Farax 101


I have no mouth & I must scream
I don't hate "Somali men" per se, I just hate the idea that some Somali men have of women. People on this site diss Somali women day in and day out, I am just returning the favour:zhqjlmx:
Say that loud and clear. Don’t hide behind the notion that Somali men are terrible. The truth is we work with what we get.
Yes majority of faraaxs arent shit, but the good ones like me and @Abdisamad3 Should be recognized not karbaashed into nothing :drakelaugh:

I order a good faraax appreciation thread heheheh

Don't say majority brother.. We can't conclude this kinda of things.. The people we've interacted with cannot be categorized as the representative majority for all Somalis.. Now I grew up with guys from all kind of nationalities and no nation is perfect bro.. we are imperfect humans.. Actually the white culture is the worst in my opinion from early age on they start treating their women as sex objects. In the Arab culture the boys are allowed to around but the girls are locked up and closely monitored, then they often get married to their cousins as soon as they reach puberty.. Same goes for the Turkish guys... The divorce rate in the white community is all time high.. Almost 80% of my white friends didn't have any connections to their fathers because he was absent..the current divorce rate where I live is 50% add this to out of wedlock kids which is a wide spread phenomenon around here. So with this in mind how can you conclude Somali men are the worst?


Certified bakhti
Where is feminism when intruders enter the house or evacuating a sinking ship. I don’t how to swim but nobody will look at me twice when my ass is drowning :damn:

They desire a slave naacala not a husband.

A man who dies for them AND cookes breakfast, lunch and dinner while cleaning the
house and naacala tu calyk changes the babies diapers.
I see....
I have no issue with Anyone dissing faraaxs for the most part some of us def deserve it

We poke fun of y’all on a pretty unknown to the common man forum

you put us on blast on Twitter to the tune of hundreds of likes :francis:

Not excusing their behaviour but taking into account the amount of rules and regulation Somali men enforce on women and how controlling some are, you should take it. Also, this is a small forum that tends to exaggerate everything, 99% of Somali women don't spend time on twitter bashing Somali men
Welcome to class of 2020 faraxs!
Please watch these videos it's essential if you plan on getting married.

1. How to clean/tidy house

2. How to cook baris isku karis
This is probably our national dish so you must learn it.

3. How to change a baby's diaper
If you plan on having kids then you have to learn this. It's not ceeb to take care of your baby waryaa.

This is it for now but please do know by learning this you're doing yourself a favour.
Take notes and implement blease and tang you.
I know how to do all that (except change a diaper) but do you?

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Not excusing their behaviour but taking into account the amount of rules and regulation Somali men enforce on women and how controlling some are, you should take it. Also, this is a small forum that tends to exaggerate everything, 99% of Somali women don't spend time on twitter bashing Somali men
Regardless, but tell me you understand there are a lot of decent Somali men who are the opposite of what you describe


Certified bakhti


I have no mouth & I must scream
@Muhammad Bire
@Samaalic Era
@Abdi Caato

Please watch this the husband is very loyal God bless him.

@Nostalgia I ain’t finishing that vid, nacalaa
this nigga looking fly asf bought home groceries and the wife started in about him coming late

Then he get sent to the kitchen to cook while singing about being obedient :damn::dead:

What kind of mind twisting tricks are you playing here
