High maintenance women

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A clever man will find a way to get out of it. Weak men will call it mind games. We’ve already established that men’s coping skills are nonexistent.

High maintenance is someone who demands for unrealistic things that one cannot afford or expects a lot from the individul. But you lot on here call the smallest of the small things that exist high maintenance. Getting her a box of chocolates will be high maintenance for you lot.

Giving box of chocolate to xalimo is really bad idea. With their lack of exercise and ability to gain wait its the worst thing you can do. If you care for xalimo unless its fruit or vegetables......anything else food related is the worst thing you can do


Engineer of Qandala
Giving box of chocolate to xalimo is really bad idea. With their lack of exercise and ability to gain wait its the worst thing you can do. If you care for xalimo unless its fruit or vegetables......anything else food related is the worst thing you can do

We need to set a weight limit on high maintenance types:mjhaps:



Would you go for a girl that is high maintenance with high standards?

Imagine, she is like everything you would want in a woman, but she is a bit of a princess.

Note: she has a good attitude.

Interested to know what your thoughts are. Are you stingy? Generous ect? The type of guy that puts in effort to secure a woman?.

No gender wars, bashing each other ect.

Girls, feel free to give your opinions.
lol your asking because this description is of yourself. im also high maintenance so we would go together pizza and pineapple


Giving box of chocolate to xalimo is really bad idea. With their lack of exercise and ability to gain wait its the worst thing you can do. If you care for xalimo unless its fruit or vegetables......anything else food related is the worst thing you can do

Qashin :vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0::vqbuyv0:


You expected something here didn't you?!?!?

Would you go for a girl that is high maintenance with high standards?

Imagine, she is like everything you would want in a woman, but she is a bit of a princess.

Note: she has a good attitude.

Interested to know what your thoughts are. Are you stingy? Generous ect? The type of guy that puts in effort to secure a woman?.

No gender wars, bashing each other ect.

Girls, feel free to give your opinions.

NO. If she wants anything its coming from her bank and she ain't siting in front of the PC all day on facebook or chat rooms........... This is why 2D is always better than 3D:snoop::idontlike:
You can work with it if you love each other. She's high maintenance because she has no kids once kids come things could change. She could be high maintenance now on her dime nothing wrong with that. If I was a guy I would love to spoil my wife and kids as long as she's reasonable. No woman Likes a stingy man even if he has nothing effort counts after all we're the once going through labor and crap what else are yall going to do? men these days smh i feel like by default women do a lot real men wouldn't result to complaining about petty things.
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Men has woken up to being used and abused and be told real men do this and that. There is such thing as real men. You are over 18 and has penis you are a man. Period...


Beauty is subjective.

As a man why would you go for a girl you wasn't attracted to?
Beauty is on levels, a Rihanna and a Beyoncé can pull a billionaire like they have, while your average halimo gassed up by her friends on Twitter May not even have anyone checking for her:lolbron: men settle all the time too because it works vice versa you can’t pull a Beyoncé or Kim k with out jay z or Kanye level fame and fortune:mjlol: you think Kanye cares if his chick is a gold digger :pachah1:he just wants the “baddest ”


Have you noticed also that aussie is siffering from cognitive dissonance on one hand he is a feminist a stuanch advocate for womens rights yet when it comes to relationship and romance he is a mgtow aussie dont women have a right to be loved and cherished also treated like a princess swept off their feet showered with flowers candel light dinners kkk

@AussieHustler walal Cognitive had this to say about you


If your high quality and high Matinance it would be expected but a lot of you are gassed up by your friends when your kinda ugly thinking your a ten


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.

Would you go for a girl that is high maintenance with high standards?

Imagine, she is like everything you would want in a woman, but she is a bit of a princess.

Note: she has a good attitude.

Interested to know what your thoughts are. Are you stingy? Generous ect? The type of guy that puts in effort to secure a woman?.

No gender wars, bashing each other ect.

Girls, feel free to give your opinions.

Asalamu Calaykum walaal

intaan ka jawaabin suuashada waxaan rabaa inaad ii sharaxdid "high maintenance" "iyo "high standards", maxaa uu la jeeda eryaashas ?

Waxaan filaya inaad ogtahay qof dhamaystiraan aduunkan majiro sidas darteed qof walba waa in uu is xisaabsha oo gadaal uu eega tilaabo kasta uu qaado si uu saan kibir iyo jahiilnimo waxaa wanaagsan uu qadaan.

Qoys macnaheed waa bulshaad ka dhaxaysa labo qof, sidas darteed waa in la hormariya wixii qoyska uu roon mise uu qimo badan leh. Laakin hadi bulshada noqoto mid faaido uu keenta hal qof kaliya, qoyskas waa mid dhibaato socoto ah, tasna waa laga ficanyahay.
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