Dr. Umar Johnson on Interracial Relationship. Powerful!

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Part of the Somali culture is to accept the child of your sister as one of yours. Somalis say "Wiil adeer loo waayay Abti looma waayo". It means when Adeer is missing, There is Abti to replace and take the role. If sucaado has a father with Somali blood no matter how small, then that is even stronger connection to Somalis.

As long as Sucaado wants to be Somali, even if she is quarter Somali, She must find acceptance, that is the Somali way. Think of the opposite and Sucaado was someone who came here solely to bad mouth Somalis and show animosity? You have someone fighting for her attachment to Somalis and all you waraabe children are on her case., For f*ck's sake, the Girl is one of us.
That is not culture but the responsibility of family. That could be most likely applied to all cultures. If your sister for example married a non-somali, regardless of who she married it is your responsibility as their abti to treat them respect as they are family. That doesn't mean that they are somalis.

She has no abstirii and has more non somali blood. She would completely be rejected on the basis of being somali on the first part. OUR CULTURE HAS EXPLICITLY STATED THIS TO AVOID PEOEPLE LIKE HER CLAIMING IT.
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Biracial with no Qabil
are you a troll wanting attention
I never trolled anyone nor did I seek attention. If anything I'm getting mentioned by people and seem to be the topic. There is nothing exciting about me being mix. I see no point of me wanting to draw attention to myself.
I never trolled anyone nor did I seek attention. If anything I'm getting mentioned by people and seem to be the topic. There is nothing exciting about me being mix. I see no point of me wanting to draw attention to myself.
The problem is, is that you claim you are somali when all you have is somali blood.


Biracial with no Qabil
The problem is, is that you claim you are somali when all you have is somali blood.
I will claim my Somali blood with pride. Whether you like it or not has nothing to do with me. You can keep your so called abtiris and run with it. I'm Somali and will be Somali till my dying day.


Biracial with no Qabil
Is this shit still continuing:farmajoyaab:

At the end of the day no one here can stop @Sucaad from claiming Somali.:manny:
They went as far as to call me a troll. When they are the ones who seem to be sniffing my butt.
Damned if you do damned if you don't.
@Kingjames they are even denying your Somali blood when your dad is Somali smdh.
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