Law BANS Somalilander women from marrying non-Somalilander men

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Man said non SL Somalis are as foreign to him as the Zulus from SA. I wonder if he feels that way while meeting Somalis around him in his day to day life.

That's an utterly ridiculous and shameful thing to say, don't even give it attention. But now that I've explained that 4 out of the 5 Somali regions require clan membership for citizenship/id cards do u see that Somalilands position isn't unique nor shocking?
Not anymore. The handover of the ONLF fighter proves that. Somalis from 'proper' Somalia are not considered Somali


When the constitution is officially approved it will reflect that change.

The difference is this was forced by circumstances, they can't help the other regions like galbeed when what they are suppose to control is in such a sorry state. Its not something anyone boasts about or is proud of its sad and reflects our weakness rn.


As i live and breathe
That's an utterly ridiculous and shameful thing to say, don't even give it attention. But now that I've explained that 4 out of the 5 Somali regions require clan membership for citizenship/id cards do u see that Somalilands position isn't unique nor shocking?

No, you're right, it's not unique. I just find it funny that these xenophobic policies are seen as horrible and racist in the west, but normal in the third and second world.
No, you're right, it's not unique. I just find it funny that these xenophobic policies are seen as horrible and racist in the west, but normal in the third and second world.

Does that mean you wouldn't support this policy being applied to actual ajnabis in Somalia?
I support any country's right to maintain native population control. So yes, i support it in Somalia. But i also support it everywhere else.

Btw I dont support regional clan states seceding or these types of laws being applied on others Somalis but I'm just saying its not surprising
The US and Canada are of course exempt from this, since whites are not native to that land :trumpsmirk:

The natives of most countries in the world conquered peoples who were there before them. The cadaans conquered North America, so in my philosophy it belongs to them just as much as Somalia belongs to us. It's not about who was there first, it's about power.


I'm not justifying it, but u saying u were astonished by this is like someone saying they are astonished that two clans could possibly shed blood over a water well. Yeah of course nomads killing each other is sad and wrong, but only someone ignorant of the Somali way of life would be astonished by it. Somaliland is a clan-based entity, so it makes sense they will use xeer to determine who is a Somalilander and who isn't. Somali xeer holds that the child is what ever the father is. As for the wife, since she will become more loyal to her children's clan than her own, she loses her former identity and is regarded as loyal to her husband and children's clan, which is where the logic of stripping her of citizenship comes from. But I do agree with u that it's not right.
Since when was that xeer? You are acting like your Reer Abti means nothing, when it was customary for those who fled to their mothers clan to be protected by them and not handed over.


As i live and breathe
The natives of most countries in the world conquered peoples who were there before them. The cadaans conquered North America, so in my philosophy it belongs to them just as much as Somalia belongs to us. It's not about who was there first, it's about power.

Fair point. At the very least i would say that African Americans also have a right to share some of that power. They have been there since the very beginning, and played a big role in US history.
Since when was that xeer? You are acting like your Reer Abti means nothing, when it was customary for those who fled to their mothers clan to be protected by them and not handed over.

Reer abti means a lot in Somali xeer for sure no doubt. I know they will always give 'magan' and we even have the whole 'inan la yaal' thing. But one is never considered to be from the clan of his mother. And a women married to a man from a different clan is seen as having more loyalties to her children's clan than her own.
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That's an utterly ridiculous and shameful thing to say, don't even give it attention. But now that I've explained that 4 out of the 5 Somali regions require clan membership for citizenship/id cards do u see that Somalilands position isn't unique nor shocking?
I don't think people are picking on SL over this because of malice (at least @MadNomad ) its just the other regions you mentioned didn't choose it, it was forced upon them (I mean being separated from other Somalis).
I don't think people are picking on SL over this because of malice (at least @MadNomad ) its just the other regions you mentioned didn't choose it, it was forced upon them.

Djibouti has for sure, no one forced them. And judging from what I've heard about the attitude of many Sujuis in NFD in regards to other Somalis I'd say they are quite happy that such policies are in place. I've heard a lot of ppl complain that many Sujuis dislike Somalis from Somalia and give them a very hard time, and even at times call the Kenyan authorities on them when they realize they don't have papers.
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Djibouti has for sure, no one forced them. And judging from what I've heard about the attitude of many Sujuis in NFD in regards to other Somalis I'd say they are quite happy that such policies are in place. I've heard a lot of ppl complain that many Sujuis dislike Somalis from Somalia and give them a very a hard time, and even at times call the Kenyan authorities on them when they realize they don't have papers.
I didn't know that, thats sad.

Yeah I just mean historically they didn't come to be separate because they chose it.


I didn't know Issaq men were this insecure about their women, marrying men from other clans. K5 and Puntland will soon be flooded with SL women, running away from rotten toothed, Khat addicted Samosa boys.
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