Growing up queer soomaali, the hatred in the culture and the way forward

Is being queer/lgbt a choice?

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Weird dude you are! The saudis/gulf countries have contrabuted too islam in terms of spreading knowledge of the deen and in aid more than any other nation on the face of the earth and here we have our people the somalis like you slandering our honarable brethrens beacuse of your dislike with someone out of the arabs beacuse of a personal experience you've had with them or others had with them, the arabs nor any other people dont ow you nothing in this life you take what you need, and being ungrateful is a very disgusting trait a human being can posses

Ma diintaa qabta Arab in la jeclaado? Does Islam teach Muslims to Love Arabs? intaan kaala hadlin xoolanimadaad ku hadashay bal marka hore iga jaahil bixi diin ahaan in Qofka muslimka ku qasban yahay inuu dad ku jeclaado ama ku ixtiraamo jinsigooda keliya?

Anigu soomaali baan ahay marka hore, Carabna waxba isuma keynaan gelin ee taa l asoco,. Diinta uun baan wadaagnaa intooda muslimka sheegata. Haddaad donayso diin Islam inaad ka hadasho, halkaa soo dhig wixii daliil ah. Khuraafaadkana iga ilaali fadlan.

These are the questions you need to answer:

- Are Arabs honorable by virtue of them being Arabs?
- Are they special among other human beings?
- Why do I need to be grateful to Arabs as a Somali individual? Does it make sense even for you tell me to be grateful to Arabs?
- Bring your evidence in light of Islam.
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Samaalic Era

Ma diintaa qabta Arab in la jeclaado? Does Islam teach Muslims to Love Arabs? intaan kaala hadlin xoolanimadaad ku hadashay bal marka hore iga jaahil bixi diin ahaan in Qofka muslimka ku qasban yahay inuu dad ku jeclaado ama ku ixtiraamo jinsigooda keliya?

Anigu soomaali baan ahay marka hore, Carabna waxba isuma keynaan gelin ee taa l asoco,. Haddaad donayso diin Islam inaad ka hadasho, halkaa soo dhig wixii daliil ah. Khuraafaadkana iga ilaali fadlan.

These are the questions you need to answer:

- Are Arabs honorable by virtue of them being Arabs?
- Are they special among other human beings?
- Why do I need to be grateful to Arabs as a Somali individual? Does it make sense even for you tell me to be grateful to Arabs?
- Bring your evidence in light of Islam.
There is a fabricated hadith that to love Arabs is proof of your imaan and to hate them is a sign of hypocrisy.

Another fabricated hadith that they use is that Allah swt speaks Arabic when he is pleased and speaks Persian when he is a angry.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
There is a fabricated hadith that to love Arabs is proof of your imaan and to hate them is a sign of hypocrisy.

Another fabricated hadith that they use is that Allah swt speaks Arabic when he is pleased and speaks Persian when he is a angry.

Istaqfurulaah lol
There is a fabricated hadith that to love Arabs is proof of your imaan and to hate them is a sign of hypocrisy.

Another fabricated hadith that they use is that Allah swt speaks Arabic when he is pleased and speaks Persian when he is a angry.

Just like the Jewish rabbis lied about God and portrayed him as a racist. Go figure. The beauty of Islam is that it does not recognize anyone as the authority in religion except Allah and his messenger. Everyone can read the QURAN for themselves and find out the truth. Some Arab nomad adds no value to Islam by virtue of him being an Arab nomad. Just like every human being from any race is expected to do, Arabs need to conform to Islam and work on their faith. No exceptions.

Everyone has a race and a clan, Arabs are no different. There is nothing special about them. Anyone who claims otherwise can bring in their evidence from Islam and we will see it.

Notice how he told me "I am ungrateful". Caqli qof la addoosanaday ayuu ku hadlay. I am only grateful to ALLAH. That is it.
There is a fabricated hadith that to love Arabs is proof of your imaan and to hate them is a sign of hypocrisy.

Another fabricated hadith that they use is that Allah swt speaks Arabic when he is pleased and speaks Persian when he is a angry.

I checked for this which I check for authentic opinions of the earlier muslims(salafs). They never shy away from writing the truth even if it contradicts modern sensibilities except this case of Arab supremacy. They could not bring themselves to translate that garbage of an answer they wrote in Arabic to English after someone asked this question about Arab supremacy knowing how bad it looks on them and on Muslims. They left it in Arabic and disconnected the link to the English translation.

I read the Arabic reply they gave to someone who asked about Arab supremacy and loving them. They left the answer in Arabic and it was all based on opinions from few sheikhs they quoted. To their credit, they listed the inauthentic hadeeths as well By Albani may Allah have mercy on him. Nothing Authentic from prophet Mohamed pbuh was there in the Arabic answer. Prophet Mohamed contradicts racists and racism in his authentic sayings just like the Quran confirms equality among men and that Allah judges them based on their actions.
One more thing to note, the Somalis who usually peddle the clan bullshit among Somalis are usually the ones who promote this Arab supremacy bullshit. It is as if they see their bigotry confirmed in the fake supremacy of Arabs. Totally disgusting.
Not to demean Arabs but to highlight how Muslims of non-arab ethnicity contributed majorly to Islam, check the ethncity of these Sunni Imams:

Imam Ibnu Majah = Persian, iranian
Imam Bukhari = Persian, iranian
Imam Muslim = Persian, iranian
Imam Abu Da'ud = Persian, iranian
Imamu Tirmithi = iranian

To mention a few of the Sunni Scholars. These are go-to Muslim scholars for Hadeeth. And they were not Arabs. Many names muslims read in Islamic text books are Arab sounding but the ethnicity behind it was never important and they may not have been Arabs. Muslims should differentiate between race and religion. Islam has no race attached to it. Making Arabs among muslims special is un-islamic.


Guul Ama Geeri
Ma diintaa qabta Arab in la jeclaado? Does Islam teach Muslims to Love Arabs? intaan kaala hadlin xoolanimadaad ku hadashay bal marka hore iga jaahil bixi diin ahaan in Qofka muslimka ku qasban yahay inuu dad ku jeclaado ama ku ixtiraamo jinsigooda keliya?

Anigu soomaali baan ahay marka hore, Carabna waxba isuma keynaan gelin ee taa l asoco,. Diinta uun baan wadaagnaa intooda muslimka sheegata. Haddaad donayso diin Islam inaad ka hadasho, halkaa soo dhig wixii daliil ah. Khuraafaadkana iga ilaali fadlan.

These are the questions you need to answer:

- Are Arabs honorable by virtue of them being Arabs?
- Are they special among other human beings?
- Why do I need to be grateful to Arabs as a Somali individual? Does it make sense even for you tell me to be grateful to Arabs?
- Bring your evidence in light of Islam.
The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy. HUJURAT 49.


Guul Ama Geeri
One more thing to note, the Somalis who usually peddle the clan bullshit among Somalis are usually the ones who promote this Arab supremacy bullshit. It is as if they see their bigotry confirmed in the fake supremacy of Arabs. Totally disgusting.
all the believers are brothers and sisters, who are dutiful to one another in this relationship. It hints that there may be quarrels, even fighting, among brothers, which may sometimes arise from rivalry and jealousy. Even if they quarrel and fight with one another, they are still brothers and sisters, and brotherhood and sisterhood require peace. If, despite the fact that there cannot be enmity among them, two parties of believers dispute or fight with each other, the other believers, who are brothers and sisters to them, must "reconcile" them immediately and make peace between them as required by such a relationship. When they are reconciled and have made peace, they must be meticulous in acting according to the precepts of justice. Since quarrels among brothers and sisters usually break out because of rivalry and "jealousy".
all the believers are brothers and sisters, who are dutiful to one another in this relationship. It hints that there may be quarrels, even fighting, among brothers, which may sometimes arise from rivalry and jealousy. Even if they quarrel and fight with one another, they are still brothers and sisters, and brotherhood and sisterhood require peace. If, despite the fact that there cannot be enmity among them, two parties of believers dispute or fight with each other, the other believers, who are brothers and sisters to them, must "reconcile" them immediately and make peace between them as required by such a relationship. When they are reconciled and have made peace, they must be meticulous in acting according to the precepts of justice. Since quarrels among brothers and sisters usually break out because of rivalry and "jealousy".

Thanks for the reminder saxib. I don't object to the bond between Muslims. Arab Muslims are part of our Islamic community. I only disagree with the claim that they are better than others by virtue of them being Arabs. Diinteena qayb kama aha waxaas. Casabiyah waaye sheekadaas.

The correct manhaj is to not hate someone or love someone for any reason other than for the sake of Allah.

Waa ku mahad san tahay wakhtigaa gelisay inaa wax ii sheegtid.


Support interracial love 💕
@Whimsical fanatic

Sxb, I was in mall last week in Melbourne sitting and having lunch with a friend. I could hear a couple sitting behind us with their daughter (4-5) years old and from their accent, I noticed they were Saudis. The wife had niqab and their daughter like all Saudi girls at her age showed her hair. My friend asked me to look behind and then I see two Somali girls with niqab talking to the couple and lecturing them to cover their daughter with hijab. The Saudi guy got offended and told them to mind their own business and them going on and on how they want 'to guide their fellow muslims into the siratul mustiqiim'. When they became a menace and the wife asked her husband to call the security guards, I intervened and told the Somali girls in Somali to leave them alone. They left and I apologised to the family and the first question they asked me, 'were these Somali girls Alshabaabs"? Like these chicks, we lack tolerance. We couldn't tolerate one another because of clannism and caused us immense problems, could we tolerate anyone else?
Is this story true walal? To be me it’s bs.



Burcade badeed was initially began by the same puntlanders aka doqonka’s people who are dabbling with ISIS till the American drones obliterate them, who will miss 1900 trouble makers and aren’t from the Mohamud’s? What’s your intention? @Rehiko put an all wanted sign in bari and Garowe, are you adding one in your hometown Baraxleey? She thought I was like these mj kids when they hear AUM Caaydiid will faint. I hope you aren’t from the tail end like @Crow and screams, ‘I’m mj’

Will you shag me & then marry @Abdalla ?

Walalo it might help if you tag the right people @Reiko. Where you drunk when you wrote this?


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
"but to advocate for the acceptance and the right to engage in these sins is an action of kufr" lets take Ilhan O for example , if you would meet with her in private and would raised the issue with her promoting lgbt rights and later she would respond by saying I know this is wrong and goes against our teachings of islam but im doing it for political motives than she is a mere sinner , but if she answers and says that she belivie that lgbt rights are lawful within islam than she has committed kufr.

Wouldn't such a reason not constitute selling ones deen for a worldly gain ? In islam we have the principle of necessity basically it allows under the compulsion of necessity to do things which would otherwise be prohibited, in order to meet the necessity and save himself from harm.

Nonetheless there are certain conditions that need to be met such as , there is no other alternative in facing the state of necessity other than committing the unlawful act. So the questions that needs to be asked here is whether

1. Promoting lgbt rights is considered to be a necessity ?
2. What harm is being averted by promoting lgbt rights ?
3. Which action causes more harm ? promoting lgbt rights or the harm that would've resulted by not promoting lgbt rights ?
4. Would it make a difference?

As you can see it's not that simple to merely engage in actions that are forbidden by the deen as there are serious consequences. So there has to be valid reasons within the limits of the deen that justify such actions.
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Islam has been static for a while, but in the early centuries after the Prophet's death there was a lot of debate and innovation regarding the shape the religion would take. This period laid the foundation for Sunni orthodoxy, or mainstream Sunni Islam as we know it today. Many aspects of Islamic religion, including not drinking alcohol, opposing homosexuality, etc were not present at the time of the Prophet's death but were rather established as Islamic beliefs by tight-knit schools of deeply conservative religious theologians and jurists who aggressively assumed control over shaping Islam during its early period. They claimed to reach their conclusions through legal reasoning (ijtihad), and used their influence with the masses and the power of their own ideological zeal, in addition to their co-opting of state power (exchanging recognition of the calip's political power in return for the state marginalizing their opponents and giving them exclusive religious power) to sideline other, entirely-plausible (and sometimes more free and humane), interpretations of the Islamic faith that were present at the time. For many centuries they have succeeded in keeping everyone else quiet, but as human beings enter an age of widespread literacy, economic prosperity, and technological access more people will have the time and luxury to worry about moral issues, such as the treatment of homosexual people and non-Muslim minorities and women, and this will start (as it already has) bringing pressure on Sunni orthodoxy to begin grappling with these issues, and reform. And as much as those who cling to tradition love to insist their faith is legitimate because it was what was left behind purely by Prophet Muhammad---in comparison to the supposed corruption of Christianity---anyone who knows any history knows this is not true. The interpretation of Islam has been corrupted by human hands, and there is nothing wrong with erasing the thoughts and opinions of earlier, more primitive and less tolerant men---those reactionary clerics who hijacked the process of forming Islam in earlier centuries--- and reclaim the power of reasoning (ijtihad) to breath life into a progressive Islam that does justice to all.
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a bit late but look at how the somali flag was blasphemed:damn:

i thought all this queer rubbish was sspot trolling ileen they actually have a proper soundcloud discussion


Guul Ama Geeri
Wouldn't such a reason not constitute selling ones deen for a worldly gain ? In islam we have the principle of necessity basically it allows under the compulsion of necessity to do things which would otherwise be prohibited, in order to meet the necessity and save himself from harm.

Nonetheless there are certain conditions that need to be met such as , there is no other alternative in facing the state of necessity other than committing the unlawful act. So the questions that needs to be asked here is whether

1. Promoting lgbt rights is considered to be a necessity ?
2. What harm is being averted by promoting lgbt rights ?
3. Which action causes more harm ? promoting lgbt rights or the harm that would've resulted by not promoting lgbt rights ?
4. Would it make a difference?

As you can see it's not that simple to merely engage in actions that are forbidden by the deen as there are serious consequences. So there has to be valid reasons within the limits of the deen that justify such actions.
I hear what you are saying bro , but making takfeer on somebody is not a easy thing within islam

Islam has been static for a while, but in the early centuries after the Prophet's death there was a lot of debate and innovation regarding the shape the religion would take. This period laid the foundation for Sunni orthodoxy, or mainstream Sunni Islam as we know it today. Many aspects of Islamic religion, including not drinking alcohol, opposing homosexuality, etc were not present at the time of the Prophet's death but were rather established as Islamic beliefs by tight-knit schools of deeply conservative religious theologians and jurists who aggressively assumed control over shaping Islam during its early period. They claimed to reach their conclusions through legal reasoning (ijtihad), and used their influence with the masses and the power of their own ideological zeal, in addition to their co-opting of state power (exchanging recognition of the calip's political power in return for the state marginalizing their opponents and giving them exclusive religious power) to sideline other, entirely-plausible (and sometimes more free and humane), interpretations of the Islamic faith that were present at the time. For many centuries they have succeeded in keeping everyone else quiet, but as human beings enter an age of widespread literacy, economic prosperity, and technological access more people will have the time and luxury to worry about moral issues, such as the treatment of homosexual people and non-Muslim minorities and women, and this will start (as it already has) bringing pressure on Sunni orthodoxy to begin grappling with these issues, and reform. And as much as those who cling to tradition love to insist their faith is legitimate because it was what was left behind purely by Prophet Muhammad---in comparison to the supposed corruption of Christianity---anyone who knows any history knows this is not true. The interpretation of Islam has been corrupted by human hands, and there is nothing wrong with erasing the thoughts and opinions of earlier, more primitive and less tolerant men---those reactionary clerics who hijacked the process of forming Islam in earlier centuries--- and reclaim the power of reasoning (ijtihad) to breath life into a progressive Islam that does justice to all.

Haven't read a single sentence and judged your post as a waste as soon as I saw your username. . Stick to your gaalnimo and clan bigotry in the clan section maggot.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
I hear what you are saying bro , but making takfeer on somebody is not a easy thing within islam

I know walaal which is why i was commenting on the reason that you used as an example and not applying a hukm on anyone. A political motive may or may not be considered a necessity to commit a forbidden act, we looked at it from different angles. You assumed a case where it was a necessity and i did the opposite which is why we ended up having different conclusions.

So that's why it's important to understand that a justification maybe either be a valid or an invalid one and only by further investigation can one find out the correct answer. Which is why i tried to expand on it a bit by mentioning those questions as examples

Furthermore not every Muslim who falls into kufr is a kaafir. There are reasons why a Muslim may be excused and not judged to be a kaafir, for example: ignorance, misunderstanding, being forced, and making mistakes. It's the job for people who are learned and qualified to handle this and not lay people such as us.

It's important to take a holistic approach when it comes delicate matters such as this one which is why i often try my best to stay away from jumping to conclusions etc. This issue is similar to the voting dilemma that arises among muslims in western nations. You'll find some groups saying it's wajib to vote and if you don't you'll be sinning, while others say it's haram and by participating in voting you're committing kufr.

The issue here is both groups are so fixated on being right that they fail to concede that depending on the circumstance they may be either right or totally wrong. They simply apply a general ruling to each and every situation that presents itself which is the crux of their differing.

So walaal all i'm trying to get at is we need to be careful and think things true before we engage with them blindly. At the end of day we will be the ones questioned in our graves not anyone else so it's best to stay clear of any doubtful matter that may risk your akhira.

Hope that was clear let me know if you want me to elaborate further
