Af Barawani radio station gets banned? But why?

Local authorities of the south west state in barawe locked up staff and closed the doors of a local barawani langauge station.

A debate has started regarding somalias official languages since konfurgalbeed states official langauge isnt somali either. Alot of hypocrisy as to why they wouldn't allow barawanis to have their own langauge station also.

Hateful remarks raging such as barawani aren't somali on fb. Although it's true many barawanis once abroad claim to be Yemenis or Swahili alot of them are proud somalis and they should be respected as such.

What's your take?


Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
If they are not causing problems in Somalia, they should be left alone.

I'd rather live next to barwanis who are minding their business than an ethnic somali who terrorizes and kills his own people.


Cirka Gacan Saarte πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
They jump ship as soon as they come to the west. No time for our weakest links.

All the reer xamar chicks here are dating black dudes. All the reer xamar dudes are dating brown girls. Ask'em to locate Somalia on a map and they'll ask you what Africa is :dead:
They also speak Somali alongside Barwaani. They are not new immigrants. They have been in the country for at least a few hundred years.
Ok but if tht radio channel or channels target their own ppl I am not against
But would non Somalis allow Somalis to do tht In yemen or arabia or any foreigners countries
And why it got banned what reason
Its sad that they are running them out. The diversity is beautiful. Imagine going on a road trip to Barawe and seeing different looking people with their own language as well.

As long as they respect the Somali language and culture, it really shouldn't be a problem. We've lived this way for centuries, and we were functioning. I suppose war and disfunction brings out the hateful side of people. I wouldn't even be suprised if ethnic Somalis like the Maymay are targeted next.
Ok but if tht radio channel or channels target their own ppl I am not against
But would non Somalis allow Somalis to do tht In yemen or arabia or any foreigners countries
And why it got banned what reason

They're being picked on for being an ethnic minority by the sounds of it. Saudi Arabia and Yemen have foreign journalists living their and they're not restricted from speaking their languages.
They're being picked on for being an ethnic minority by the sounds of it. Saudi Arabia and Yemen have foreign journalists living their and they're not restricted from speaking their languages.
I dont mean journalist I meant somalis tht live there I agree ppl shouldn't be restricted to speak their language with their own ppl whether public or not I am not against tht
Just like Somalis tht live in non Somali countries what I mean is do arabs in their countries allow Somalis to have their own TV shows radio and other to speak in their language tht target only to Somalis just like barawi
These folks don’t claim Somalia, some of them migrated to Kenya and threw away their Somali identity. They are a bunch of sell outs. Tell them to kick rocks to kenya.


They have every right to speak their beautiful language, there should be zero tolerance on discrimination. The people of Barawe have my full support:)


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Shouldn't the government be concerned about the local terrorists who are blowing people up. How can Alshabab live freely in Muqdisho while Barawanis who don't harm anyone are getting their radios banned. Shame on NN.
These folks don’t claim Somalia, some of them migrated to Kenya and threw away their Somali identity. They are a bunch of sell outs. Tell them to kick rocks to kenya.

I used to think like you, but now i get it.
Many Somalis outside of Somalia like to tell them they are not Somali. Made to feel like foreigners and during the war, due to having no major qabil backing were abused as they were an easy target.

You don't mistreat people and then act shocked when they turn their backs. Despite all of this, many cadcads and Barwaanis i've come across are ridiculously proud of being Somali and even then people like @Jimmer will still tell them they are not Somali.
I used to think like you, but now i get it.
Many Somalis outside of Somalia like to tell them they are not Somali. Made to feel like foreigners and during the war, due to having no major qabil backing were abused as they were an easy target.

You don't mistreat people and then act shocked when they turn their backs. Despite all of this, many cadcads and Barwaanis i've come across are ridiculously proud of being Somali and even then people like @Jimmer will still tell them they are not Somali.

Barawani are the same kind of group as the Benadiri who had their daughters raped and forcefully "married" by USC militias during the civil war. They even raped their girls in mosques. Who can blame them for not wanting to associate with Somalis.

The way they were treated was horrific.

During the post-1991 civil wars, the formerly privileged status of Benadiri, many of them wealthy merchants, was reversed, as they did not form an armed militia for protection. Rer Hamar suffered heavily from warlord militia attacks; looting of their properties and businesses; theft of women’s jewellery; and rape of girls and women. Most Benadiri fled to Kenya as refugees. A few thousand still remain with their businesses in Mogadishu, Brava and Merca, paying clan militias or privately-employed gunmen for armed protection.45

Benadiri groups info

Benadiri: minority group consisting of urban β€˜coastal’ communities of mercantile Arab descent and common cultural heritage and Islamic religious traditions; they include Rer Hamar (in Mogadishu and the surrounding Benadir region), Barawani (in Brava), others in Merca and other coastal and inland towns, and Bajuni fishing people in Kismayu port and nearby islands.