Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Tplf only was able to take power in 1991 because everyone supported them, that is not the case today. Tplf did not march through Oromo regions and defeat ENDF, who told you that? They havent even step foot inside the Oromo region. They’ve been defeated in Afar region and are making advances in the Amhara region yes, but they haven’t been able to gain access to the Sudan corridor(their goal), nor have they stopped the blockade on the Tigray region. You are also not considering the fact that they will be spread thin this time around, if everyone from Amhara, Oromo, Afar, etc region is against them then they won’t have the resources to stop them all.

They were majority of EDRF as well with a minority of Amahar. OLA was small and weak like WSLF. TPLF had 100k members, EPLF (Eritrea) had 80k fighters they were the principle force that entered Addis Ababa and captured Eritrea. OPOD were useless movement the TPLF created from Oromo prisoners of war they captured.
shidh man. snake weeye that bakhti nigga meles. we were slowly learning how to destabilize our enemies. meles went from pro somali to invading gedo in 1996.

You think Meles cares about Somalis? When ONLF participated in 1992 elections and won most of the seats they pressed for independence in 1994. The TPLF sent federal troops to arrest and kill their leaders. There was a rift developing within ONLF itself who made it clear they want an Ogaden state thus alienating all other Somali minorities when they opted for the name Ogadenia.

TPLF divided ONLF on itself and then installed a non Ogaden as president of DDSI. Some ONLF joined back TPLF government while others continued fighting in bush.


You think Meles cares about Somalis? When ONLF participated in 1992 elections and won most of the seats they pressed for independence in 1994. The TPLF sent federal troops to arrest and kill their leaders. There was a rift developing within ONLF itself who made it clear they want an Ogaden state thus alienating all other Somali minorities when they opted for the name Ogadenia.

TPLF divided ONLF on itself and then installed a non Ogaden as president of DDSI. Some ONLF joined back TPLF government while others continued fighting in bush.
hal qabiil kaligiis isma xorayn karo from ajnabi. somalis still cant understand that. smh.
hal qabiil kaligiis isma xorayn karo from ajnabi. somalis still cant understand that. smh.
What have other qabils done to fight ajnabi?
If I take up arms and say I will fight will you say I will not join you because you are hebel?
Using Ogadenia or ONLF as scapegoat will not help.

Charity begins at home.

If we changed ONLF to USC or SNM will it be all inclusive? Name is nothing but determination to fight together is.

I didnt see Farmajo condemning masscre of Somali civilians in Garbo ciise nor Ismael cumar Gulleh last time I checked citizens of Garbo ciise are not Ogaden yet ONLF condemened it.
So in reality its more if what is in someones heart rather than parroting fakenews.


What have other qabils done to fight ajnabi?
If I take up arms and say I will fight will you say I will not join you because you are hebel?
Using Ogadenia or ONLF as scapegoat will not help.

Charity begins at home.

If we changed ONLF to USC or SNM will it be all inclusive? Name is nothing but determination to fight together is.

I didnt see Farmajo condemning masscre of Somali civilians in Garbo ciise nor Ismael cumar Gulleh last time I checked citizens of Garbo ciise are not Ogaden yet ONLF condemened it.
So in reality its more if what is in someones heart rather than parroting fakenews.
farmajo is the local governor of the un-au-us colony of somalia. hes a colonial subject.


What about Omer Guelleh? He was silent when his folks were being butchered.You have to understand that he was actually born in Dire daba.
geelle has a crapton of foreign bases. what are ethiopians gonna do to him? hes a fulay and a c5nt. i would be surprised if he ate all the money from the bases with his fat calool.
What have other qabils done to fight ajnabi?
If I take up arms and say I will fight will you say I will not join you because you are hebel?
Using Ogadenia or ONLF as scapegoat will not help.

Charity begins at home.

If we changed ONLF to USC or SNM will it be all inclusive? Name is nothing but determination to fight together is.

I didnt see Farmajo condemning masscre of Somali civilians in Garbo ciise nor Ismael cumar Gulleh last time I checked citizens of Garbo ciise are not Ogaden yet ONLF condemened it.
So in reality its more if what is in someones heart rather than parroting fakenews.

TPLF used non Ogaden minorities especially Isaaq because they knew we had cuqdad for Ogaden role in 1988 that's why Somaliland was at large apposed to ONLF fighters and hand them over for TPLF. It was rather clear ONLF lacked political organization when they choose Ogadenia as a unifying name for DDSI. Despite using Ogaden as an ecopassing name for th entire region ONLF splintered further weakening the movement.






