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I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
I've recently seen many people claim that. In the past they were branded as Semitic, but since that is a language group and with the release of more genetic information and knowledge pertaining to their DNA I see them getting branded as Semitic speaking Cushites? Can someone explain this?
The bulk of their Eurasian ancestry is Ethio-Somali/Hamitic or Proto-Cushitic(whatever you want to call it) which comes from Egypt/North Africa which they share with Somalis. Although, Habeshas do have some Sabean/Semitic admixture which comes from South Arabia.

Essentially, they're just Semitic-speaking Cushites.


the habesha are aessentially semitic speaking agaws,
essentially their western cushites along with the agaws
while somalis are eastern cushites

the bulk of the habesha population are agaw cushties who took in some sabaen admixure that still makes them cushites. for them to be arab the bulk of the population has to be arab with maybe a small agaw input

their still esnetially semitic speaking agaws aka habesha


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this is the genetic make up of habeshas confirming that their indeed semetic speaking agaw cushites with just little arab dna around 25 percent to the somali 15 percent
their still overwhelmingly cushites


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred

this is the genetic make up of habeshas confirming that their indeed semetic speaking agaw cushites with just little arab dna around 25 percent to the somali 15 percent
their still overwhelmingly cushites
This is very interesting wallahi billahi what are the blue purple and pink at Nubian what do they represent?


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
How much of Somali blood is actually negroid or how much of Habesha, Oromo or Nubian blood is negroid or share affinity with Bantu speaking people. People in this forum tend to omit this information. Somalis are basically ancient Nilote plus Eurasian Natufian, but come on you can't possible make me believe Nilote don't share DNA with Bantu??? I am really curious to how much percentage they share with Bantu. I find this very interesting.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
You see guys wallahi my thoughts go wild. So Habesha are basically Cushitic. like 70% that is very interesting. So all this time i was right viewing the Habesha as our brothers and akin to us




They have a totally different look to them, I doubt we’re in any way related these are their rappers, here’s ours


We look different to me:manny:
How much of Somali blood is actually negroid or how much of Habesha, Oromo or Nubian blood is negroid or share affinity with Bantu speaking people. People in this forum tend to omit this information. Somalis are basically ancient Nilote plus Eurasian Natufian, but come on you can't possible make me believe Nilote don't share DNA with Bantu??? I am really curious to how much percentage they share with Bantu. I find this very interesting.
the proto nilotes and west african/bantus shared a common ancestor 50K yrs ago


How much of Somali blood is actually negroid or how much of Habesha, Oromo or Nubian blood is negroid or share affinity with Bantu speaking people. People in this forum tend to omit this information. Somalis are basically ancient Nilote plus Eurasian Natufian, but come on you can't possible make me believe Nilote don't share DNA with Bantu??? I am really curious to how much percentage they share with Bantu. I find this very interesting.
the blue is arab sahib somalis are 85 percent cushites with only 15 percent arab dont worry this is autosomal dna wise also no negroid
our paternal dna is still cushitic

the habeshas are 75 percent cushites with 25 percent arab represented by the tigray a habesha group

nubians are 60 percent cushites to 30 percent arab to around 10 or 15 percent nilotic. their cushites who where cultrally not genetically assimilated by the nobatae after the fall of kush and then later the arabs

today nubians regard themselves as sudanese cushites along with the beja and see an affirnity with the east african peoples like the eritreans
There semites, that’s why they look so different from us (way lighter, shorter, chubby not skinny)
You're the last person on this site that should be commenting on people's physical appearances..



Both Men above have the Hamitic phenotype.

These are Semites:


Nipsey looked fully habesha imo despite being half AA
Yeah he does, talk to these clowns though:farmajoyaab: they literally have not that much Habeshas where they live probably:noneck:
In Seattle we have one of the largest habesha and Somali diasporas and nobody would ever mistake the two:shookgabre:even cadaans:siilaanyolaugh:


@Tukraq Akhi you need to go out more. I only meet dark ass Habesha
hes a wierdo he once said somalis are black negroids
anyhow i think what he means is their is a somali look thats true to a certain extent habashes look like us but i can allways tell who is somali or habesha
but essentially us east africans do look similar as we are of the same race biologically and genetically


Yeah he does, talk to these clowns though:farmajoyaab: they literally have not that much Habeshas where they live probably:noneck:
In Seattle we have one of the largest habesha and Somali diasporas and nobody would ever mistake the two:shookgabre:even cadaans:siilaanyolaugh:

i live in london area with a lot of east africans sudanese eritreans habesha and somalis

i eat at a habesha restaurant and a i cut my hair with the sudanese

some black nigerians walk in to a barber shop imidiately i see how i look like the sudanese guys and he doesnt :drakelaugh:

the sudanese goes as far as to call me brother and contently takes part in calling blacks Madow, i even sing sudanese songs with him

also with habesha in a street full of whites blacks and east africans you can clearly see how east africans look alike curly mariin small nose etcetra

we even closed of an entire area to ourselves:ulyin:


hes a wierdo he once said somalis are black negroids
anyhow i think what he means is their is a somali look thats true to a certain extent habashes look like us but i can allways tell who is somali or habesha
but essentially us east africans do look similar as we are of the same race biologically and genetically
I’m confused as to what’s similar :farmajoyaab: ask @Emily we live in Seattle which has the most Somalis/habeshas in the diaspora every other city has one or the other as a majority(ie dc habesha, Minnesota Somali) and we look totally different even gaalos will tell the difference :mahubowtf: also the thing I’m not understanding is what exactly do we have similar :shookgabre: different hair type, difrent skin color, different eyes, different height, different weight:yacadiim:


I’m confused as to what’s similar :farmajoyaab: ask @Emily we live in Seattle which has the most Somalis/habeshas in the diaspora every other city has one or the other as a majority(ie dc habesha, Minnesota Somali) and we look totally different even gaalos will tell the difference :mahubowtf: also the thing I’m not understanding is what exactly do we have similar :shookgabre: different hair type, difrent skin color, different eyes, different height, different weight:yacadiim:
similar as in the closest to eachother in appearance which is true

i never said we fully look alike even somalis dont look alike with eachother if i stood next to you , can assure you we dont look alike

even blacks dont look alike but their are certain feutures all east africans share
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