriage but in the practical aspects of life I will have to get married anyway even if I don't really have a care for it. I don't really wanna have a job either and spend my life working but it's just part of life to work. Marriage and kids are part of life, u shouldn't delay it until you "desire a husband" because you may never desire a husband


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Vaa! Vaa! vaaaa..
Soph sis, you are indeed a lady of many talents

Ariana Grande Applause GIF by The Voice
Thank you, Hodan.
page hearts GIF

:icon lol:
The thing is Allah will give whatever is written for you but that doesn't mean u don't take the necessary measures to reach that goal, having kids later in your life is much more difficult for several reasons, delaying it isn't going to make it any easier despite what people in the west say, Men won't run out but you may have a hard time finding a husband and it may take even longer than you expected, its your life at the end of the day, I personally don't really care for marriage but in the practical aspects of life I will have to get married anyway even if I don't really have a care for it. I don't really wanna have a job either and spend my life working but it's just part of life to work. Marriage and kids are part of life, u shouldn't delay it until you "desire a husband" because you may never desire a husband
You make marriage seem as though it's a soul-sucking obligation.
:ileycry: And you dared to pity my little dedicated admirers. At least I keep them in the throes of suspended animation. What I am not is boring. @Dharbash wants to join my indentured camp of workers. @Sheikh Google never wants to leave purgatory. The only one that left crazy town is @Nak-Muay-Kru, but not without his battle scars. Those tongue lashings seared into his delicate little flesh, but he will eventually leave the men's safe house he currently resides in and find his way back to us.

Even @mrlog is trying to whisper into my ear to foster fear to make me settle as he often does. But unfortunately, ten years of his ongoing campaign haven't moved me to change.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
You can still do it while your child is young. The memories will be priceless for your child🥰
My hooyo travelled around with me when I was a wee one (2-3). I don't remember and it was partially to look for doctors for me as I had a leg deformity. One ice-cold thing she did was leave me in the Netherlands with my habo for like a week or something then go to France. To this day I am inconsolable that she robbed me of a toddler picture under the Eiffel tower. I give her the stink-eye whenever I see that picture of her in Paris. #Don'tTraumatizeYourKids.
That's interesting. We're always hearing women "panic" once they reach their 30s and are more open to "settling" 🤔

I remember coming across someone comparing it to musical chairs; the music stops in your 30s and you hurriedly sit on the nearest chair! 😂🤦‍♀️

It seems too many people were speaking for single ladies in their 30s. Whilst I believe in encouraging marriage I'm against pressuring people into it and "settling". Keep to your standards, make lot's of du'aa and pray Istikhaarah 💯