20 year old female and not allowed to travel!!


The folly of living in the west, my own sisters never even dared to bring this up out of sheer fear alone, let alone argue about it as she is.

The solution to this problem would be early marriage as per prophetic advice which we of course don't follow out of love of dunya

The result is as you see today, fitnah and fasaad everywhere, the more you cage them, the more depraved and hoeish they get.

It's like what happens to those celibate priests or monks, the further you push it down, the harder it comes back up, as a result their depravity morphs into a malignant sickness were they begin to lust after young boys.

I knew of a girl that was so protected she ended up exposing herself on the internet with Kufars as a form of release.

If you are not willing to follow the prophetic sunnah which is a cure for all of this especially in the west, you have no hope.

How a father who has control over his household allows a 20 year old daughter to be free and unmarried, is the highest form of dayuuthnimo.

Then again I am reminded how in our communities in the diaspora the accursed mother's run the show, the girl didn't even mention her father in that diatribe.

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