J1 update (Big Y)! Could some Hartis be relatives of the Yemeni/Saudi tribe Khawlan?


I done y37 it showed im e but i already know my haplogroup is Em281 from 23andme so no point doing big Y

You should wait a few years for the price to drop and do it then. You can help discover the Somali version of E-V16/E-M281.

Somalis tend to have their own version of each sub-clades.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Still scared of doing the DNA test, I am scared I wont get J1 and my Arab daddy wasnt real, ignorance is bliss :denzelnigga:


Hehe, this is ze true Quraysh / Banu Hashim lineage according to an FTDNA project:



the TMRCA is also close to the start of Islam (1,400 years ago).
This matches with theories by scholars on somali studies.
Few arabs refugees came to northern somalia between the 7th century and the 12-13th century. They left a negligible genetic trace because they were very small in numbers and the ancestors of modern daroods became muslim and adopted the arab lineage of those who taught Islam to them. The Darood story may be partially true, but of course 99% of daroods are not true descendants of Arabs. Maybe 1% may have an arab ancestor in the middle ages.


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