Muslim Twitter debates the existence of 'male hoors'

You’re vile. Twisting a hadith for your misogynistic views. You’re no different than those religious extermists talibans. How is being deficient religiously even our fault! We get menstruation, post partum bleeding after birthing children. Thats the way Allah has made us and he gave us an exemption from worshipping during that period. If you have a problem then take it up with the creator! How dare you weaponise the prophet against us? The context of mentally deficient is that women were not as educated back in those times.

Why are you crying about the Taliban? Because they fought for sharia? I don't see you feminists say a word about the previous puppet government of Afghanistan which was established on the bodies of half a million Afghans by the satanic states of america.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Why are you crying about the Taliban? Because they fought for sharia? I don't see you feminists say a word about the previous puppet government of Afghanistan which was established on the bodies of half a million Afghans by the satanic states of america.
I heard that Stupidity is a contagious disease. Please stay away thanks
Honestly, I do lowkey see where they’re coming from. Women on average are inclined to be monogamous whilst men are much more likely to have polygamous fantasies and studies do for the most part illustrates this:

However in saying that, what’s also a fact is that female sexuality has been a threat to men for at least ten thousand years. From chopping women’s private parts to ensure fidelity, to the harshest punishments issued on women who are even a tiny bit suspected of being unchaste to women being under lock and key more so than men in case of any infidelity goes to how that deep down men don’t believe that it’s against women’s fitrah.
If men truly believed that women aren’t inclined to want other men, why have they throughout the centuries been extra jealous, extra protective, go as far as mutilating women and the list continues? Surely, women not being inclined that way should mean that infidelity in women shouldn’t be a fear of men? Their actions tells us a different story. Their actions tells us, that they believe that women are indeed capable if they’re not watched by society.

I’m simply musing now but there is a lot of illogical arguments being thrown around.
You can’t say something is against women’s fitrah but in the same breath treat women as though if they’re not mutilated and not under lock and key they’ll move crazy.

I've seen the way Gaalo women behave, and I totally see how female sexuality can scare incompetent and jealous men. Some of these women go feral, if given the right combination of ingredients. That's why the men, who lack these 'ingredients' have spent centuries brainwashing and scaring women into thinking that their desires are shameful, and unimportant.
Muslim women are miskeen when it comes to even speaking when it's their right to speak up.

Why did they invent FGM, why did they invent chastity belts, why did the Asians and North African rulers, invent harems with eunuch guards, why do women turn lesbian in places where men and women are restricted from seeing each other. "Fitrah" they say.:manny:
Xalimos when a man tells them a fact about themselves

View attachment 329838
All the males on Somali Spot right now.

Scared Homer Simpson GIF by reactionseditor

No one can be bothered.


Amaan Duule
Women in general have weaker sex drives than men which is why there is no revelations sent down on such matter. Very thoughtful and culturally sensitive for that time. Im sure that if women asked for it in jannah they’d be granted their wish.
You know what, I have no idea. If you want 100 male houris, that is for Allah to decide. This whole exercise was just my best attempt at theorizing what is in Jannah based on the evidences from the Quran.

The real reason why a lot of women don't engage in multiple male partners, is out of religious fear, fear of being shamed for being promiscuous, STDs, pregnancy, and poor sexual performance by many men. Not to mention the fact that a lot of men are intolerable to be around. Even gaalo women, are choosing celibacy just because of the aforementioned reasons, not because they wouldn't enjoy the company of attractive and competent men.

If there was an alternate universe, where men were incredibly attractive, and men weren't sexist brutes, I am pretty sure that a good number of women, would not be trying to hold onto the one normal man they found.
I hope you do sis.

These weird, insecure males, sitting on here, trying to tell us what is natural or unnatural for women. They are the descendants of the same creepy men, that cut up vaginas to repress sexual feelings. Throughout history, they have tried to tell us about our gender, because they are jealous and insecure.

The real difference between male and female sexual desire, is that women have CLASS and DECORUM about their feelings, and don't drool and pant like dogs.
Excuse me for thinking that something haram would be unnatural. Shame on my insecure self and my creepy forefathers.
Excuse me for thinking that something haram would be unnatural. Shame on my insecure self and my creepy forefathers.

Muslim women do what Allah SWT tells them to do, we worship Allah SWT, and stay steadfast and patience in what we've been ordered to do. Best believe, if Allah SWT, lifts certain restrictions in the hereafter, women will then follow different paths.

It would be wonderful if you males, stayed out of our gender's business, for once in your lives.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
caring about what someone wants to do sexually in jannah is the most stupidest thing . These women seem to be more angry from the Twitter thread than somalispot
Its not about sexual privileges, its about women being policed and restricted taliban style even in jannah which is a bit of a sticky one styll.
Its not about sexual privileges, its about women being policed and restricted taliban style even in jannah which is a bit of a sticky one styll.

A lot of Muslim women, simply follow Allah SWT's rules, even when it's difficult. But they have the nerve to tell us what we want and don't want.

That's what annoys me.

For example, music is haram, but it sure is tempting.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
A lot of Muslim women, simply follow Allah SWT's rules, even when it's difficult. But they have the nerve to tell us what we want and don't want.

That's what annoys me.

For example, music is haram, but it sure is tempting.
In arabic, the grammatical gender of the soul is female. I wonder if theres any significance abt that 🤔 women are the underdogs of this world we got dealt the short end of the stick in basically everything we suffer the most. Call me bitter idc
In arabic, the grammatical gender of the soul is female. I wonder if theres any significance abt that 🤔 women are the underdogs of this world we got dealt the short end of the stick in basically everything we suffer the most. Call me bitter idc

We're not the underdogs sis, these men are supposed to protect and provide for us, and we don't have to lift a finger, and when we do, we get good deeds for it. But they have found a lot of ways, to subvert the rights of women, and lash out in bitterness and jealousy.
Walahi sis, I see some of these men, as devils in human flesh, they get pleasure out of trying to make islam difficult for us. Now they're even trying to tell us what we can ask our creator IF we reach heaven.

They are quite simply, heinous bullies, you can tell a lot about a person's character when they think they have power over you.
No argument or logic, just emotion. Typical woman.
Nasif, you can’t out do me when it comes to logic and I’m woman. I literally operate via point, evidence and explaination and your rebuttal towards the ladies was to use a Hadith about women being ungrateful towards their husbands when you’re not their man. How very embarrassing.

If you disagree with the ladies, you’re going to have to come up logical points that can be followed rather than throwing around out of context Hadiths.

Do better and stop being a weirdo.

