$50 Million Turkish base in Mogadishu continuing with construction, will train 500 troops at a time

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Young Popeye

Call me pops
Exactly. We don't even need to do anything. One has built the Grand Renaissance Damn which guarantees a military response from Egypt, because water is more essential than food.
Kenya has mortgaged everything from state-owned companies to their own grandmothers.

We just have to make sure that they don't kill us within our own borders (by being responsible for our own security in every town and city,) and we'll be just fine. They'll BEG us to buy Somali Galbeed and NFD once they run out of cash. Plus, they both receive MASSIVE yearly aid from the western economies that in the worst shape.

Patience is a virtue.

Non-muslim run nations dont lose wars while USA is a superpower.. Egypt wont attack Ethiopia, they know better. Ethiopia is basically a representative of USA in the horn, even Eritrea has admitted that, Israel/USA are waiting for Egypt to slip, who do you think was pressuring Ethiopia to build the dam? Somalia will be a poor NATO satellite state thanks to Turkey, which means no more violence but the GDP will be low. If you want to know what its like to be under NATO just refer to Kosovo. If Somalia has oil they will have some mercy on the people and probably even turn you into a Qatar or Kazakhstan, but foreigners will control the government indirectly.
If that's true wallahi he's really stupid but I already knew that.
Sometimes your hunch and instincts better suited to figuring out a situation, rather than looking at something on paper, because after all, we're dealing with humans and human behaviour, which is always more predictable than say a machine.
Sometimes your hunch and instincts better suited to figuring out a situation, rather than looking at something on paper, because after all, we're dealing with humans and human behaviour, which is always more predictable than say a machine.

But to believe that he can be leader of Jubaland, Ogaden and NFD (spread across three states) is just a bit too stupid.
Non-muslim run nations dont lose wars while USA is a superpower.. Egypt wont attack Ethiopia, they know better. Ethiopia is basically a representative of USA in the horn, even Eritrea has admitted that, Israel/USA are waiting for Egypt to slip, who do you think was pressuring Ethiopia to build the dam? Somalia will be a poor NATO satellite state thanks to Turkey, which means no more violence but the GDP will be low. If you want to know what its like to be under NATO just refer to Kosovo. If Somalia has oil they will have some mercy on the people and probably even turn you into a Qatar or Kazakhstan, but foreigners will control the government indirectly.
First of all, Ethiopia is the worlds largest aid receiver at $12 billion annually, straight from Uncle Sam's pockets. Here's where it gets funny.

There is no such thing as a single Super-power. We now live in a multi-polar world and the paradigm has shifted to alliances. Russia-China-Iran-India are now the leading military powers in the world. Russia runs Eurasia, China east Asia, India south Asia and joint central Asia with Russia and China.

The EU just promised, a week ago, another $2-3 billion in aid to Ethiopia.

Israel HATES ethiopians. Let's get that straight. They consider you lower animals, I know, I've known many Israeli's in my time. Famous ones that proclaim to be your friends publicly on top of that.

The U.S has the highest debt in the history of mankind, and that bubble will burst once they raise the interest rates in December which are tied to the derivatives bubble on the black books of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, even German Deutsche Bank as we're all seen in the news.

You can't live on aid forever, buddy. Your country uses all it's aid for Tigray elite. Economic growth without sufficient jobs and 100 million mouths to feed, plus forcing Egypt, Saudi AND Israel to take you out, because they ALL depend on the Nile.

Good luck surviving. You and the Kenyans both put up Somali oil as collateral. Good luck repaying that. You're now undergoing a little CIA contributed colour revolution.

Tigray's think they'll be safe in DC and London, all your assets will be seized once the Oromas and Amhara's initiate cases at the Hague under the new Basel III rules that came into force this week.
Non-muslim run nations dont lose wars while USA is a superpower.. Egypt wont attack Ethiopia, they know better. Ethiopia is basically a representative of USA in the horn, even Eritrea has admitted that, Israel/USA are waiting for Egypt to slip, who do you think was pressuring Ethiopia to build the dam? Somalia will be a poor NATO satellite state thanks to Turkey, which means no more violence but the GDP will be low. If you want to know what its like to be under NATO just refer to Kosovo. If Somalia has oil they will have some mercy on the people and probably even turn you into a Qatar or Kazakhstan, but foreigners will control the government indirectly.

Egypt already said that they won't invade and they won't, you're right.

It's really funny how all the TPLF barbarism in Somalia and against Somalis was met with pacifism from Somalis in power, I don't know if it's accidental or planned on SFG's side. They can't add us to 'Eritrea and Egypt are threatening us' no matter how many far back the grievances go because our government has bent over so far that TPLF have more influence than they do. TPLF only have Al Shabab as an aid bargaining pawn and they'v never attacked Ethiopia but have attacked Somalia over 330 times.
Just to put it into perspective for you. This is the real debt, but they haven't mentioned the "investment bank black books and ledgers."


The black book derivatives debt for the U.S alone....is over get this, $1 Quadrillion. Meaning, it can NEVER be re-payed, only prolonged by printing more debt and continuing with the various Quantitative Easing programs. U.S is about to start another Q.E phase, which will lower the value of the dollar.

ethiopia get's $12 billion in aid, every year to play Mall Cop in the horn. Forget about the bubble, forget about the interest rates. Let's focus ONLY on the Q.E effect on the dollar. If the dollar loses 20% value + steady and lower oil due to shrinking U.S oil demands, + increased shale oil output which further lowers oil value, which again comes back and lowers the dollar, + the Chinese knocking on the doorstep for their payments for trains etc.

+ Oromo's (with the help of saudi/israel/Egypt/U.S learning the art of burning down ALL the foreign factories and business (which ethiopia took on credit after guaranteeing political and military control.

After all that, tell me, How much less raw meat can ethiopia afford per year?
That was the first nail in the coffin of the empire and we didn't have to lift a finger then either :russ:
Allah always has everything planned. How dumb can you be, to literally turn off the water supply of Egypt/Saudi/Jordan/Israel at the same damn time...That can only be a divinely ordained mistake.
Allah always has everything planned. How dumb can you be, to literally turn off the water supply of Egypt/Saudi/Jordan/Israel at the same damn time...That can only be a divinely ordained mistake.

Allah is the Greatest. They plan, but so does He, The Greatest of Planners.

Israel and Jordan have a water shortage too. Ethiopians are not capable of assessing dangers to their state at all. :ileycry:


I got boomer connections
Good the skinnies should take advantage of this opportunity to highly train federal troops who are free of corruption and secure the country from the neighboring wolf's. This is good chance. We will tax the Turks also and all other Africans who will be going under training in this base.
Allah is the Greatest. They plan, but so does He, The Greatest of Planners.

Israel and Jordan have a water shortage too. Ethiopians are not capable of assessing dangers to their state at all. :ileycry:
They messed up big time, thinking that as long as they kill Somalis and intimidate Oromo's + amhara's, they'll get a pass for everything. They thought wrong.

ethiopians have even started small scales conflict by doing raids into kenya and killing police officers and burning stations waaaay too deep into kenyan territory. That defense pact is more fragile than a snow flake. Scarcity+desperation will destroy all rational and feelings of loyalty amongst states.
Good the skinnies should take advantage of this opportunity to highly train federal troops who are free of corruption and secure the country from the neighboring wolf's. This is good chance. We will tax the Turks also and all other Africans who will be going under training in this base.

I don't know where you've been but the neighboring wolves's armies have been in our country for over a decade, even tried to steal our territorial waters.
Good the skinnies should take advantage of this opportunity to highly train federal troops who are free of corruption and secure the country from the neighboring wolf's. This is good chance. We will tax the Turks also and all other Africans who will be going under training in this base.
Bang on.

That's how you play the game on the international stage. The day any country gets a base on the border with Somali galbeed, comes the K.O for the cannibals.
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Good the skinnies should take advantage of this opportunity to highly train federal troops who are free of corruption and secure the country from the neighboring wolf's. This is good chance. We will tax the Turks also and all other Africans who will be going under training in this base.
They're here to stay, might as well turn them against the habashi. You'll be seeing two more bases pop up in the next 3 months all around the country. All those events are linked. = trouble for habashi.


I got boomer connections
I don't know where you've been but the neighboring wolves's armies have been in our country for over a decade, even tried to steal our territorial waters.

Yup that is why we need to take advantage of opportunities like this. Turkey on our side we can easily brush of this struggling themselves African countries. Of course with no corruption.
I don't know where you've been but the neighboring wolves's armies have been in our country for over a decade, even tried to steal our territorial waters.
He's on to something. Getting the Madow out is as easy as cutting 20% of their funding as proven recently with Uganda crying.

The EU, are partners of Egypt/Saudi/Jordan/Israel/Turkey (NATO.)

Getting them out is going to be easy, either a pay cut for amisom, or just sit back and watch their own internal chaos demand all personnel to be ordered home to maintain order.
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