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Hi dear Muslims. let’s talk about Jins. I’ve been learning more and more about them recently.

Did you know they used to roam the earth before humans were created by Allah?. They were here for millions of years, possibly billions, until Allah destroyed nearly most of them as they used to cause mischiev on the earth. He (swt) replaced them with humans on earth. Iblees was the first jin created just like Adam the first man.

They also come in different kinds and have different powers and some have no powers at all, just invisible to the human eye. Not all of them can fly or walk through doors. They also have races, languages and religions like us.

They still live on earth but are invisible to us and live in certain places like graveyards, deep in the sea, near bin areas, grave yards, toilets etc.

They are also not fond of the human race as Allah favoured us over them.

Interesting stuff. Anyone feel free to correct me on anything or add onto anything they learned about these creatures.
Iblis wasnt the first created jinn. And we do not how many years the jinns were here b4 us


I dare u to show yourself.
Do you know that in order to be a Muslim you must first accept that the Torah and injeel (gospel) are from Allah?
What kind of muslim do you think i am waryaa?
I absolutely know that. But come on why choose that when there is quran the last of the books. Plus do you really believe there are untampered original copies of the torah and injeel $till in existence?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Iblis wasnt the first created jinn. And we do not how many years the jinns were here b4 us

You don’t know that for sure. Only Allah knows who the first created angel and jin are. We only know the first created human as it clearly states so in the Quran. Many scholars do however say iblees was indeed the first created Jin, but only Allah knows that.
You don’t know that for sure. Only Allah knows who the first created angel and jin are. We only know the first created human as it clearly states so in the Quran. Many scholars do however say iblees was indeed the first created Jin, but only Allah knows that.
Which scholars says that iblis was the first jinn? I only said iblis wasnt the first jinn bc, nothing backs up the claim he was. Dont follow scholars blindely ask 4 reference to the quran/hadith.


I dare u to show yourself.
There are Jewish and Christian jins and if you read the bible and torah it bothers them and they could end up leaving the person. Similarly non Abrahamic religion jins might still get bothered by the Torah and Bible because it has some references to God alone. Obviously the Qura'an is the RIGHT way to expel a jin and the only permenant way because the Qur'an is the truth and came after the first two books, to correct the mistakes it's followers put in it and Allah perserved it. That's why you can't expel a muslim jin with the first two books or hardly even permenantly expel a jin with them.

But lets not forget even though the first two books contain MANY falsehoods written by man, it still has some gem of messages in it because it originally came from Allah.
This doesnt make sense at all!!
Dont talk to me about no bible!!
That book is so tampered with , it's not even a joke. And how is a jinn gonna leave a person by just reciting "Leave in the name of jesus" when jesus is a creation himself.
I can understand your jewish argument but i trust my religion more.
Everything that we know exists is made of energy, whether it is energy stored in chemical bonds, nuclear energy, light, heat or other forms of it. Atoms and molecules and mass are all energy. That energy had one source in the beginning and has been conserved ever since, changing from one form to another. There's a ton of proof that the expanding universe started out from the big bang.
Everything we know isn’t made of energy.Dark Energy and Dark matter are exotic materials which we just extrapolated from our calculations.They are not made of energy as they don’t interact with normal matter.All matter contains an intrinsic rest energy according to Einstein equations but that can’t be extrapolated for all particles in the universe.

The existence of Jinns are hard to explain.For example I thought it would be because they exist in a higher dimension but that implies they can evade time which is countered in the Quran.Either the 4th dimension has some other property than time and Jinns affect us through that as we simply look in the direction they are.Otherwise they exist on a wavelength unbeknownst to us or our equipments.

They are made from “smokeless fire” which means they are made of a new material.
Everything we know isn’t made of energy.Dark Energy and Dark matter are exotic materials which we just extrapolated from our calculations.They are not made of energy as they don’t interact with normal matter.All matter contains an intrinsic rest energy according to Einstein equations but that can’t be extrapolated for all particles in the universe.

The existence of Jinns are hard to explain.For example I thought it would be because they exist in a higher dimension but that implies they can evade time which is countered in the Quran.Either the 4th dimension has some other property than time and Jinns affect us through that as we simply look in the direction they are.Otherwise they exist on a wavelength unbeknownst to us or our equipments.

They are made from “smokeless fire” which means they are made of a new material.
:ulyin: OR they don’t exist and they are 7th century cave people’s explanation for psychosis
Interesting, I heard everyone will be able to see each other on that day.

Interesting, I heard Allah sent the angels to destroy the mischievous ones and then humans were created. Then iblees rebelled out of jealousy.
I have heared iblees was sent to destroy the mischievous one and once he did his job he got arrogant


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Allah sent many prophet jinhs to their respective people but were rejected. they lived on earth 2000 years before mankind and went to war with the angles for their sins. The devil believed that if he sided with allah, he would become a leader of the jinhs/ prophet but he fell out of grace with god.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You really love to argue for the sake of arguing. How many times does Allah mention in the Qur'an that he destroyed disbelieving and mischievious nations? Look at the people of the Noah, Aad, Thamud and Lut to name a few. So it makes sense that Allah destroyed those jins that were mischievious and causing trouble and replaced us with them. It also makes sense that they are no longer the only creations on earth and we were created and favoured. Allah knows best why he created us, but it isn't a coincident that he created us after the jins. Allah says in the Qur'an that He used to destroy nations and create better ones so who's to say it isn't the same with the jins and the humans, since they used to dominate the earth, now we do?
Can you provide evidence from the Quran or sunnah to back up your Statement that ibliss was the first created and that Allah destroyed most of the jinn I don’t care about what you think or what others scholars think fadlan provide evidence that’s says just that don’t provide a Hadith and distort its meaning to fit your narrative that’s what the Jews and Christians did:comeon:

I’m not arguing for the sake of arguming this ain’t one of those subject I take this sort of topics very seriously cause you’re speaking about Allah and his creation here.

Noticed I liked your comment in response to @Abaay Abaay cause I wholeheartedly concur the bible and Torah are corrupted yes but they still have jewels of wisedom in there from the most sublime.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What kind of muslim do you think i am waryaa?
I absolutely know that. But come on why choose that when there is quran the last of the books. Plus do you really believe there are untampered original copies of the torah and injeel $till in existence?
Ephesians 6:12New King James Version (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Mark 13:32
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Luke 19:27
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

Proverbs 14:19
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
Evildoers will bow down in the presence of the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Matthew 26:39New International Version (NIV)
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Can you provide evidence from the Quran or sunnah to back up your Statement that ibliss was the first created and that Allah destroyed most of the jinn I don’t care about what you think or what others scholars think fadlan provide evidence that’s says just that don’t provide a Hadith and distort its meaning to fit your narrative that’s what the Jews and Christians did:comeon:

I’m not arguing for the sake of arguming this ain’t one of those subject I take this sort of topics very seriously cause you’re speaking about Allah and his creation here.

Noticed I liked your comment in response to @Abaay Abaay cause I wholeheartedly concur the bible and Torah are corrupted yes but they still have jewels of wisedom in there from the most sublime.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing because I never said Allah definitely created iblees first. I said there are indications of this, but it’s not clear and I provided a Quran quote to support that.

I also provided a Hadith that said jins inhabited the earth before humans and Allah used to send angels to kill them because of their corruption.

No ones gives a shit if you liked my comment. Keep it moving. >>>>>


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hi dear Muslims. let’s talk about Jins. I’ve been learning more and more about them recently.

Did you know they used to roam the earth before humans were created by Allah?. They were here for millions of years, possibly billions, until Allah destroyed nearly most of them as they used to cause mischiev on the earth. He (swt) replaced them with humans on earth. Iblees was the first jin created just like Adam the first man.

They also come in different kinds and have different powers and some have no powers at all, just invisible to the human eye. Not all of them can fly or walk through doors. They also have races, languages and religions like us.

They still live on earth but are invisible to us and live in certain places like graveyards, deep in the sea, near bin areas, grave yards, toilets etc.

They are also not fond of the human race as Allah favoured us over them.

Interesting stuff. Anyone feel free to correct me on anything or add onto anything they learned about these creatures.

Keep it moving kulaha she blatantly lies about Allah and she has the audacity to tell me to keep it moving emotional irrational being provide evidence from the Quran or sunnah to back up your statement don’t make up lies naaya :ufdup:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What do you think you can make up lies about Islam and no one will check you? Motherfuck your emotions provide evidence from the Quran or sunnah or detract the falsehood that you wrongfully attributing to Allah from your statement.


I dare u to show yourself.
Ephesians 6:12New King James Version (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Mark 13:32
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Luke 19:27
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

Proverbs 14:19
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
Evildoers will bow down in the presence of the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Matthew 26:39New International Version (NIV)
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Why are you so hell-bent on proving something i already know?
"Gems" of wisdom kulahaa.
I'll stick to the quran which is in itself wisdom. Why would i want to read the bible and scavenge for "Gems" of wisdom when i can open any part of the Quran and find wisdom in any chapter?
Why are you so hell-bent on proving something i already know?
"Gems" of wisdom kulahaa.
I'll stick to the quran which is in itself wisdom. Why would i want to read the bible and scavenge for "Gems" of wisdom when i can open any part of the Quran and find wisdom in any chapter?

You are right akhi... We shouldn't read their scriptures lest we see something that is true and we reject it or we something that is falsehood and we accept it. The Quran has everything we need.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why are you so hell-bent on proving something i already know?
"Gems" of wisdom kulahaa.
I'll stick to the quran which is in itself wisdom. Why would i want to read the bible and scavenge for "Gems" of wisdom when i can open any part of the Quran and find wisdom in any chapter?
If you know that to be the case then why did you say Christians and jews can’t use their holy books to caste out demons?
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