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Everything that we know exists is made of energy, whether it is energy stored in chemical bonds, nuclear energy, light, heat or other forms of it. Atoms and molecules and mass are all energy. That energy had one source in the beginning and has been conserved ever since, changing from one form to another. There's a ton of proof that the expanding universe started out from the big bang.
As a non believer, where would you say the the big bang came from? Where would the 'energy' to create such a 'bang' come from?
As a non believer, where would you say the the big bang came from? Where would the 'energy' to create such a 'bang' come from?
I'm ready to concede that it came from an all powerful being. That doesn't logically lead to Islam and organized religion in general. Think about it, why would this all powerful creator want to be worshipped? Wouldn't that pointless?
I'm ready to concede that it came from an all powerful being. That doesn't logically lead to Islam and organized religion in general.
What kind of atheist are you sxb if you think a God might have been responsible for the big bang?
You sound confused.

anyways, setting organized religions aside, do you think there is a God out there? Doesn't have to be the Abrahamic God.
What kind of atheist are you sxb if you think a God might have been responsible for the big bang?
You sound confused.

anyways, setting organized religions aside, do you think there is a God out there? Doesn't have to be the Abrahamic God.
No atheist is actually an atheist. I just question everything and it wouldn't make sense to rule things out to confirm my biases.It would be really stupid to say there is absolutely no creator--how the f*ck would anyone know? It is logical and reasonable to judge organized religion and expose it's flaws. I can say with absolute certainty that the Abrahamic god doesn't exist and neither does any other god that humans have ever worshiped. I believe that even if there is a creator, he would have VASTLY different properties than the god we know from the Quran and bible. And I can talk shit about this god and he wouldn't mind.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
@Axmed Xaaji You do know the Qur'an talks about the Big Bang right? There are so many scientific facts in the Qur'an which were there way before man discovered them. So tell me, how did an illiterate man who couldn't read or write invent such things? Surely it was sent down to him by the creator of all?
@Axmed Xaaji You do know the Qur'an talks about the Big Bang right? There are so many scientific facts in the Qur'an which were there way before man discovered them. So tell me, how did an illiterate man who couldn't read or write invent such things? Surely it was sent down to him by the creator of all?
:ulyin: Stop trolling me like that sxb
@Axmed Xaaji You do know the Qur'an talks about the Big Bang right? There are so many scientific facts in the Qur'an which were there way before man discovered them. So tell me, how did an illiterate man who couldn't read or write invent such things? Surely it was sent down to him by the creator of all?
1. It talks about the big bang? Evidence??
2. Scientific miracles? Name two. And make sure they're scientific
3. I'll tell you how an illiterate man "invented" such things when you answer 1 and 2
No atheist is actually an atheist. I just question everything and it wouldn't make sense to rule things out to confirm my biases.It would be really stupid to say there is absolutely no creator--how the f*ck would anyone know? It is logical and reasonable to judge organized religion and expose it's flaws. I can say with absolute certainty that the Abrahamic god doesn't exist and neither does any other god that humans have ever worshiped. I believe that even if there is a creator, he would have VASTLY different properties than the god we know from the Quran and bible. And I can talk shit about this god and he wouldn't mind.
In other words 4billion Abrahamic God worshipers are wrong, another couple billion hindu+budhists are also wrong. Tell me, why are so many people wrong in their beliefs but you, one nigga, is right with 'absolute certainty'?
In other words 4billion Abrahamic God worshipers are wrong, another couple billion hindu+budhists are also wrong. Tell me, why are so many people wrong in their beliefs but you, one nigga, is right with 'absolute certainty'?
They don't think. It's called religion. Religion is defined as "the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices". That should tell you all you need to know. They all believe the same thing and they were all born into it. Very few of them think and the ones that think do confirmation bias. The ones that don't do confirmation bias leave and lol at themselves.
They don't think. It's called religion. Religion is defined as "the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices". That should tell you all you need to know. They all believe the same thing and they were all born into it. Very few of them think and the ones that think do confirmation bias. The ones that don't do confirmation bias leave and lol at themselves.
Everyone has confirmation bias including atheists. Atheists are like religious people they constantly preach about how atheism is the right choice there holy book is a science book they blindly believe in science these are the same people in the 20s and 30s believed that the white race is the smartest race and blacks are closer to monkeys Because there science book told them so I bet in 50 years what we consider as scientific fact will change but atheists blind Faith for science won't
Everyone has confirmation bias including atheists. Atheists are like religious people they constantly preach about how atheism is the right choice there holy book is a science book they blindly believe in science these are the same people in the 20s and 30s believed that the white race is the smartest race and blacks are closer to monkeys Because there science book told them so I bet in 50 years what we consider as scientific fact will change but atheists blind Faith for science won't
I dont do confirmation bias. That's why I don't rule out the existence of a creator. I can only rule things out if I have a ton of evidence and if I can comfortably and logically defend it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The hadith I just sent you gives you the answer to your first question. :noneck:

Your answers are all there. Some of them caused mischieve on earth, the angels came down to fight them which means killing them because angels are stronger than jins. Most of the jin (NOT ALL) were mischievious. You have a problem with the word most miyaa? Okay let's say some. I used the word most because of the fact that the hadith says 'ANGELS USED TO COME DOWN TO EARTH TO FIGHT THEM' shows MANY angels (plural S) constantly used to come to earth to fight them, which means the jins must have been LARGE in number and caused mischieve repeatedly and if it was just a very few Allah would have sent down a few angels and it wouldn't have been constant. Notice I highlighted the s in 'angels' and the ed in 'used to' in red for you. :siilaanyolaugh:

Allah Knows best.

As for iblees being the first jin to be created, I don't know anything about and I shouldn't have said otherwise. However there are some verses in the qur'an like the one I quoted earlier which indicates iblees and his offspring which many scholars say refers to the jin. I'm not a scholar though so do your own research.
‘Angels’ it can be two angels how you can equate that with most of the jinns being killed is beyond me.

You’re wrong ibliss and his offspring are not referred to as jinn they’re referred to as shayateen in the Quran.

Unless you can back your statement with evidence from the Quran or sunnah then it’s just misinformation at best and plain defamation at worst.
Yeah ok but then you're not an atheist but an agnostic
When it comes to the question of "where does all energy come from?", I am agnostic about it because I don't know, and it very well could be from an all powerful creator. When it comes to the question of Islam and organized religion, I am an atheist with a capital A.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
1. It talks about the big bang? Evidence??
2. Scientific miracles? Name two. And make sure they're scientific
3. I'll tell you how an illiterate man "invented" such things when you answer 1 and 2

1. Big Bang

The universe was created in a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, is still expanding today, and billions of years from now it might recollapse by its own gravity with a Big Crunch (or continue expanding forever, Big Chill). The Quran says that on the first day of creation, God made the heavens and the Earth meshed together, tight and compact (Big Bang), continues to expand it into the universe we know today and at the last day God will recompress it into its original state (Big Crunch). About the first day (Big Bang), Allah says:

[Quran 21.30] Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?

In the Quran the Heavens expanded from a single point.

Cosmologists just confirmed the existence of "Dark Energy", a mysterious repulsive force that acts in opposite to gravity. As the distance increases, the attractive gravitational force decreases but this mysterious repulsive force increases. This repulsive force is pushing galaxies apart; the greater the distance the greater the repulsion. Scientists today do not know what this "Dark Energy" is, but they know that it is causing the entire universe to expand at an increasing rate.

[Quran 51.47] And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding.

2. Scientific Miracles in The Qur'an

Miracle One:

More than half your body weight is water. Animals and plants on Earth are mostly water. All life in our universe also needs water. When scientists search for life on exoplanets they only look for planets with water; No water no life.

[Quran 21.30] Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?

Miracle Two:

The embryo attaches itself to the mother to feed, just like a leech attaches itself to a host to feed. Also bones form before muscles. This was only known recently. However 1400 years ago it was all stated in the Quran in the correct order:

[Quran 23.14] Then We developed the semen into a leech. Then We developed the leech into a lump. Then We developed the lump into bones. Then We clothed the bones with flesh. Then We produced it into another creature. Most Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.

Miracle Three:

The skin burning sensation is carried to the brain by nerves. However if the nerve endings at outer skin is damaged no signals would be carried to the brain, hence no burning sensation is felt.

The Quran says that those who will burn in hell their skins will be replaced with new ones every time it is roasted so that they may feel the pain:

[Quran 4:56] Those who disbelieve in Our verses, We will drive them into a fire, every time their skins are roasted We will replace their skins with other new skins so that they may taste the torture. Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.

Miracle Four:

For centuries it was thought that the frontal part of the human brain handled vision (simply because it is near the eyes). Today we know that this part does not handle vision. The part that handles vision turned out to be at the rear of the brain (
see image 1). The front part of the brain is called the prefrontal vortex and is responsible for concocting lies. Pathological liars have more prefrontal white matter:

image 1:

Pathological liars have more white matter at the prefrontal vortex where lies are concocted.


[Quran 96.16] A lying sinful forehead.

Miracle Five:

Water on Earth actually came from outer space, particularly from ice in comets and meteors. When those comets enter our atmosphere the heat generated on entry vaporizes this ice into the atmosphere

[Quran 2.164] ... In the water which Allah sent down from the Heavens and brought with it life to Earth after being dead and gave life in it to every kind of land animal; And in directing the winds; And in the clouds that are enslaved between the Heavens and the Earth; [All these] are Signs for a people who comprehend.

The clouds are enslaved between the Earth and the heavens but the water itself came from the heavens (above the clouds). Here God is not talking about rain (matar or wadk in Arabic) instead God is talking about water (مَاءٍ).

In another verse, the Quran says that water originally came from the heavens (above the clouds) in the form of ice. There are mountains in heaven that have ice inside them; those mountains could fall on Earth making a very bright flash:

[Quran 24.43] Can't you see that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a pile? Then you see rain come out from within? And He sends down from heaven mountains with ice inside them; that strike whomever He wishes or miss whoever He wishes; Its flash almost blinds you.

God sent down from the heavens (above the clouds) mountains with ice inside them!!! The clouds are enslaved between the Heavens and the Earth but the water itself originally came from the Heavens (above the clouds) in the form of ice in mountains. However today we know that this is exact because water on Earth actually came from ice in comets and meteors.

Rain hits everyone (no exceptions) however the Quran referred to mountains: "that strike whomever He wishes or miss whoever He wishes". Of course, the meteor that killed the dinosaurs was the size of a mountain. If we get hit with a meteor the size of a mountain we too will die. It is Gods' choice that we live or die.



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
‘Angels’ it can be two angels how you can equate that with most of the jinns being killed is beyond me.

You’re wrong ibliss and his offspring are not referred to as jinn they’re referred to as shayateen in the Quran.

Unless you can back your statement with evidence from the Quran or sunnah then it’s just misinformation at best and plain defamation at worst.

You really love to argue for the sake of arguing. How many times does Allah mention in the Qur'an that he destroyed disbelieving and mischievious nations? Look at the people of the Noah, Aad, Thamud and Lut to name a few. So it makes sense that Allah destroyed those jins that were mischievious and causing trouble and replaced us with them. It also makes sense that they are no longer the only creations on earth and we were created and favoured. Allah knows best why he created us, but it isn't a coincident that he created us after the jins. Allah says in the Qur'an that He used to destroy nations and create better ones so who's to say it isn't the same with the jins and the humans, since they used to dominate the earth, now we do?


No atheist is actually an atheist. I just question everything and it wouldn't make sense to rule things out to confirm my biases.It would be really stupid to say there is absolutely no creator--how the f*ck would anyone know? It is logical and reasonable to judge organized religion and expose it's flaws. I can say with absolute certainty that the Abrahamic god doesn't exist and neither does any other god that humans have ever worshiped. I believe that even if there is a creator, he would have VASTLY different properties than the god we know from the Quran and bible. And I can talk shit about this god and he wouldn't mind.
So then, you're just a Deist. Not an Atheist.


I dare u to show yourself.
You'll find that other cultures have ALSO adopted ways of combatting that which seems like super-natural and done it with varying succes :)

Your belief that quran-saar is the main defense against the supernatural of Jinn doesn't change this historical and for you personal account:)
Stop quoting me.
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