Palestinians Jump Somali Kid At A Hookah Bar In Ohio

throw up i feel sick GIF by The Detour

monophy (1).gif


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You are the biggest dhiblow on this website. We all know you support Israel and are a supposed xoogist. You're against Palestine for what? Because you want to be different and edgy?
No because israelis are whiter than Palestinians, so he will choose who’s more white. Somalis were left in the dust.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Shoutout to our cousins, they are darod

But they are what we are to the carab salaxs
Leave us alone. We aren’t arabs you crackheads. Listen to the fake darod story and it’ll make you wonder?? How can one man make an ethnicity????? In africa??? Where people already live????????!
Our dna shows were are proto nilotic, proto horn african and proto north african/levant. ABSOLUTELY ZERO ARAB!
Leave us alone. We aren’t arabs you crackheads. Listen to the fake darod story and it’ll make you wonder?? How can one man make an ethnicity????? In africa??? Where people already live????????!
Our dna shows were are proto nilotic, proto horn african and proto north african/levant. ABSOLUTELY ZERO ARAB!
Proto nilotic

Bisinka 5 dislikes and all I said was Somalis mostly support Palestine and this isolated incident will not change our point on Palestinians. Idiots saying I am "bootyclapping" really makes me question the humanity in some of you folks. Dameero
Hypocrite!! Just looked up every time you've mentioned madow and it does not look good 🤢. Apparently your humanity only shows up when it concerns arabs.
I need you Somalians to get off my dick. Respectfully

I concur with your defense of Palestinians and we (Somalis) overwhelmingly give our moral support to our beleaguered brethren there. But at the same time, you need to show the same empathy towards the maddows as well. You can't be supportive one group while not doing the same for another group of beleaguered community. Consistency helps your case.