African man beaten to death for dating a Chinese woman

Isn't there a shortage of women in China? These Chinese animals probably got mad when they saw a black man with one of their women while they have only their hand to make love to.
But trust me when I say that these indhoyar xoolo would have never attacked a white man like this. They would probably thank whitey for dating their women and laid out a red carpet for him. You know how these pathetic dog eaters are the most self-hating people alive.
Isn't there a shortage of women in China? These Chinese animals probably got mad when they saw a black man with one of their women while they have only their hand to make love to.
But trust me when I say that these indhoyar xoolo would have never attacked a white man like this. They would probably thank whitey for dating their women and laid out a red carpet for him. You know how these pathetic dog eaters are the most self-hating people alive.
Really pathetic race. I couldn’t care less what they think of black people. They need to get out of Africa and leave us alone.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Isn't there a shortage of women in China? These Chinese animals probably got mad when they saw a black man with one of their women while they have only their hand to make love to.
But trust me when I say that these indhoyar xoolo would have never attacked a white man like this. They would probably thank whitey for dating their women and laid out a red carpet for him. You know how these pathetic dog eaters are the most self-hating people alive.

I agree. A white man would have received an applause, and maybe...a second offer to another chinese girl. It is the fact of human reality.
Really pathetic race. I couldn’t care less what they think of black people. They need to get out of Africa and leave us alone.
They really do. I hate how they Kenyans allowed these slit eyed subhumans into our land. I would kick every single one of them out of Africa and not allow them to stay in the continent as citizens. Chinese don't let large amount of Africans settle in their country, so why should they be in Africa?
Plus they're openly racist against anyone who isn't white and despise dark skin. These stupid Bantus let these cat eaters run around in former Cushitic East Africa. That's a fucking travesty right there.
You gotta respect the cadaans. They go china and deal with their chicks. I have never seen or heard this happening to cadaan lool.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
U know White people should be commended for hiding their racism. Imagine if a white man or woman walked around minority and holding their noses with their fingers like Somalis do when they are in ...say kenya or tanzania's public transports?? i have heard horrors
  1. 1.
    a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument.
    synonyms: standing stone, menhir, megalith, sarsen (stone)
    "no one knows for sure who erected these monoliths and why"
  2. 2.
    a large and impersonal political, corporate, or social structure regarded as intractably indivisible and uniform.
    "the dominance of broadcasting monoliths limits local programming"

The very fact that Blacks are a minority, in a Human race of hierarchy and patriarchy, makes them monolith by default. The very fact that their position in the food chain is the lowest makes them a monolith. Identity is deep rooted, and instinct driven in Humans. You can almost predict how a black person would act given, or exposed to a situation. There is a sense of community & loyalty that drives blacks together. A good example is the infamous the Black reality star Omarosa who last year was fired from the White house, & came out with a book exposing Trump, her former best friend. When asked, you betrayed the black community by working for a racist, her response was quote : "Black people are not a monolith" Meaning, she meant not ALL black people shared that opinion. Although one cannot say, YES Blacks are a monolith 100%, i would say at least they are 95%. That is how powerful race and identity is. As humans are not designed to be unselfish. We are programmed to be selfish, look out for ourselves first, and second our family, friends & to a larger scale- our race or community. No human being will choose another human in place of him or her when a choice is required. (Unless other powerful motives like a mother sacrificing herself for her child for example.. U can also claim all mothers are a monolith because they all will kill for protecting their child)

Back to Omarosa, her answer was a bit ignorant and on the defense. The fact that a reporter would ask such a question indicates or assumes Blacks are a monolith. How can you work for a racist as a black woman? Do you have any decencies? The reporter asked. Such questions automatically assumes or at least, expects Blacks are a Monolith.

Ms Basra did u even finish high school... that was extremely messy. You start with a premise and then u give an example that obliterates that premise. Your examples are supposed to support your premise darlin.
You gotta respect the cadaans. They go china and deal with their chicks. I have never seen or heard this happening to cadaan lool.

The only people that would call the white out on his bullshit and to his face is AAs. Every other race treat the white mab like he is god or tippy toe around his bs and that includes Somalians and other Africans. White Men go to Africa and Asia and basically can do as they please. In general AAs don’t play that game. It’s why a white man will prefer Africans over AAs every time.


This is pretty fucked up. But now I have a sensible reason to never go to China. If I wanna see landmarks of the country, I'll look through Google images or go to a museum. It ain't that serious.
Chinese are emotionally retarded, the muthfakas have no conscience what so ever


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Ms Basra did u even finish high school... that was extremely messy. You start with a premise and then u give an example that obliterates that premise. Your examples are supposed to support your premise darlin.

LOL I know, i am realistic., I am not arrogant like u who think they are correct 100%! I used logical argument with examples and an open mindedness of being wrong. :)


People in this thread acting like the Chinese see their black asses as any different than this Zambian brother :ayaanswag:
Try dating a Chinese girl and they will call you a
Yeah right :drakekidding:

Somali brother marry four wives in China


Madows are victims in every fucking country they enter.

Given their behaviour, they shouldn't be surprised why no one likes them.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
It is instinctive to just judge black people. A shocking example in Hadith Prophet Muhammad pbuh told a father who came and ask him if he could recommend a good husband for his daughter. The prophet pbuh said, i have Bilaal ra for you. (a native of Abyssinia) The father asked again. The prophet pbuh answered again the same answer. Until the third time where the prophet had to emphasize--- Will u refuse your daughter a man who has been promised the paradise??? Meaning how can you refuse a man your daughter who has been promised by God to enter Janaah?

Now imagine how deep rooted this racism is. La xawla walaa quwaati


The one-child policy in China has created A LOT of Chinese incels.

There are way more MEN in China than women.

Not surprised they would ch*nk out.
Nail on the head.

Their gender imbalance has skyrocketed violent crime rates and risk-taking behaviors in males, also depression, and an economic imbalance (not enough jobs for them, and for those who do have jobs, they save chronically bc they don’t have anyone to spend it on, therefore it doesn’t fuel the economy).

Trying to fix their overpopulation issue and overselecting for males caused a host of other issues for them. Interesting how a gender gap can cause so many problems.
It is instinctive to just judge black people. A shocking example in Hadith Prophet Muhammad pbuh told a father who came and ask him if he could recommend a good husband for his daughter. The prophet pbuh said, i have Bilaal ra for you. (a native of Abyssinia) The father asked again. The prophet pbuh answered again the same answer. Until the third time where the prophet had to emphasize--- Will u refuse your daughter a man who has been promised the paradise??? Meaning even a black man promised paradise is refused. Subhannah Allaah

Now imagine how deep rooted this racism is. La xawla walaa quwaati
People have a hatred for black people that goes way deeper than their hatred for anyone else. And theres also an obsession with black people.


This was proven FAKE :siilaanyolaugh:
There was a whole thread on it
He just took a picture next to them and people made this fake story and he denied it
They hate your black ass too:gaasdrink:
If they hate us, then it's not because we're "black" as we don't look like Madows, but because we're Muslim and China is Islamophobic.


Nail on the head.

Their gender imbalance has skyrocketed violent crime rates and risk-taking behaviors in males, also depression, and an economic imbalance (not enough jobs for them, and for those who do have jobs, they save chronically bc they don’t have anyone to spend it on, therefore it doesn’t fuel the economy).

Trying to fix their overpopulation issue caused a host of other issues for them. Interesting how a gender gap can cause so many problems.

Do they still practice female infanticide?
If they hate us, then it's not because we're "black" as we don't look like Madows, but because we're Muslim and China is Islamophobic.
When Somalis go to China they are followed around and asked for pictures because they are.... BLACK. The chinese even say “they have never seen a black person before to them”
Literally EVERY Somali that has been to China has experienced this
You think Chinese dont see you as black?lmfao
You are BLACK to them and to most people.