Girl I’m talking to went to korea before with friends

Yeah. Brewing shitstorms and getting all the ratings and attention is what internet discussion is all about.
I never cared even one bit about the popularity of my thread, im genuinely interested in the responses.
IN fact most of the arguments have nothing to do with the thread
I do not understand the point in this thread.
The reason I originally asked what is wrong with them going to korea, is because I do not assume you guys are religious, so I would assume your main concern is them partying or doing haram in korea
From that angle I have found most women yes even white women just want to travel explore new places and eat new food and have fun with their friends,they are not getting up to nasty stuff like sexual things or even drugs or whatever, unlike alot of men who like to party and have sex, so from that angle most women are innocent and their travelling is not evil therefore you should have no concern, I know alot of xalimos who never could afford travelling when younger and noone is going with them to another country for a university paid vacation with their friends so they go anyway so they can have fun and not miss out, no bad intentions there.
If you are a religious brother who is strict on wanting their wife to adhere to Islamic rulings to the point that if your potential travels without mahrams and is fine with it then I would say depending on her other redeeming factors and if she is willing to not go on those trips anymore then it is not a dealbreaker, if she does not care about deen that much and will stil go on those trips I would say it is a dealbreaker
Then again most of you guys are not religious enough to be demanding stuff like this cos u don't even lower ur gaze speak good words dont backbite be good to your parents have good character etc etc so u demanding that from a women is stupid.
Me personally if my potential went on a trip in the past unless she regrets it and says she won't do it without a mahram again it is a dealbreaker, but it does not mean she is a bad person
They reformed you into a feminist lmaooo
most men cheat compared to women and when women cheat usually its cos the husband is trash or she wants emotional attachment to something
when a man cheats he just wants ot have sex which is why alt of men cheat even when they have a loyal wife
Not really considering good men get kekked all the time. And sometimes the guy cheats because he fell for another woman. It’s like the haram version of the secret wife that the husband loves more.
Should I be concerned?

Can I genuinely ask .. why do some if not most Muslim men assume when a girl went travelling before … especially with a group of friends… she was out doing God knows what or some sexual crazy nonesense ?
I genuinely would like some men to not always think this way automatically…

She went to South Korea… not Las Vegas or Miami. Although I’m sure there’s ratchet nonsense in South Korea…… don’t let a potentially great woman get away cause you assuming that cause she went travelling… she’s for the streets.
Ghost, mate.
You guys are all strange wlalahi.
As I said .. why assume a woman who went travelling is doing nonsense ?
She could be a lovely woman, who simply wanted to visit a different country, and now insecure men are going to view her differently, smh.

And before any of you guys get at me … I’m usually level headed and try to see things from both sides.
No. Contrary to popular beliefs on ssp, xalimos that travel in groups including to korea are not doing xaram shit like faraxs in colombia. At least 99% of them.

alot of them even do vlogs and post it on youtube.

Sis, that’s why you one of my fav female sisters on here. Muslim Somali sisters going to South Korea .. going to visit turkey … while mandem going to Columbia or Miami lol.
get rid of her. Not wifey type. She will do it again even when you marry her

Where are the men of her family and why did they allow this?

she is out sxb.
How many married women do I know that travel ? And guess what ? When these husbands question it .. they simply respond …

“I pay half the bills in here, so I can do what I want with my money.”
Do you guys realize we not in the 7th century anymore where it was the wild Wild West ? It’s a lot safer for women to go travelling nowadays. It’s just Muslim men, no offence who think this way btw, who assume a woman is a who goes travelling.
u really think women go on sexual escapades out here when they travel?
Insecure men who listen to those channels where they scream at women about what they are think this.
Men who don’t have a healthy relationship with women think this way, smh.
Stop assuming all women are sexual deviants who travel and do nonsense while there.

